Predictably Wrong

Thinking Better on Purpose

The Methods of Rationality

AGI safety from first principles

Argument and Analysis

Embedded Agency

2022 MIRI Alignment Discussion

2021 MIRI Conversations

LessWrong Political Prerequisites


Intro to Naturalism

Replacing Guilt

Conditioning Predictive Models


The Engineer’s Interpretability Sequence



Otherness and control in the age of AGI

Luna Lovegood

The Most Important Century

Iterated Amplification

Value Learning

CFAR Handbook

Gears Which Turn The World

Immoral Mazes

Keep your beliefs cruxy and your frames explicit

Risks from Learned Optimization

Fun Theory

Three Worlds Collide

Slack and the Sabbath

Introduction to Game Theory

The Blue-Minimizing Robot


Babble and Prune

Highly Advanced Epistemology 101 for Beginners

Rationality and Philosophy

Decision Theory: Newcomb’s Problem

The Science of Winning at Life

No-Nonsense Metaethics

Inadequate Equilibria

Cartesian Frames

Living Luminously