But strategic lack of epistemic rigor—“I want people to react like _ and they’re more likely to do that if I’m not rigorous”—feels bad.
That’s not what I meant.
I mean this much more like switching to Spanish when speaking with a Mexican store clerk. We can talk about the virtues of English all we want to, and maybe even justify that we’re helping the clerk deepen their skill with interfacing with the modern world… but really, I just want to communicate.
You can frame that as dropping standards in order to have a certain effect on them, but that’s a really damn weird frame.
I think this relies on “Val is not successfully communicating with the reader” being for reasons analogous to “Val is speaking English which the store clerk doesn’t, or only speaks it poorly”. But I suspect that if we unpacked what’s going on, I wouldn’t think that analogy held, and I would still think that what you’re doing seems bad.
(Also, I want to flag that “justify that we’re helping the clerk deepen their skill with interfacing with the modern world” doesn’t pattern match to anything I said. It hints at pattern matching with me saying something like “part of why we should speak with epistemic rigor is to help people hear things with epistemic rigor”, but I didn’t say that. You didn’t say that I did, and maybe the hint wasn’t intentional on your part, but I wanted to flag it anyway.)
That’s not what I meant.
I mean this much more like switching to Spanish when speaking with a Mexican store clerk. We can talk about the virtues of English all we want to, and maybe even justify that we’re helping the clerk deepen their skill with interfacing with the modern world… but really, I just want to communicate.
You can frame that as dropping standards in order to have a certain effect on them, but that’s a really damn weird frame.
I think this relies on “Val is not successfully communicating with the reader” being for reasons analogous to “Val is speaking English which the store clerk doesn’t, or only speaks it poorly”. But I suspect that if we unpacked what’s going on, I wouldn’t think that analogy held, and I would still think that what you’re doing seems bad.
(Also, I want to flag that “justify that we’re helping the clerk deepen their skill with interfacing with the modern world” doesn’t pattern match to anything I said. It hints at pattern matching with me saying something like “part of why we should speak with epistemic rigor is to help people hear things with epistemic rigor”, but I didn’t say that. You didn’t say that I did, and maybe the hint wasn’t intentional on your part, but I wanted to flag it anyway.)