Well, that’s a wrap for the 2021 Review.
We had 238 people cast votes. 452 posts were originally nominated, of which 149 posts received at least one review.
The LessWrong moderation team will be awarding prizes and assembling posts into the Best of 2021 Books / Sequences soon. But for now, you can look here at the raw results.
Voting is visualized here with dots of varying sizes (roughly indicating that a user thought a post was “good” “important”, or “extremely important”). Green dots indicate positive votes. Red indicate negative votes. You can hover over a dot to see its exact score.
Huh, this was approximately the number I’d have guessed, but I remembered you should probably filter out events and low-karma posts, and I’m actually fairly surprised that when you do that the number drops down to 1040:
Woop! Pretty good results. A few of my +9s aren’t in the top 50, but most of them are. And well done to Elephant Seal 2, ranking higher than Elephant Seal 1 did.
4⁄8 of Eliezer Yudkowsky’s posts in this list have a minus 9. Compare this with 1⁄7 for duncan_sabien, 0⁄6 for paulfchristiano, 0⁄5 for Daniel Kokotajlo, or 0⁄3 for HoldenKarnofsky. I wonder why that is.
Man I find myself curious about whoever medium-downvoted “The Death of Behavioral Economics”. This seems like it throws a wrench in some of the original underpinnings of LessWrong. I get not thinking it was all that important, but surprised someone would vote strongly against it.
Presumably they agreed with Scott’s criticisms of it, and thought they were severe enough problems to make it not Review-worthy?
I didn’t get around to (?re-)reading & voting on it, but I might’ve wound up downvoting if I did. It does hit a pet peeve of mine, where people act as if ‘bad discourse is okay if it’s from a critic’.
How many posts were posted in total in 2021?
(You can check by seeing the numbers next to the load more button on the all-posts page for 2021.)
Huh, this was approximately the number I’d have guessed, but I remembered you should probably filter out events and low-karma posts, and I’m actually fairly surprised that when you do that the number drops down to 1040:
When I un-check “Show low karma” it goes down to 3233.
I didn’t have “Show Events” checked.
Whoops, totally wrong, that was the shortform number.
Woop! Pretty good results. A few of my +9s aren’t in the top 50, but most of them are. And well done to Elephant Seal 2, ranking higher than Elephant Seal 1 did.
4⁄8 of Eliezer Yudkowsky’s posts in this list have a minus 9. Compare this with 1⁄7 for duncan_sabien, 0⁄6 for paulfchristiano, 0⁄5 for Daniel Kokotajlo, or 0⁄3 for HoldenKarnofsky. I wonder why that is.
To state the obvious, Yudkowsky’s writing style/rhetoric/argument annoys people.
Man I find myself curious about whoever medium-downvoted “The Death of Behavioral Economics”. This seems like it throws a wrench in some of the original underpinnings of LessWrong. I get not thinking it was all that important, but surprised someone would vote strongly against it.
Presumably they agreed with Scott’s criticisms of it, and thought they were severe enough problems to make it not Review-worthy?
I didn’t get around to (?re-)reading & voting on it, but I might’ve wound up downvoting if I did. It does hit a pet peeve of mine, where people act as if ‘bad discourse is okay if it’s from a critic’.