Cryonics is free

I’ve been wanting to write a nice post for a few months, but should probably just write one sooner instead. This is a top-level post not because it’s a long post, but because it’s an important one.

Anyways. Cryonics is pretty much money-free now (ie. subsidized technically)—one of the most affordable ways to dispose of your body post-mortem.

Don’t die because you didn’t double-check whether the argument you came up against cryonics in 5 seconds checks out.

In the west coast in the USA, from Oregon Brain Preservation, as of around May 2024 I think:

Our research program is open to individuals in Washington, Oregon, and Northern California. This is the same brain preservation procedure, with the goal of future revival if this ever becomes feasible and humane. The difference is that we will also remove two small biopsy samples, which will be transferred to our partner non-profit organization, Apex Neuroscience, to measure the preservation quality and contribute to neuroscience research. Although there are no guarantees, we do not expect these biopsies to significantly affect memories or personality. There is no cost for brain preservation if this option is chosen. There are no additional fees for transportation or for cremation of the body. Our current exclusion criteria for this program are more than 3 days after legal death without refrigeration, more than 14 days after legal death with refrigeration, or direct evidence of brain liquefaction. An additional non-required option is consent for DNA profiling, to further help research into the causes of brain disorders. To sign up for the program, please complete the appropriate above paperwork (Self Preservation or Next of Kin) and the form below.

Source: https://​​​​services.html

In Germany it’s been around for longer, but most people don’t seem to know about it—Cryonics Germany offers free brain preservation:

Cryonics Germany operates a cryonics storage facility for neuro patients. The facility offers all technical requirements for suspension and permanent stor[a]ge in Germany. Only the brain is preserved. This is based on the premise that the brain contains the personality, knowledge, experience and emotions of the patient, and that the body can be cloned or replaced in the future. The brain is perfused with cryoprotective vitrification solutions, cooled and stored at a biopreservation foundation at liquid nitrogen temperature. For humanitarian reasons those services are currently offered for free and only a contract with the biopreservation foundation is required to declare the last will.

The advantages of that neuro storage are:

  • low costs, as only a small volume has to be stored and cooled

  • at present cryonics storage is for free, in total not more than a usual funeral

  • the body will be buried as usual according to individual wishes.

The neuro facility represents the first cryonics storage facility in Western Europe.

Source: https://​​​​en

I think both of those organizations can help coordinate remote cases with local thanatologists as well.