Killing oneself with high certainty of effectiveness is more difficult than most assume.
Dying naturally also isn’t as smooth as plenty of people assume. I’m pretty sure that “taking things into your hands” leads to higher amount of expected suffering reduction in most cases, and it’s not informed rational analysis that prevents people from taking that option.
If a future hostile agent just wants to maximize suffering, will foregoing preservation protect you from it?
Yes? I mean, unless we entertain some extreme abstractions like it simulating all possible minds of certain complexity or whatever.
Dying naturally also isn’t as smooth as plenty of people assume. I’m pretty sure that “taking things into your hands” leads to higher amount of expected suffering reduction in most cases, and it’s not informed rational analysis that prevents people from taking that option.
Yes? I mean, unless we entertain some extreme abstractions like it simulating all possible minds of certain complexity or whatever.