Yoav Ravid

Karma: 3,573

I’m writing a book about Liberalism. I call it Mechanisms of Liberty: The Shortcomings of Modern Liberalism and How to Fix It.

My main interest is in economic and governance mechanisms, my secondary interest is education, and I’m also interested in other core LW subjects, like rationality, epistemology, ethics, evolution, and cryptography.

I’m 24yo. I live in Israel. My hobbies include singing, playing guitar and drums, Krav Maga, Dancing (WCS), indoor boulder climbing, Juggling and hiking.

The best essay I wrote is Building Blocks of Politics: An Overview of Selectorate Theory (but my book will be better 😉).

I’m also on Twitter :)

Re­place­able Ax­ioms give more cre­dence than ir­re­place­able axioms

Yoav RavidDec 20, 2024, 12:51 AM
6 points
2 comments2 min readLW link

I’m Writ­ing a Book About Liberalism

Yoav RavidDec 19, 2024, 12:13 AM
6 points
6 comments2 min readLW link