I’m glad you enjoyed my review! Real credit for the style goes to whoever wrote the blurb that pops up when reviewing posts; I structured my review off of that.
When it comes to “some way of measuring the overall direction of some [AI] effort,” conditional prediction markets could help. “Given I do X/Y, will Z happen?” Perhaps some people need to run a “Given I take a vacation, will AI kill everyone?” market in order to let themselves take a break.
What would be the next step to creating a LessWrong Mental Health book?
I’m glad you enjoyed my review! Real credit for the style goes to whoever wrote the blurb that pops up when reviewing posts; I structured my review off of that.
When it comes to “some way of measuring the overall direction of some [AI] effort,” conditional prediction markets could help. “Given I do X/Y, will Z happen?” Perhaps some people need to run a “Given I take a vacation, will AI kill everyone?” market in order to let themselves take a break.
What would be the next step to creating a LessWrong Mental Health book?