I’m not sure how that will fit in with the pub
We plan to start taking food orders in the Little Italy restaurant at 6pm.
I’m not sure how that will fit in with the pub
We plan to start taking food orders in the Little Italy restaurant at 6pm.
Here’s a copy of an email request I’ve just sent to a few LW people I know:
One of the rooms in Conway Hall on Sat 24th April will be set aside for posters and general socialising.
The posters are opportunities for people to publicise various activities or ideas. We’ve received half a dozen applications for posters so far, and we have room for one or two more.
We expect that many of the attendees will mingle in this room at lunchtime, during the afternoon break, and (for early birds) before the formal start of activities in the main hall at 9.45am.
Would one of you be interested in creating and displaying a poster about Less Wrong / Overcoming Bias?
Many of the attendees to the H+UK event will have little prior knowledge about Less Wrong, so it’s a good chance to reach out to potential new supporters.
Posters can be a number of sheets of paper, stuck onto the wall with bluetack or sellotape. Maximise size in total allowed per poster is A0. Several of the posters will be A1, made up of 4 A3 sheets.
If you are interested in this, please let me know, since we have to control overall numbers of posters.
To be clear, there’s no charge for this—consider it as an opportunity for free advertising :-) You’re also welcome to bring small pieces of printed literature for interested people to take away.
I expect that both Max More and Nick Bostrom will be covering aspects of both rationality and transhumanism. Quite a few of the other speakers are hot on rationality too!
The next Humanity+ meeting has been organised, for Sat 20th Feb.
The theme of that meeting is something different from the bulk of this thread: it’s “The future of politics”—see http://extrobritannia.blogspot.com/2010/02/future-of-politics.html for more details—but hopefully it will still interest many LW readers.
Here’s a related suggestion (that’s not meant to supersede the original idea):
As the Meetings Secretary for UK Humanity+, I would be interested in organising a UKH+ event (in, for example, February or March) dedicated to potential influence of LW upon H+.
For example, one or more speakers familiar with Less Wrong could lead a seminar on how various ideas discussed over the months on the LW site would improve thinking about futurism and/or transhumanism.
I’m open to suggestions about the exact title, meeting tagline, and format.
Background info follows
For a list of previous UKH+ meetings, see http://extrobritannia.blogspot.com/
Typical UKH+ meeting logistics are
Meeting happens on a Saturday afternoon
Lecture/Seminar/Q&A format in a room in Birkbeck College, 2-4pm
Subset of attendees retires to a nearby pub
It should appear on http://www.youtube.com/user/KoanPhilosopher within a day or two.
The same channel already contains videos of several previous UKH+ meetings
In this recent podcast interview, Jordan Sparks, the founder and executive director of Oregon Brain Preservation (OBP), gives more information about the low-cost services OBP provides https://londonfuturists.buzzsprout.com/2028982/episodes/15517037-the-low-cost-future-of-preserving-brains-with-jordan-sparks