Karma: 199

The depths of the sea have been plumbed and surveyed, leaving no place for the sea monsters to dwell. Every river and every forest used to be believed to have a spirit living in it: but they have all been expelled by our advancing science and clonking civilization. Even the human soul has been given notice to vacate! Already we’ve had several pink slips delivered by psychology and neuroscience; and now the bailiff of AI is knocking sternly at the door with a warrant to take possession.

Deep Utopia
Nick Bostrom

[Linkpost] Guardian ar­ti­cle cov­er­ing Light­cone In­fras­truc­ture, Man­i­fest and CFAR ties to FTX

ROM17 Jun 2024 10:05 UTC
8 points
9 comments1 min readLW link

[Linkpost] Please don’t take Lu­mina’s an­ti­cav­ity probiotic

ROM15 May 2024 18:03 UTC
13 points
5 comments4 min readLW link