(You can check by seeing the numbers next to the load more button on the all-posts page for 2021.)
Huh, this was approximately the number I’d have guessed, but I remembered you should probably filter out events and low-karma posts, and I’m actually fairly surprised that when you do that the number drops down to 1040:https://www.lesswrong.com/allPosts?after=2021-01-01&before=2022-01-01&limit=100&timeframe=yearly&includeEvents=false&karmaThreshold=0
When I un-check “Show low karma” it goes down to 3233.
I didn’t have “Show Events” checked.
Whoops, totally wrong, that was the shortform number.
(You can check by seeing the numbers next to the load more button on the all-posts page for 2021.)
Huh, this was approximately the number I’d have guessed, but I remembered you should probably filter out events and low-karma posts, and I’m actually fairly surprised that when you do that the number drops down to 1040:
When I un-check “Show low karma” it goes down to 3233.
I didn’t have “Show Events” checked.
Whoops, totally wrong, that was the shortform number.