Here’s the exit.
There’s a kind of game here on Less Wrong.
It’s the kind of game that’s a little rude to point out. Part of how it works is by not being named.
Or rather, attempts to name it get dissected so everyone can agree to continue ignoring the fact that it’s a game.
So I’m going to do the rude thing. But I mean to do so gently. It’s not my intention to end the game. I really do respect the right for folk to keep playing it if they want.
Instead I want to offer an exit to those who would really, really like one.
I know I really super would have liked that back in 2015 & 2016. That was the peak of my hell in rationalist circles.
I’m watching the game intensify this year. Folk have been talking about this a lot. How there’s a ton more talk of AI here, and a stronger tone of doom.
I bet this is just too intense for some folk. It was for me when I was playing. I just didn’t know how to stop. I kind of had to break down in order to stop. All the way to a brush with severe depression and suicide.
And it also ate parts of my life I dearly, dearly wish I could get back.
So, in case this is audible and precious to some of you, I’d like to point a way to ease.
The Apocalypse Game
The upshot is this:
You have to live in a kind of mental illusion to be in terror of the end of the world.
Illusions don’t look on the inside like illusions. They look like how things really are.
Part of how this one does the “daughter’s arm” thing is by redirecting attention to facts and arguments.
“Here’s why the argument about AI makes sense.”
“Do you have some alternative view of what will happen? How do you address XYZ?”
“What makes it an ‘illusion’? I challenge that framing because it dismisses our ability to analyze and understand yada yada.”
None of this is relevant.
I’m pointing at something that comes before these thoughts. The thing that fuels the fixation on the worldview.
I also bet this is the thing that occasionally drives some people in this space psychotic, depressed, or into burnout.
The basic engine is:
There’s a kind of underlying body-level pain. I would tag this as “emotional pain” but it’s important to understand that I really am pointing at physical sensations.
The pain is kind of stored and ignored. Often it arose from a very young age but was too overwhelming, so child-you found methods of distraction.
This is the basic core of addiction. Addictions are when there’s an intolerable sensation but you find a way to bear its presence without addressing its cause. The more that distraction becomes a habit, the more that’s the thing you automatically turn to when the sensation arises. This dynamic becomes desperate and life-destroying to the extent that it triggers a red queen race.
A major unifying flavor of the LW attractor is intense thought as an addictive distraction. And the underlying flavor of pain that fuels this addiction is usually some variation of fear.
In not-so-coincidental analogy to uFAI, these distracting thoughts can come to form autonomous programs that memetically evolve to have something like survival and reproductive instincts — especially in the space between people as they share and discuss these thoughts with each other.
The rationalist memeplex focuses on AI Ragnarok in part because it’s a way for the intense thought to pull fuel from the underlying fear.
In this case, the search for truth isn’t in service to seeing reality clearly. The logic of economic races to the bottom, orthogonality, etc. might very well be perfectly correct.
But these thoughts are also (and in some cases, mostly) in service to the doomsday meme’s survival.
But I know that thinking of memes as living beings is something of an ontological leap in these parts. It’s totally compatible with the LW memeplex, but it seems to be too woo-adjacent and triggers an unhelpful allergic response.
So I suggested a reframe at the beginning, which I’ll reiterate here:
Your body’s fight-or-flight system is being used as a power source to run a game, called “OMG AI risk is real!!!”
And part of how that game works is by shoving you into a frame where it seems absolutely fucking real. That this is the truth. This is how reality just is.
And this can be fun!
And who knows, maybe you can play this game and “win”. Maybe you’ll have some kind of real positive impact that matters outside of the game.
But… well, for what it’s worth, as someone who turned off the game and has reworked his body’s use of power quite a lot, it’s pretty obvious to me that this isn’t how it works. If playing this game has any real effect on the true world situation, it’s to make the thing you’re fearing worse.
(…which is exactly what’s incentivized by the game’s design, if you’ll notice.)
I want to emphasize — again — that I am not saying that AI risk isn’t real.
I’m saying that really, truly orienting to that issue isn’t what LW is actually about.
That’s not the game being played here. Not collectively.
But the game that is being played here absolutely must seem on the inside like that is what you’re doing.
Ramping Up Intensity
When Eliezer rang the doom bell, my immediate thought was:
“Ah, look! The gamesmaster has upped the intensity. Like preparing for a climax!”
I mean this with respect and admiration. It’s very skillful. Eliezer has incredible mastery in how he weaves terror and insight together.
And I don’t mean this at all to dismiss what he’s saying. Though I do disagree with him about overall strategy. But it’s a sincere disagreement, not a “Oh look, what a fool” kind of thing.
What I mean is, it’s a masterful move of making the game even more awesome.
(…although I doubt he consciously intended it that way!)
I remember when I was in the thick of this AI apocalypse story, everything felt so… epic. Even questions of how CFAR dealt with garbage at its workshops seemed directly related to whether humanity would survive the coming decades. The whole experience was often thrilling.
And on the flipside, sometimes I’d collapse. Despair. “It’s too much” or “Am I even relevant?” or “I think maybe we’re just doomed.”
These are the two sort of built-in physiological responses to fight-or-flight energy: activation, or collapse.
(There’s a third, which is a kind of self-holding. But it has to be built. Infants aren’t born with it. I’ll point in that direction a bit later.)
In the spirit of feeling rationally, I’d like to point out something about this use of fight-or-flight energy:
If your body’s emergency mobilization systems are running in response to an issue, but your survival doesn’t actually depend on actions on a timescale of minutes, then you are not perceiving reality accurately.
Which is to say: If you’re freaked out but rushing around won’t solve the problem, then you’re living in a mental hallucination. And it’s that hallucination that’s scaring your body.
Again, this isn’t to say that your thoughts are incorrectly perceiving a future problem.
But if it raises your blood pressure or quickens your breath, then you haven’t integrated what you’re seeing with the reality of your physical environment. Where you physically are now. Sitting here (or whatever) reading this text.
So… folk who are wringing their hands and feeling stressed about the looming end of the world via AI?
Y’all are hallucinating.
If you don’t know what to do, and you’re using anxiety to power your minds to figure out what to do…
…well, that’s the game.
The real thing doesn’t work that way.
But hey, this sure is thrilling, isn’t it?
As long as you don’t get stuck in that awful collapse space, or go psychotic, and join the fallen.
But the risk of that is part of the fun, isn’t it?
A brief interlude before I name the exit.
I want to emphasize again that I’m not trying to argue anyone out of doing this intense thing.
The issue is that this game is way, way out of range for lots of people. But some of those people keep playing it because they don’t know how to stop.
And they often don’t even know that there’s something on this level to stop.
You’re welcome to object to my framing, insist I’m missing some key point, etc.
Frankly I don’t care.
I’m not writing this to engage with the whole space in some kind of debate about AI strategy or landscape or whatever.
I’m trying to offer a path to relief to those who need it.
That no, this doesn’t have to be the end of the world.
And no, you don’t have to grapple with AI to sort out this awful dread.
That’s not where the problem really is.
I’m not interested in debating that. Not here right now.
I’m just pointing out something for those who can, and want to, hear it.
Land on Earth and Get Sober
So, if you’re done cooking your nervous system and want out…
…but this AI thing gosh darn sure does look too real to ignore…
…what do you do?
My basic advice here is to land on Earth and get sober.
The thing driving this is a pain. You feel that pain when you look out at the threat and doom of AI, but you cover it up with thoughts. You pretend it’s about this external thing.
I promise, it isn’t.
I know. I really do understand. It really truly looks like it’s about the external thing.
But… well, you know how when something awful happens and gets broadcast (like the recent shooting), some people look at it with a sense of “Oh, that’s really sad” and are clearly impacted, while others utterly flip their shit?
Obviously the difference there isn’t in the event, or in how they heard about it. Maybe sometimes, but not mostly.
The difference is in how the event lands for the listener. What they make it mean. What bits of hidden pain are ready to be activated.
You cannot orient in a reasonable way to something that activates and overwhelms you this way. Not without tremendous grounding work.
So rather than believing the distracting thoughts that you can somehow alleviate your terror and dread with external action…
…you’ve got to stop avoiding the internal sensation.
When I talked earlier about addiction, I didn’t mean that just as an analogy. There’s a serious withdrawal experience that happens here. Withdrawal from an addiction is basically a heightening of the intolerable sensation (along with having to fight mechanical habits of seeking relief via the addictive “substance”).
So in this case, I’m talking about all this strategizing, and mental fixation, and trying to model the AI situation.
I’m not saying it’s bad to do these things.
I’m saying that if you’re doing them as a distraction from inner pain, you’re basically drunk.
You have to be willing to face the awful experience of feeling, in your body, in an inescapable way, that you are terrified.
I sort of want to underline that “in your body” part a bazillion times. This is a spot I keep seeing rationalists miss — because the preferred recreational drug here is disembodiment via intense thinking. You’ve got to be willing to come back, again and again, to just feeling your body without story. Notice how you’re looking at a screen, and can feel your feet if you try, and are breathing. Again and again.
It’s also really, really important that you do this kindly. It’s not a matter of forcing yourself to feel what’s present all at once. You might not even be able to find the true underlying fear! Part of the effect of this particular “drug” is letting the mind lead. Making decisions based on mental computations. And kind of like minds can get entrained to porn, minds entrained to distraction via apocalypse fixation will often hide their power source from their host.
(In case that was too opaque for you just yet, I basically just said “Your thoughts will do what they can to distract you from your true underlying fear.” People often suddenly go blank inside when they look inward this way.)
So instead of trying to force it all at once, it’s a matter of titrating your exposure. Noticing that AI thoughts are coming up again, and pausing, and feeling what’s going on in your body. Taking a breath for a few seconds. And then carrying on with whatever.
This is slow work. Unfortunately your “drug” supply is internal, so getting sober is quite a trick.
But this really is the exit. As your mind clears up… well, it’s very much like coming out of the fog of a bender and realizing that no, really, those “great ideas” you had just… weren’t great. And now you’re paying the price on your body (and maybe your credit card too!).
There are tons of resources for this kind of direction. It gets semi-independently reinvented a lot, so there are lots of different names and frameworks for this. One example that I expect to be helpful for at least some LWers who want to land on Earth & get sober is Irene Lyon, who approaches this through a “trauma processing” framework. She offers plenty of free material on YouTube. Her angle is in the same vein as Gabor Maté and Peter Levine.
But hey, if you can feel the thread of truth in what I’m saying and want to pursue this direction, but you find you can’t engage with Irene Lyon’s approach, feel free to reach out to me. I might be able to find a different angle for you. I want anyone who wants freedom to find it.
But… but Val… what about the real AI problem?!
Okay, sure. I’ll say a few words here.
…although I want to point out something: The need to have this answered is coming from the addiction to the game. It’s not coming from the sobriety of your deepest clarity.
That’s actually a complete answer, but I know it doesn’t sound like one, so I’ll say a little more.
Yes, there’s a real thing.
And yes, there’s something to do about it.
But you’re almost certainly not in a position to see the real thing clearly or to know what to do about it.
And in fact, attempts to figure the real thing out and take action from this drunk gamer position will make things worse.
(I hesitate to use the word “worse” here. That’s not how I see it. But I think that’s how it translates to the in-game frame.)
This is what Buddhists should have meant (and maybe did/do?) when they talk about “karma”. How deeply entangled in this game is your nervous system? Well, when you let that drive how you interact with others, their bodies get alarmed in similar ways, and they get more entangled too.
Memetic evolution drives how that entangling process happens on large scales. When that becomes a defining force, you end up with self-generating pockets of Hell on Earth.
This recent thing with FTX is totally an example. Totally. Threads of karma/trauma/whatever getting deeply entangled and knotted up and tight enough that large-scale flows of collective behavior create an intensely awful situation.
You do not solve this by trying harder. Tugging the threads harder.
In fact, that’s how you make it worse.
This is what I meant when I said that actually dealing with AI isn’t the true game in LW-type spaces, even though it sure seems like it on the inside.
It’s actually helpful to the game for the situation to constantly seem barely maybe solvable but to have major setbacks.
And this really can arise from having a sincere desire to deal with the real problem!
But that sincere desire, when channeled into the Matrix of the game, doesn’t have any power to do the real thing. There’s no leverage.
The real thing isn’t thrilling this way. It’s not epic.
At least, not any more epic than holding someone you love, or taking a stroll through a park.
To oversimplify a bit: You cannot meaningfully help with the real thing until you’re sober.
Now, if you want to get sober and then you roll up your sleeves and help…
…well, fuck yeah! Please. Your service would be a blessing to all of us. Truly. We need you.
But it’s gotta come from a different place. Tortured mortals need not apply.
And frankly, the reason AI in particular looks like such a threat is because you’re fucking smart. You’re projecting your inner hell onto the external world. Your brilliant mind can create internal structures that might damn well take over and literally kill you if you don’t take responsibility for this process. You’re looking at your own internal AI risk.
I hesitate to point that out because I imagine it creating even more body alarm.
But it’s the truth. Most people wringing their hands about AI seem to let their minds possess them more and more, and pour more & more energy into their minds, in a kind of runaway process that’s stunningly analogous to uFAI.
The difference is, you don’t have to make the entire world change in order to address this one.
You can take coherent internal action.
You can land on Earth and get sober.
That’s the internal antidote.
It’s what offers relief — eventually.
And from my vantage point, it’s what leads to real hope for the world.
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I think this post is emblematic of the problem I have with most of Val’s writing: there are useful nuggets of insight here and there, but you’re meant to swallow them along with a metric ton of typical mind fallacy, projection, confirmation bias, and manipulative narrativemancy.
Elsewhere, Val has written words approximated by ~”I tried for years to fit my words into the shape the rationalists wanted me to, and now I’ve given up and I’m just going to speak my mind.”
This is what it sounds like when you are blind to an important distinction. Trying to hedge magic things that you do not grok, engaging in cargo culting. If it feels like tediously shuffling around words and phrases that all mean exactly the same thing, you’re missing the vast distances on the axis that you aren’t perceiving.
The core message of “hey, you might well be caught up in a false narrative that is doing emotional work for you via providing some sense of meaning or purpose and yanking you around by your panic systems, and recognizing that fact can allow you to do anything else” is a good one, and indeed it’s one that many LessWrongers need. It’s even the sort of message that needs some kind of shock along with it, to make readers go “oh shit, that might actually be me.”
But that message does not need to come along with a million little manipulations. That message isn’t improved by attempts to hypnotize the audience, or set up little narrative traps.
e.g. starting with “There’s a kind of game, here, and it’s rude to point out, and you’re not supposed to name it, but I’m going to.” <—I’m one of the cool ones who sees the Matrix! I’m brave and I’m gonna buck the rules! (Reminiscent of a right-wing radio host going “you get punished if you say X” and then going on to spend twenty minutes on X without being punished. It’s a cheap attempt to inflate the importance of the message and the messenger.)
e.g. “I really do respect the right for folk to keep playing it if they want” <—More delegitimization, more status moves. A strong implication along the lines of “the illusion that I, Val, have correctly identified is the only thing happening here.” Not even a token acknowledgement of the possibility that perhaps some of it is not this particular game; no thought given to the possibility that maybe Val is flawed in a way that is not true of all the other LWers. Like the Mythbusters leaping from “well, we couldn’t recreate it” to “therefore, it’s impossible and it never happened, myth BUSTED.”
(I’m really really really tired of the dynamic where someone notices that they’ve been making Mistake X for many years and then just presumes that everyone else is, too, and just blind to it in the same way that they themselves were. It especially rankles when they’re magnanimous about it.)
e.g. “You have to live in a kind of mental illusion to be in terror of the end of the world.” <—More projection, more typical minding, more ~”I’ve comprehended all of the gears here and there’s no way anything else could lead to appropriate terror of the end of the world. The mistake I made is the mistake everyone’s making (but don’t worry, I’m here to guide you out with my superior wisdom, being as I am ahead of you on this one.” See also the actual quote “for what it’s worth, as someone who turned off the game and has reworked his body’s use of power quite a lot, it’s pretty obvious to me that this isn’t how it works,” which, like basically everything else here, is conspicuously missing a pretty damn important for me. The idea that other people might be doing something other than what Val comprehends seems literally not to occur to him.
e.g. “I mean this with respect and admiration. It’s very skillful. Eliezer has incredible mastery in how he weaves terror and insight together.” <—Look! See how I’m above it all, and in a position to evaluate what’s going on? Pay no attention to the fact that this incidentally raises my apparent status, btw.
e.g. “In case that was too opaque for you just yet, I basically just said ‘Your thoughts will do what they can to distract you from your true underlying fear.’ … This is slow work. Unfortunately your ‘drug’ supply is internal, so getting sober is quite a trick.” <—If your experience doesn’t match my predictions, it’s because you’re unskillful, and making [mistake]...but don’t worry, with my “yet” I will subtly imply that if you just keep on listening to my voice, you will eventually see the light. Pay no attention to the fully general counterevidence-dismissing system I’m setting up.
Again, it’s a shame, because bits like “If your body’s emergency mobilization systems are running in response to an issue, but your survival doesn’t actually depend on actions on a timescale of minutes, then you are not perceiving reality accurately” are well worth considering. But the essay sort of forces you to step into Val’s (broken, self-serving, overconfident) frame in order to catch those nuggets. And, among readers who are consciously wise or unconsciously allergic to the sort of manipulation he’s trying to pull, many of them will simply bounce off the thing entirely, and not catch those useful nuggets.
It didn’t have to be this way. It didn’t have to be arrogant and project-y and author-elevating and oh-so-cynical-and-aloof. There’s another version of this essay out there in possibility space that contains all of the good insights and none of the poison.
But that’s not what we got. Instead, we got a thing that (it seems to me (though I could be wrong)) had the net effect of marginally shifting LW’s discourse in the wrong direction, by virtue of being a popular performance piece wrapped around an actually useful insight or two. It normalizes a kind of sloppy failure-to-be-careful-and-clear that is antithetical to the mission of becoming less wrong. I think this essay lowered the quality of thinking on the site, even as it performed the genuinely useful service of opening some eyes to the problem Val has identified.
(Because no, of course Val was not alone in this issue, it really is a problem that affects Lots Of Humans, it’s just not the only thing going on. Some humans really do just … not have those particular flaws. When you’re colorblind, you can’t see that there are colors that you can’t see, and so it’s hard to account for them, especially if you’re not even bothering to try.)
I’ve been reflecting on this since it was posted. Coming back to it from time to time.
I just wanted to make a note saying: received. I believe I see your point, and I’ve been taking it in.
(I also disagree with some of the narrativemancy you employ here about me. It’s difficult for me to publicly agree with anything in your comment here because of a similar mechanism that you’re objecting to in the OP. I wish I didn’t need to add this note. I’d rather just say “I’m hearing something meaningful in what you’re saying and have been taking it in.” That’s the part that matters. But I can do so only if I also register that I very much disagree with your model of what I was trying to do, and in some cases I strongly disagree with your analysis of what I was in fact doing. Thankfully I can still learn from your message anyway. I just wanted to say — more to LW than to you, really — that I’ve heard your objection and have been taking the truth I can find in it seriously.)
Are there any similar versions of this post on LW which express the same message, but without the patronising tone of Valentine? Would that be valuable?
ICYMI—Kaj mentioned in a comment below—I think Anna does a pretty good job of that in that post
I stand by what I said here: this post has a good goal but the implementation embodies exactly the issue it’s trying to fight.
Ideally reviews would be done by people who read the posts last year, so they could reflect on how their thinking and actions changed. Unfortunately, I only discovered this post today, so I lack that perspective.
Posts relating to the psychology and mental well being of LessWrongers are welcome and I feel like I take a nugget of wisdom from each one (but always fail to import the entirety of the wisdom the author is trying to convey.)
The nugget from “Here’s the exit” that I wish I had read a year ago is “If your body’s emergency mobilization systems are running in response to an issue, but your survival doesn’t actually depend on actions on a timescale of minutes, then you are not perceiving reality accurately.” I panicked when I first read Death with Dignity (I didn’t realize it was an April Fools Joke… or was it?). I felt full fight-or-flight when there wasn’t any reason to do so. That ties into another piece of advice that I needed to hear, from Replacing Guilt: “stop asking whether this is the right action to take and instead ask what’s the best action I can identify at the moment.” I don’t know if these sentences have the same punch when removed from their context, but I feel like they would have helped me. This wisdom extends beyond AI Safety anxiety and generalizes to all irrational anxiety. I expect that having these sentences available to me will help me calm myself next time something raises my stress level.
I can’t speak to the rest of the wisdom in this post. “Thinking about a problem as a defense mechanism is worse (for your health and for solving the problem) than thinking about a problem not as a defense mechanism” sounds plausible, but I can’t say much for its veracity or its applicability.
I would be interested to see research done to test the claim. Does increased sympathetic nervous system activation cause decreased efficacy? A correlational study could classify people in AI safety by (self reported?) efficacy and measure their stress levels, but causation is always trickier than correlation.
A flood of comments criticized the post, especially for typical-minding. The author responded with many comments of their own, some of which received many upvotes and agreements and some of which received many dislikes and disagreements. A follow up post from Valentine would ideally address the criticism and consolidate the valid information from the comments into the post.
A sequence or book compiled from the wisdom of many LessWrongers discussing their mental health struggles and discoveries would be extremely valuable to the community (and to me, personally) and a modified version of this post would earn a spot in such a book.
I like the tone of this review. That might be because it scans as positive about something I wrote! :D But I think it’s at least in part because it feels clear, even where it’s gesturing at points of improvement or further work. I imagine I’d enjoy more reviews written in this style.
If folk can find ways of isolating testable claims from this post and testing them, I’m totally for that project.
The claim you name isn’t quite the right one though. I’m not saying that people being stressed will make them bad at AI research inherently. I’m saying that people being in delusion will make what they do at best irrelevant for solving the actual problem, on net. And that for structural reasons, one of the signs of delusion is having significant recurring sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation in response to something that has nothing to do with immediate physical action.
The SNS part is easy to measure. Galvanic skin response, heart rate, blood pressure, pupil dilation… basically hooking them up to a lie detector. But you can just buy a GSR meter and mess with it.
I’m not at all sure how to address the questions of (a) identifying when something is unrelated to immediate physical action, especially given the daughter’s arm phenomenon; or (b) whether someone’s actions on net have a positive effect on solving the AI problem.
E.g., it now looks plausible that Eliezer’s net effect was to accelerate AI timelines while scaring people. I’m not saying that is his net effect! But I’m noting that AFAIK we don’t know it isn’t.
I think it would be extremely valuable to have some way of measuring the overall direction of some AI effort, even in retrospect. Independent of this post!
But I’ve got nuthin’. Which is what I think everyone else has too.
I’d love for someone to prove me wrong here.
This is a beautiful idea. At least to me.
I’m glad you enjoyed my review! Real credit for the style goes to whoever wrote the blurb that pops up when reviewing posts; I structured my review off of that.
When it comes to “some way of measuring the overall direction of some [AI] effort,” conditional prediction markets could help. “Given I do X/Y, will Z happen?” Perhaps some people need to run a “Given I take a vacation, will AI kill everyone?” market in order to let themselves take a break.
What would be the next step to creating a LessWrong Mental Health book?
This short post is astounding because it succinctly describes, and prescribes, how to pay attention, to become grounded when a smart and sensitive human could end up engulfed in doom. The post is insightful and helpful to any of us in search of clarity and coping.
It’s kind of funny to me to see this one nominated. It’s sort of peak “Val is weird on LW”.
The point of this post wasn’t to offer claims for people to examine. I still agree with the claims I see myself having tried to make! But the point wasn’t to offer ideas for discussion. It was to light a path out of Hell.
Because of that purpose, the style of this post really doesn’t fit LW culture. I think it’s fair to call it a mind spell. I get the impression that LWers in particular find mind spells unnerving: they’re a symmetric tech that can do an end-run around the parts of cognition that rationalists heavily rely on to feel safe. Hence tripping the “cult”/”guru” immune reaction.
(To me it’s dead obvious that this highlights a gap in the LW rationality toolbox. The reaction of “Lock down, distrust, get cynical, burn it with fire” actually makes you more susceptible to skillful bad actors — like going rigid in response to a judo master grabbing a hold of you. IMO, a mature Art of Rationality would necessarily include learning to navigate cognition-jamming (or cognition-incompatible!) spaces with grace. But I get the sense LW collectively doesn’t want to build that skillset. Which is fine, but I find it a bit disappointing.)
I picked up some of the language & framing of this post from Perri Chase. I now talk about this stuff a little differently. And more kindly, I think. I suspect I could write a version of this spell today that would be less of a problem for the LW memetic immune system. Partly because I’m better at slipping through immune systems! (I’m sure that’s comforting!) But mostly because I’ve learned how to work with such systems instead of needing to step around them to have the “real” conversation.
That said, I don’t regret writing this post. I got a lot of feedback (including in quite a few PMs across many different media) from people who found this relieving, validating, soothing, deeply helpful, kind, orienting. I’m okay with some people being upset with me if that’s the price for enacting this kindness. I went in expecting that price, really.
I think there’s a post possible that would be something like a LW-compatible rewrite of this one. It’d remove the “spell” nature and try to lay out some claims & implications for folk to consider. A bit like dissecting a once-living specimen and laying out its organs for examination.
I probably won’t write that post. I don’t see it doing hardly any good beyond being kind of interesting.
I might write a related post sometime on the nature of Hell as a psychosocial attractor state. AFAICT it’s utterly essential study for real Defense Against the Dark Arts. It’s also very tricky to talk about in a way that’s kind to the listeners or the speaker. But if LW were to learn to take it seriously without falling into it harder, I think that awareness would transform a lot of what “rationality” means here, and it would soften a lot of the sharp edges that can meaningfully hurt people here.
I don’t plan on rewriting any of this post for the review. The spell worked great. I want to leave it here as is.
(Though if someone understands the spellcraft and wants to suggest some edits, I’m open to receiving those suggestions! I’m not putting up a wall here. I’m just sharing where I’m at with this post right now, for the sake of the 2022 review.)
Mm, this sounds to me like saying “a master rationalist could surround themself with con artists and frauds and other epistemically adversarial actors who were gaming the rationalist, and still have perfectly true beliefs”, and that may be true, but I think another pretty good option is “a master rationalist would definitely avoid surrounding themselves with con artists and frauds and other adversarial actors”.
I do think there are real skills you are pointing to, but to some extent I prefer the world where I don’t have those skills and in place of that my allies and I coordinate to identify and exclude people who are using the dark arts.
(I don’t say this as the ‘last word’ on the subject and expect you would produce a substantive and interesting counterargument if you chose to engage on this, I nonetheless thought I’d share that I currently disagree with what I perceive this paragraph to be saying.)
I think that’s a great option. I’d question a “master rationalist’s” skills if they couldn’t avoid such adversarial actors, or notice them if they slip through the cracks.
I like your preference. I’ll say some things, but I want to start by emphasizing that I don’t think you’re making a wrong or bad choice.
I want to talk about what I think the Art could be, kind of for aesthetic reasons. This isn’t to assert anything about what you or any given individual should or shouldn’t be doing in any kind of moral sense.
So with that said, here are three points:
(1) I think there’s a strong analogy here to studying combat and war. Yes, if you can be in a pacifist cluster and just exclude folk who are really into applied competitive strategy, then you have something kind of like a cooperate/cooperate equilibrium. But if that’s the whole basis of your culture, it’s extremely vulnerable, the way cooperate-bot is vulnerable in prisoners’ dilemmas. You need military strength, the way a walled garden needs walls. Otherwise folk who have military strength can just come take your resources, even if you try to exclude them at first.
At the risk of using maybe an unfair example, I think what happened with FTX last year maybe illustrates the point.
Clearer examples in my mind are Ziz and Brent. The point not being “These people are bad!” But rather, these people were psychologically extremely potent and lots of folk in the community could neither (a) adequately navigate their impact (myself included!) nor (b) rally ejection/exclusion power until well after they’d already had their impact.
Maybe, you might hope, you can make the ejection/exclusion sensitivity refined enough to work earlier. But if you don’t do that by studying the Dark Arts, and becoming intimately familiar with them, then what you get is a kind of naïve allergic response that Dark Artists can weaponize.
Again, I don’t mean that you in particular or even rationalists in general need to address this. There’s nothing wrong with a hobby. I’m saying that as an Art, it seems like rationality is seriously vulnerable if it doesn’t include masterful familiarity with the Dark Arts. Kind of like, there’s nothing wrong with practicing aikido as a sport, but you’re not gonna get the results you hope for if you train in aikido for self-defense. That art is inadequate for that purpose and needs exposure to realistic combat to matter that way.
(2) …and I think that if the Art of Rationality were to include intimate familiarity with the Dark Arts, it would work way way better.
Things like the planning fallacy or confirmation bias are valuable to track. I could stand to improve my repertoire here for sure.
But the most potent forms of distorted thinking aren’t about sorting out the logic. I think they look more like reaching deep down and finding ways to become immune to things like frame control.
Frame control is an amazing example in my mind precisely because of the hydra-like nature of the beast. How do you defend against frame control without breaking basic things about culture and communication and trust? How do you make it so your cultural and individual defenses don’t themselves become the manual that frame controllers use to get their desired effects?
And this barely begins to touch on the kind of impact that I’d want to call “spiritual”. By which I don’t mean anything supernatural; I’m talking about the deep psychological stuff that (say) conversing with someone deep in a psilocybin trip can do to the tripper. That’s not just frame control. That’s something way deeper, like editing someone’s basic personality operating system code. And sometimes it reaches deeper even than that. And it turns out, you don’t need psychedelics to reach that deep; those chemical tools just open a door that you can open other ways, voluntarily or otherwise, sometimes just by having a conversation.
The standard rationalist defense I’ve noticed against this amounts to mental cramping. Demand everything go through cognition, and anything that seems to try to route around cognition gets a freakout/shutdown/”shame it into oblivion” kind of response. The stuff that disables this immune response is really epistemically strange — things like prefacing with “Here’s a fake framework, it’s all baloney, don’t believe anything I’m saying.” Or doing a bunch of embodied stuff to act low-status and unsure. A Dark Artist who wanted to deeply mess with this community wouldn’t have to work very hard to do some serious damage before getting detected, best as I can tell (and as community history maybe illustrates).
If this community wanted to develop the Art to actually be skillful in these areas… well, it’s hard to predict exactly what that’d create, but I’m pretty sure it’d be glorious. If I think of the Sequences as retooling skeptical materialism, I think we’d maybe see something like a retooling of the best of Buddhist psychotechnology. I think folk here might tend to underestimate how potent that could really be.
(…and I also think that it’s maybe utterly critical for sorting out AI alignment. But while I think that’s a very important point, it’s not needed for my main message for this exchange.)
(3) It also seems relevant to me that “Dark Arts” is maybe something of a fake category. I’m not sure it even forms a coherent cluster.
Like, is being charismatic a Dark Art? It certainly can be! It can act as a temptation. It seems to be possible to cultivate charisma. But the issue isn’t that charisma is a Dark Art. It’s that charisma is mostly symmetric. So if someone has a few slightly anti-epistemic social strategies in them, and they’re charismatic, this can have a net Dark effect that’s even strategic. But this is a totally normal level of epistemic noise!
Or how about something simpler, like someone using confirmation bias in a way that benefits their beliefs? Astrology is mostly this. Is astrology a Dark Art? Is talking about astrology a Dark Art? It seems mostly just epistemically hazardous… but where’s the line between that and Dark Arts?
How about more innocent things, like when someone is trying to understand systemic racism? Is confirmation bias a helpful pattern-recognizer, or a Dark Art? Maybe it’s potentially in service to Dark Arts, but is a necessary risk to learn the patterns?
I think Vervaeke makes this point really well. The very things that allow us to notice relevance are precisely the things that allow us to be fooled. Rationality (and he explicitly cites this — even the Keith Stanovich stuff) is a literally incomputable practice of navigating both Type I and Type II errors in this balancing act between relevance realization and being fooled.
When I think of central examples of Dark Arts, I think mostly of agents who exploit this ambiguity in order to extract value from others.
…which brings me back to point (1), about this being more a matter of skill in war. The relevant issue isn’t that there are “Dark Arts”. It’s that there are unaligned agents who are trying to strategically fool you. The skill isn’t to detect a Dark toolset; it’s to detect intelligent intent to deceive and extract value.
All of which is to say:
I think a mature Art of Rationality would most definitely include something like skillful navigation of manipulation.
I don’t think every practitioner needs to master every aspect of a mature Art. Much like not all cooks need to know how to make a roux.
But an Art that has detection, exclusion, & avoidance as its only defense against Dark Artists is a much poorer & more vulnerable Art. IMO.
Thanks for the comment. I’m gonna err on the side of noting disagreements and giving brief descriptions of my perspective rather than writing something I think has a good chance of successfully persuading you of my perspective, primarily so as to actually write a reply in a timely fashion.
I don’t want to create an expectation that if you reply then you will reply to each point; rather I’d encourage you if you reply to simply reply to whichever points seem interesting or cruxy to you.
1) You make the analogy to having non-violent states. I concur that presently one cannot have states without militaries. I don’t see this as showing that in all domains one must maintain high offensive capabilities in order to have good defenses. I agree one needs defenses, but sometimes good defenses don’t look like “Training thousands of people how to carry out a targeted kill-strike” and instead look like “Not being tempted to reply by rude comments online” or “Checking whether a factual claim someone makes is accurate”.
You say that for LaSota and Brent that folks “could neither (a) adequately navigate their impact (myself included!) nor (b) rally ejection/exclusion power until well after they’d already had their impact” and “Maybe, you might hope, you can make the ejection/exclusion sensitivity refined enough to work earlier”.
I don’t share the sense of difficulty I read in the second of those quotes. I think the Bay Area rationalists (and most other rationalists globally) had some generally extreme lack of boundaries of any sort. The ~only legible boundaries that the Bay Area rationality scene had were (a) are you an employee at one of CFAR/MIRI, and (b) are you invited to CFAR events. MIRI didn’t have much to do with these two individuals, and I think CFAR was choosing a strategy of “we’re not really doing social policing, we’re primarily just selecting on people who have interesting ideas about rationality”. Everything else was highly social and friend-based and it was quite dramatic to ban people from your social events. The REACH was the only community space and if I recall correctly explicitly had no boundaries on who could be there. This is an environment where people with lots of red flags will be able to move around with much more ease than in the rest of the world.
I think these problems aren’t that hard once you have community spaces that are willing to enforce boundaries. Over the last few years I’ve run many events and spaces, and often gotten references for people who want to enter the spaces, and definitely chosen to not invite people due to concerns about ethics and responsible behavior. I don’t believe I would’ve accepted these two people into the spaces more than once or twice at most. It’s unpleasant work to enforce boundaries and I’ve made mistakes, but overall I think that there were just not many strong boundaries in these people’s way initially, and they would have been pushed back and dissuaded much earlier if there were.
2) You write:
My position is that most thinking isn’t really about reality and isn’t truth-tracking, but that if you are doing that thinking then a lot of important questions are surprisingly easy to answer. Generally doing a few fermi estimates with a few datapoints can get you pretty in touch with the relevant part of reality.
I think there’s a ton of adversarial stuff going on as well, but the primary reason that people haven’t noticed that AI is an x-risk isn’t because people are specifically trying to trick them about the domain, but because the people are not really asking themselves the question and checking.
(And also something about people not having any conception of what actions to take in the fact of a civilizational-scale problem that most of the rest of civilization is not thinking about.)
(I think there’s some argument to be made here that the primary reason people don’t think for themselves is because civilization is trying to make them go crazy, which is interesting, though I still think the solution is primarily “just make a space where you can actually think about the object level”.)
I acknowledge that there are people who are very manipulative and adversarial in illegible ways that are hard to pin down. There’s a whole discussion about offense/defense here and how it plays out. I currently expect that there are simple solutions here. As a pointer, someone I know and respect along with their partner, makes lists of people they know for whom they would not be surprised to later find out that the person did something quite manipulative/bad/unethical, and I think they’ve had some success with this. Also personally I have repeatedly kicked myself thinking “I knew that person was suspicious, why didn’t I say so earlier?” I don’t think these problems are particularly intractable and I do think people know things and I think probably there are good ways to help that info rise up and get shared (I do not claim to have solved this problem). I don’t think it requires you yourself being very skilled at engaging with manipulative people.
Yeah I’ve seen this, and done it somewhat. I think it works in some situations, but there’s a bunch of adversarial situations it definitely doesn’t work. I do agree it seems like a false hope to think that this can be remotely sufficient.
3) I do sometimes look at people who think they’re at war a lot more than me, and they seem very paranoid and to spend so many cognitive cycles modeling ghosts and attacks that aren’t there. It seems so tiring! I suspect you and I disagree about the extent to which we are at war with people epistemically.
Another potentially relevant point here is that I tend to see large groups and institutions as the primary forces deceiving me and tricking me, and much less so individuals. I’m much more scared of Twitter winding its way into my OODA loop than I am of a selfish scheming frame controlling individual. I think it’s much easier for me to keep boundaries against individuals than I am against these much bigger and broader forces.
My perspective on these.
Personally I would like to know two or three people who have successfully navigated being manipulated, and hopefully have them write up their accounts of that.
I think aspiring rationalists should maneuver themselves into an environment where they can think clearly and be productive and live well, and maintain that, and not try to learn to survive being manipulated without a clear and present threat that they think they have active reason to move toward rather than away from.
I agree with your last claim. I note that when I read your comment I’m not sure whether you’re saying “this is an important area of improvement” or “this should be central to the art”, which are very different epistemic states.
Oh, uh, I didn’t mean to imply that. I meant to say that rejecting attention to military power is a bad strategy for defense. A much, much better defensive strategy is to study offense. But that doesn’t need to mean getting good at offense!
(Although I do think it means interacting with offense. Most martial arts fail spectacularly on this point for instance. Pragmatically speaking, you have to have practice actually defending yourself in order to get skillful at defense. And in cases like MMA, that does translate to getting skilled at attack! But that’s incidental. I think you could design good self-defense training systems that have most people never practicing offense.)
Nice. And I agree, boundaries like this can be great for a large range of things.
I don’t think this helps the Art much though.
And it’s hard to know how much your approach doesn’t work.
I also wonder how much this lesson about boundaries arose because of the earlier Dark exploits. In which case it’s actually, ironically, an example of exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about! Only with lessons learned much more painfully than I think was necessary due to their not being sought out.
But also, maybe this is good enough for what you care about. Again, I don’t mean to pressure that you should do anything differently.
I’m mostly pushing back against the implication I read that “Nah, our patches are fine, we’ve got the Dark Arts distanced enough that they’re not an issue.” You literally can’t know that.
Totally agree. And this is a major defense against a lot of the stuff that bamboozles most folk.
I agree — and I’m not sure why you felt this was relevant to say? I think maybe you thought I was saying something I wasn’t trying to.
This might be a crux between us. I’m not sure. But I think you might be seriously underestimating what’s involved in that “just” part (“just make a space…”). Attention on the object-level is key, I 100% agree there. But what defines the space? What protects its boundaries? If culture wants to grab you by the epistemic throat, but you don’t know how it tries to do so, and you just try to “make a space”… you’re going to end up way more confident of the clarity of your thinking than is true.
I think there’s maybe something of a communication impasse happening here. I agree with what you’re saying here. I think it’s probably good enough for most cases you’re likely to care about, for some reasonable definition of “most”. It also strikes me as obvious that (a) it’s unlikely to cover all the cases you’re likely to care about, and (b) the Art would be deeply enriched by learning how one would skillfully engage with manipulative people. I don’t think everyone who wants to benefit from that enrichment needs to do that engagement, just like not everyone who wants to train in martial arts needs to get good at realistic self-defense.
I’ve said this several times, and you seem to keep objecting to my implied claim of not-that. I’m not sure what’s going on there. Maybe I’m missing your point?
I agree. I think it’s dumb.
Oh! I’m really glad you said this. I didn’t realize we were miscommunicating about this point.
I totally agree. This is what I mean when I’m talking about agents. I’m using adversarial individuals mostly as case studies & training data. The thing I actually care about is the multipolar war going on with already-present unaligned superintelligences. Those are the Dark forces I want to know how to be immune to.
I’m awfully suspicious of someone’s ability to navigate hostile psychofauna if literally their only defense against (say) a frame controller is “Sus, let’s exclude them.” You can’t exclude Google or wokism or collective anxiety the same way.
Having experienced frame control clawing at my face, and feeling myself become immune without having to brace… and noticing how that skill generalized to some of the tactics that the psychofauna use…
…it just seems super obvious to me that this is really core DADA. Non-cognitive, very deep, very key.
Totally agree with the first part. I think the whole thing is a fine choice. I notice my stance of “Epistemic warriors would still be super useful” is totally unmoved thus far though. (And I’m reminded of your caveat at the very beginning!)
I’m reminded of the John Adams quote: “I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculature, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry and Porcelaine.”
Oh, I don’t know what should or shouldn’t be central to the Art.
It just strikes me that rationality currently is in a similar state as aikido.
Aikido claims to be an effective form of self-defense. (Or at least it used to! Maybe it’s been embarrassed out of saying that anymore?) It’s a fine practice, it has immense value… it’s just not what it says on the tin.
If it wanted to be what it claims, it needs to do things like add pressure testing. Realistic combat. Going into MMA tournaments and coming back with refinements to what it’s doing.
And that could be done in a way that honors its spirit! It can add the constraints that are key to its philosophy, like “Protect everyone involved, including the attacker.”
But maybe it doesn’t care about that. Maybe it just wants to be a sport and discipline.
That’s totally fine!
It does seem weird for it to continue claiming to be effective self-defense though. Like it needs its fake meaning to be something its practitioners believe in.
I think rationality is in a similar state. It has some really good stuff in it. Really good. It’s a great domain.
But I just don’t see it mattering for the power plays. I think rationalists don’t understand power, the same way aikido practitioners don’t understand fighting. And they seem to be in a similar epistemic state about it: they think they basically do, but they don’t pressure-test their understanding to check, best as I can tell.
So of your two options, it’s more like “important area for improvement”… roughly like pressure-testing could be an important area of improvement for aikido. It’d probably become a kind of central if it were integrated! But I don’t know.
And, I think the current state of rationality is fine.
Just weak in one axis it sometimes claims to care about.
COVID was one of the MMA-style arenas for different egregores to see which might come out ‘on top’ in an epistemically unfriendly environment.
I have a lot of opinions on this that are more controversial than I’m willing to go into right now. But I wonder what else will work as one of these “testing arenas.”
Can you spell this out a little more? Did Brent and LaSota employ baloney-disclaimers and uncertainty-signaling in order to bypass people’s defenses?
I think Brent did something different from what I’m describing — a bit more like judo plus DOS attacks.
I’m not as familiar with LaSota’s methods. I talked with them several times, but mostly before I learned to detect the level of psychological impact I’m talking about with any detail. Thinking back to those interactions, I remember it feeling like LaSota was confidently asserting moral and existential things that threatened to make me feel inadequate and immoral if I didn’t go along with what they were saying and seek out the brain hemisphere hacking stuff they were talking about. And maybe even then I’d turn out to be innately “non-good”.
(Implied here is a type of Dark hack I find most folk don’t have good defenses against other than refusing to reason and blankly shutting down. It works absurdly well on people who believe they should do what they intellectually conclude makes sense to do.)
The thing I was referring to is something I personally stumbled across. IME rationalists on the whole are generally more likely to take in something said in a low-status way. It’s like the usual analyze-and-scrutinize machinery kind of turns off.
One of the weirder examples is, just ending sentences as though they’re questions? I’m guessing it’s because ending each thing with confidence as a statement is a kind of powerful assertion. But, I mean, if the person talking is less confident then maybe what they’re saying is pretty safe to consider?
(I’m demoing back & forth in that paragraph, in case that wasn’t clear.)
I think LaSota might have been doing something like this too, but I’m not sure.
(As a maybe weird example: Notice how that last sentence is in fact caveated, but it’s still confident. I’m quite sure this is my supposition. I’m sure I’m not sure of the implied conclusion. I feel solid in all of this. My impression is, this kind of solidity is a little (sometimes a lot) disturbing to many rationalists (with some exceptions I don’t understand very well — like how Zvi and Eliezer can mostly get away with brazen confidence without much pushback). By my models, the content of the above sentence would have been easier to receive if rewritten along the lines of, “I’m really not sure, but based on my really shaky memories, I kinda wonder if LaSota might have been doing something like this too — but don’t believe me too much!”)
Does that answer what you’d hoped?
Perhaps relevant: Nate Soares does this too, based on one of his old essays. And I think it works very well for him.
As an aside, looking over the way some of my comments were downvoted in the discussion section:
I think LW could stand to have a clearer culture around what karma downvotes are for.
Now that downvote is separable from disagreement vote, I read a downvote as “This comment shouldn’t have been posted / doesn’t belong on LW.”
But it’s clear that some of what I said was heavily downvoted because I took a stance people didn’t like. Saying things like “Yep, I could have phrased this post in a more epistemically accurate way… but for this post in particular I really don’t care.”
Would you really rather I didn’t share the fact that I didn’t care?
I’m guessing the intention was to punish me for not caring.
…which is terrible collective rationality, by the way! It’s an attempt to use social-emotional force to change how my mind works without dialoguing with the reasons I’m making the choices I am.
(Which is ironic given the nature of the complaints about this post in particular!)
I’d argue that the right and good function of downvoting is to signal an opinion that a post or comment does not belong here.
That’s how I use it. And until I’m given good reason otherwise, that’s how I plan to continue using it.
I’d also really like to see a return of the old LW cultural thing of, if you downvote then you explain why. There are some downvotes on my comments that I’m left scratching my head about and going “Okay, whatever.” It’s hard for downvotes to improve culture if the feedback amounts to “Bad.”
(But this really is an aside. It doesn’t matter at all for the 2022 review. It’s not really about this particular post either. It just has some very loud-to-me examples of the downvote behavior I think is unhealthy.)
For instance, my review has been pretty heavily downvoted. Why? I can think of several reasons. But the net effect is to convey that LW would rather not have seen such a review.
Now why would that be?
I notice that there’s also a −16 on the agree/disagree voting, with just three votes. So I’m guessing that what I said seriously irked a few people who probably heavy-downvoted the karma too.
But if it’s really a distributed will, it’s curious. Do you really want me not to have shared more context? Not to have reflected on where I’m at with the post? Or is it that you want me to feel differently about the post than I do?
I guess I don’t get to know!
It’s worth remembering that karma downvoting has a technical function. Serious negative karma makes a comment invisible by default. A user who gets a lot of negative karma in a short period of time can’t post comments for a while (I think?). A user who has low karma overall can’t post articles (unless that’s changed?).
So a karma downvote amounts to saying “Shut up.”
And a strong-downvote amounts to saying “Shut the fuck up.”
If that’s really the only communication the whole culture encourages for downvotes… that doesn’t really foster clarity.
It seems dead obvious to me that this aspect of conversation culture here is quite bad.
But this isn’t a hill I intend to die on.
I wholeheartedly agree with you on this, but unfortunately, the current site culture, moderation policies, etc., actively discourage such explanations.
How so? What’s the discouragement? I could see people feeling like they don’t want to bother, but you make it sound like there’s some kind of punishment for doing so…?
Well, a downvote implies that I didn’t like the post or comment for some reason, right? Maybe I think it’s wrong, or poorly written, or such things shouldn’t be posted to Less Wrong in the first place, etc.—all the usual stuff.
But comments that say such things are discouraged. You’re supposed to post “constructive” things, to not be “negative”, to not be “confrontational”, etc. I, personally, have gotten punishment by the moderation team, for… well, sometimes not even explaining downvotes, exactly, but even just writing comments in lieu of downvotes.
And just think of how your (and my!) preferred cultural norm interacts with the “author can ban commenters from their posts” feature! Suppose that someone writes a post, I downvote it, I try to write a comment that explains my downvote, but oops—I’ve been banned from the post! (Or, the explanatory comment gets me banned from the post. Because the author doesn’t want to experience negativity, you see.)
Indeed, it’s entirely possible to read someone’s post, agree with it, read the comments to that post, see some foolish and poorly-considered criticism of the OP, downvote that comment, try to write an explanation for the downvote—and find out that the OP has banned you from their posts. Oops!
The whole system, both technically and in terms of policy, is set up to shield authors from “negativity”, and allow them to avoid seeing harsh criticism. We know this, because the admins/mods have told us. Well, of course that ends up discouraging explanations of downvotes. How can it possibly not?
It has also been pointed out before that the asymmetry of voting and commenting is most of what enables vote-rings and other invisible manipulation on link aggregator websites. If entities are manipulating a site by leaving comments, then this is almost by definition visible. If entities are manipulating via voting but not commenting, then they are invisible except to possibly administrators with relatively high-powered analysis tools designed for network/graph analysis. For example, one could manipulate a site by registering many accounts and then steering by downvoting one type of comment and upvoting the opposite type. Anyone who sticks their head out with a good comment opposed to the manipulation gets punished (and depending on the site mechanics may in fact eventually be banned or lose voting powers etc), while counter-voters at least don’t suffer.
Well, that particular comment had a lot of other stuff going on, and yes I think it’s a kind of comment that doesn’t belong here and no I don’t particularly feel like explaining that.
But also, yeah, I do kinda feel like “downvoting people when they admit they did something bad” is a thing we sometimes do here and that’s not great incentives. If someone wants to avoid that kind of downvote, “stop admitting to the bad thing” seems like an obvious strategy. Oops! And like, I remember times when I asked someone a question and they got downvoted for their answer, and I did think it was a bad answer that in a vacuum deserved downvotes, but I still upvoted as thanks for answering.
I’m not sure it’s so bad though. Some things that mitigate it as a strategy:
“This person strategically fails to answer certain questions” is a thing it’s possible for someone to notice and point out.
Someone might not have realized the thing they did was bad-according-to-LW, and the downvotes help signal that. (Maybe better to instead upvote the admission and downvote the thing they did? But that’s not always a thing that can be downvoted, or downvotes might not be specifically targetable to make it clear “this thing you did was bad”.)
If someone did a bad thing and doesn’t care, maybe we just don’t want them here. Downvotes probably marginally push them away, as well as marginally push them towards not-admitting-things. Notably, I feel like we’re more likely to downvote “I did a bad thing and don’t care” than “I did a bad thing, oops, sorry”.
Sometimes someone might take “not being able to say a thing” as a cost, and prefer the downvotes over the silence.
In general it seems like a hard problem, and it’s not clear to me that downvoting this kind of thing is a mistake.
I think there’s currently too many things that deserve downvotes for that to be realistic.
That’s really not a central example of what I meant. I meant more like this one. Or this one.
Yep. This is messy and unfortunate, I agree.
It’s not possible to take the downvotes as a signal of this if downvotes get used for a wide range of things. If the same signal gets used for
“This was written in bad form, but if you’d written it differently it would have been welcome”
“Your attitude doesn’t belong on this website, and you should change it or leave”
“I don’t like your vibe, so I’m just gonna downvote”
then the feedback isn’t precise enough to be helpful in shaping behavior.
Although if the person disagrees with whether it was bad, and the answer to that disagreement is to try to silence them… then that seems to me like a pretty anti-epistemic norm. At least locally.
I have a hard time believing this claim. It’s not what I see when I look around.
The dynamic would be pretty simple:
After I downvote, I skim the replies to see if someone else already explained what had me do the downvote. If so, I upvote that explanation and agree-vote it too.
If there’s no such explanation, I write one.
Easy peasy. I seriously doubt the number of things needing downvotes on this site is so utterly overwhelming that this approach is untenable. The feedback would be very rich, the culture well-defined and transparent.
I don’t know why LW stopped doing this. Once upon a time it used to cost karma to downvote, so people took downvotes more seriously. I assume there was some careful thought put into changing that system to the current one. I haven’t put more than a sum total of maybe ten minutes of thinking into this. So I’m probably missing something.
But without knowing what that something is, and without a lot of reason for me to invest a ton more time into figuring it out… my tentative but clear impression is that what I’m describing would be way better for culture here by a long shot.
Perhaps not in general, but I think it’s often pretty clear. Like you’ve already said “I’m guessing the intention was to punish me for not caring”, and yes, I think you’re right. Seems to me the signal was recieved as intended.
Well, if someone comes here arguing for flat-earthism, I’m probably going to downvote without bothering to read their arguments. Is that anti-epistemic? Maybe, I guess? Certainly yes, if it turns out that the earth is flat (and that their arguments are correct). And “this practice isn’t anti-epistemic as long as we only dismiss false ideas” is, um. Nevertheless, I endorse that practice.
If someone comes around here calling people names, and we downvote that rather than checking in “hey are you doing this because you think name calling is good actually? Would you like to dialogue about that?” is that anti-epistemic? Again, maybe yes? But I endorse it anyway.
I do not consider writing these explanations to be easy.
I can think of a few places we might disagree here: how many things deserve downvotes, how costly it is to explain them, how realistic it is for people to pay those costs. I’m not super enthusiastic about trying to drill down into this, though.
But I also think I’m less optimistic than you about the benefits of doing it. I can think of multiple conversations I’ve had where I wanted people to change what they’re doing, I explained why I thought they were doing something bad, and they just keep on doing it. You yourself seem to understand what it is that many people dislike in many of your posts and comments, and yet you keep doing the thing. Surely there are cases where it does help, but I think they’re a minority. (It seems plausible to me that the helpful cases actually do get explained more often than others. E.g. if someone explicitly asks why they’re getting downvoted, that’s evidence they’re interested in improving, and also it makes them more likely to get an explanation.)
Another thing worth mentioning is that reacts reduce the cost of explaining downvotes. I dunno how much they’re used, since I mostly use GreaterWrong which doesn’t (yet?) support them. I believe they were only added to this post later, so they wouldn’t have been helpful at the time. But yeah, if a comment gets downvoted a bunch with not even any reacts explaining why, that seems not ideal.
I agree with you that what you propose would be better for LW’s culture. However, I think I can answer the “why did LW stop doing this” question:
An increased prevalence, in those social circles which influence decisions made by the LW admin team, of people who have a strong aversion to open conflict.
You write a post or a comment. Someone writes a reply explaining why they downvoted—in other words, a critical reply. This is open conflict—confrontation.
You reply to them to dispute their criticism, to question their characterization, to argue—more open conflict. Encouraging downvote explanations is nothing more nor less than encouraging critical comments, after all! More critical comments—more open conflict.
Some people can’t stand open conflict. So, they use their influence to cause to be enacted such policies, and to be built such structures, as will prevent confrontation, explicit disagreement, direct criticism. (This is usually couched in euphemisms, of course, as calling such things by their simple names also invites confrontation.)
Hence, the Less Wrong of today.