The Coordination Frontier: Sequence Intro
Sometimes, groups of humans disagree about what to do.
We also sometimes disagree about how to decide what to do.
Sometimes we even disagree about how to decide how to decide.
Among the philosophically unsophisticated, there is a sad, frustrating way this can play out: People resolve “how to decide” with yelling, or bloodshed, or, (if you’re lucky), charismatic leaders assembling coalitions. This can leave lots of value on the table, or actively destroy value.
Among the extremely philosophically sophisticated, there are different sad, frustrating ways this can play out: People have very well thought out principles informing their sense of “how to coordinate well.” But, their principles are not the same, and they don’t have good meta-principles on when/how to compromise. They spend hours (or years) arguing about how to decide. Or they burn a lot of energy in conflict. Or they end up walking away from what could have been a good deal, if only people were a bit better at communicating.
I’ve gone through multiple iterations on this sequence intro, some optimistic, some pessimistic.
Optimistic takes include: “I think rationalists are in a rare position to actually figure out good coordination meta-principles, because we are smart, and care, and are in positions where good coordination actually matters. This is exciting, because coordination is basically the most important thing [citation needed]. Anyone with a shot at pushing humanity’s coordination theory and capacity forward should do that.”
Pessimistic takes include: “Geez louise, rationalists are all philosophical contrarians with weird, extreme, self-architected psychology who are a pain to work with”, as well as “Actually, the most important facets of coordination to improve are maybe more like ‘slightly better markets’ than like ‘figuring out how to help oddly specific rationalists get along’.”
I started writing this post several years ago because I was annoyed at, like, 6 particular people, many of them smarter and more competent than me, many of whom were explicitly interested in coordination theory, who nonetheless seemed to despair at coordinating with rationalists-in-particular (including each other). The post grew into a sequence. The sequence grew into a sprawling research project. My goal was “provide a good foundation to get rationalists through the Valley of Bad Coordination”. I feel like we’re so close to being able to punch above our weight at coordination and general competence.
I think my actual motivations were sort of unhealthy. “If only I could think better and write really good blogposts, these particular people I’m frustrated with could get along.”
I’m currently in a bit of a pessimistic swing, and do not expect that writing sufficiently good blogposts will fix the things I was originally frustrated by. The people in question (probably) have decent reasons for having different coordination strategies.
Nonetheless, I think “mild irritation at something not quite working” is pretty good as motivations go. I’ve spent the past few years trying to reconcile the weirdly-specific APIs of different rationalists who each were trying to solve pretty real problems, and who had developed rich, complex worldviews along the way that point towards something important. I feel like I can almost taste the center of some deeper set of principles that unite them.
Since getting invested in this, I’ve come to suspect “If you want to succeed at coordination, ‘incremental improvements on things like markets’ is more promising than ’reconcile weird rationalist APIs.” But, frustration with weird rationalist APIs was the thing that got me on this path, and I think I’m just going to see that through to the end.
Here is this sequence, and here is what the deal is:
Deep Inside Views,
and the Coordination Frontier
A common strength of rationalists is having deep inside-view models. Rich, gears-based inside views are often a source of insight, but are hard to communicate about because they are many inferential steps away from common knowledge.
Normally, that’s kinda fine. If you’re not specifically building a product together, it’s okay if you mostly go off in different directions, think hard-to-explain-thoughts, and only occasionally try to distill your thoughts down into something the median LessWronger can understand.
But it’s trickier when your rich, nuanced worldview is specifically about coordinating with other people.
The Coordination Frontier is my term for “the cutting edge of coordination techniques, which are not obvious to most people.” I think it’s a useful concept for us to collectively have as we navigate complex new domains in the coming years.
Sometimes you are on the coordination frontier, and unfortunately that means it’s either your job to explain a principle to other people, or you have to sadly watch value get destroyed. Often, this is in the middle of a heated conflict, where noticing-what’s-going-on is particularly hard.
Other times, you might think you are on the coordination frontier, but actually you’re wrong – your principles are missing something important and aren’t actually an improvement. Maybe you’re just rationalizing things that are convenient for you.
Sometimes, Alice and Bob disagree on principles, but are importantly both somewhat right, and would benefit from somehow integrating their different principles into a coherent decision framework.
When you are trying to innovate along the coordination frontier, there aren’t purely right-or-wrong answers. There are different things you can optimize for. But, I think there are righter and wronger answers. There are principles that constrain what types of coordination solutions are appropriate, given a particular goal. There are failure modes you can fall into, or, notice and avoid.
And, if you are a particular agent with a particular set of skills and cognitive bandwidth and time and goals, interacting with other agents with particular goals and resources…
...then I think there (might) be a fairly narrow range of theoretically-best-answers to the question “how do I coordinate with these people.”
A rationalist failure mode is to get overly attached to the belief that you’ve found “the right answer.” One of the more important meta-coordination principles is “We don’t really have time to agree on which of our weird philosophical positions is right, and we need to coordinate anyway”.
Nonetheless, I do think there is something important about the fact that “righter answers exist.”
My overall preferred approach is a mixture of pragmatism in the day-to-day, and curious, lawful thinking about the theoretical ideal.
Distinctions near the Frontier
A few people read an earlier draft of this post and were like “Cool, but, I don’t know that I could use ‘Coordination Frontier’ in a sentence.” I think it’s easiest to describe it by contrasting a few neighboring concepts:
The Coordination Baseline
Coordination Pioneers
The Coordination Frontier
The Coordination Limit
The Coordination Baseline
AKA “mainstream civilization”
The Coordination Baseline is what most people around you are doing. In your particular city or culture, what principles do people take as obvious? Which norms do they follow? Which systems do they employ? Does a shopkeeper charge everyone a standardized price for an item, or do they haggle with each individual? Do people vote? Can you generally expect people to be honest? When people communicate, does it tend to be Ask Culture or Guess Culture?
Who exactly this is referring to depends on the context of a discussion. It might refer to an entire country, a city, or a particular subculture. But there is at least some critical mass of people who interact with each other, who have baseline expectations for how coordination works.
Coordination Pioneers
Some people explore novel ways of coordinating, beyond the baseline. They develop new systems and schemes and norms – voting systems, auctions, leadership styles, etc. They are Coordination Pioneers.
Sometimes they are solving fully novel problems that have never been solved before – such as inventing a completely new voting system.
Sometimes they are following the footsteps of others who have already blazed a trail. Perhaps they are reinventing approval voting, not realizing it’s already been discovered. Or, perhaps they read about it, and then get excited about it, and join a political movement to get the new voting system adopted.
The Coordination Frontier
The upper limit of human knowledge of how to coordinate well.
The coordination frontier is the pareto frontier of “what coordination strategies we are theoretically capable of implementing.”
The frontier changes over time. Once upon a time, our best coordination tools were “physical might makes right, and/or vaguely defined exchange of social status.” Then we invented money, and norms like “don’t lie”.
During the cold war, the United States and Soviet Union were suddenly thrown into a novel, dangerous situation where either could lay devastating waste to the other. Game theorists like Thomas Schelling had to develop strategies that incorporated the possibility of mutually assured destruction, where in some ways it was better if both sides had the ability to reliably, inevitably counterattack.
Most people in the world probably didn’t understand the principles underlying MAD at the time, but, somewhere in the world were people who did. (Hopefully, ranking generals and diplomats in the US and Soviet Union).
The Coordination Limit
The upper limit of what is theoretically possible.
For any given set of agents, in a given situation, with a given amount of time to think and communicate, there are limits on what the best joint decisions they could reach. The Coordination Limit is the theoretical upper bound of how much value they could jointly optimize for.
There will be different points along a curve, optimizing for different things. There might be multiple “right answers”, for any given optimization target. But I think the set of options for “perfect-ish play” are relatively constrained.
I think it’s useful to track separately “what would N fully informed agents do, if they are perfectly skilled at communicating and decisionmaking”, as well as “given a set of agents who aren’t fully knowledgeable of coordination theory, with limited communication or decisionmaking skills and some muddled history of interaction, what is the space of possible optimization targets they can hit given their starting point?”
Where is this going?
The thing I am excited about is pushing the coordination frontier forward, towards the limit.
This sequence covers a mixture of meta-coordination principles, and object-level coordination tools. As I post this, I haven’t finished the sequence, nor have I settled on the single-most-important takeaways.
But here are my current guesses for where this is going:
Most of the value of coordination-experimentation lives in the future. Locally, novel coordination usually costs more than it gains. This has implications on what to optimize for when you’re experimenting. Optimize for longterm learning, and for building up coordination-bubbles where you’ll get to continue reaping the benefits.
Complex coordination requires some combination of Shared-Understanding-And-Skills, or, Simplifying UI.
Misjudging inferential distance, and failing to model theory of mind properly, are particularly common failure modes. People are usually not coordinating based on the same principles as you. This is more true the more you’ve thought about your principles. Adjust your expectations accordingly.
Lack of reliable reputation systems is a major bottleneck, at multiple scales. (Open Problem #1)
Another bottleneck is ability to quickly converge on coordination-frame. This is tricky because “which coordination frame we use” is a negotiation, often with winners and losers. But I think rationalists often spend more time negotiating over coordination-frame that it’s worth. (Open Problem #2)
Coordination is very important during a crisis, but it’s hard to apply new principles or depend-on-particular-skills during high stakes crises. This means it’s valuable to establish good policies during non-crisis times (and, make sure to learn from crises that do happen)
- Coordination Schemes Are Capital Investments by 6 Sep 2021 23:27 UTC; 140 points) (
- Shared Frames Are Capital Investments in Coordination by 23 Sep 2021 23:24 UTC; 93 points) (
- Privacy and Manipulation by 5 Dec 2021 0:39 UTC; 80 points) (
- Voting Results for the 2021 Review by 1 Feb 2023 8:02 UTC; 66 points) (
- The Expanding Moral Cinematic Universe by 28 Aug 2022 18:42 UTC; 64 points) (
- 5 Oct 2022 5:14 UTC; 5 points) 's comment on Clarifying Your Principles by (
Rereading this 2 years later, I’m still legit-unsure about how much it matters. I still think coordination capacity is one of the most important things for a society or for an organization. Coordination Capital is one of my few viable contenders for a resource that might solve x-risk.
The questions here, IMO, are:
Is coordination capacity a major bottleneck?
Are novel coordination schemes an important way to reduce that bottleneck, or just a shiny distraction? (i.e. maybe there’s just a bunch of obvious wisdom we should be following, and if we just did a good job following it that’d be sufficient)
Is the problem of “coordination innovators bumping into each other in frustrating ways?” an important bottleneck on innovating novel coordination schemes?
To help me think about that, here are some things that have happened in the past couple years since writing this, that feel relevant:
A bunch of shared offices have been cropping up in the past couple years. Lightcone and Constellation were both founded in Berkeley. The offices reduce a lot of barrier to forming collaborations or hashing out disagreements. (I count this as “doing the obvious things”, not “coordination innovation”).
Impact Equity Trade. Lightcone and Constellation attempted some collaborations and negotiations over who would have ownership over some limited real-estate. Some complex disagreements ensued. Eventually it was negotiated that Constellation would give .75% of it’s Impact Equity to Lightcone, as a way for everyone to agree “okay, we can move on from dispute feeling things were handled reasonably well.” (This does definitely count as “weird coordination innovation)
Prediction markets, and relating forecasting aggregators, feel a lot more real to me now than they did in 2021. When Russia was escalating in the Ukraine and a lot of people were worried about nuclear war, it was extremely helpful to have Metaculus, Manifold and Polymarket all hosting predictions on whether Russia would launch a tactical nuke. Habryka whipped up (which at the time was saying “9%” and now says “0-1%”. This also feels like an example of weird coordination innovation helping
I’ve had fewer annoying coordination fights. I think since around the time of this post, the people who were bumping into each other a lot mostly just… stopped. Mostly by sort of retreating, and engaging with each other less frequently. This feels sad. But, I’ve still successfully worked together with many Coordination Pioneers on smaller, scoped projects.
The Lightcone team’s internal coordination has developed. Fleshing out the details here feels like a whole extra task, but, I do think Lightcone succeeds at being a high trust team that punches above it’s weight at coordination.
Within Lightcone, I’ve had the specific experience of getting mad at someone for coordinating wrong, and remembering “oh right I wrote a sequence about how this was dumb”, which… helped at least a little.
There are still some annoying coordination fights about AI strategy, EA strategy, epistemics, etc. This isn’t so much a “coordination frontier” problem as a “coordination” problem (i.e. people want different things and have different beliefs about what strategies will get them the things they way).
Negotiations during pandemic. This was a primary instigator for this sequence. See Coordination Skills I Wish I Had For the Pandemic as a general writeup of coordination skills useful in real life. I list:
Knowing What I Value
Negotiating under stress
Numerical-Emotional Literacy / Scope Sensitivity
Turning Sacred Values into Trades
I think those are all skills that are somewhat available in the population-at-large, but not super common. “Knowing what I value” and “grieving” I think both benefit from introspection skill. Calibration and Scope Sensitivity require numerical skills. Turning Sacred Values into Trades kinda depends on all the other skills as building blocks.
Microcovid happened. I think microcovid already had taken off by the time I wrote this post, but I came to appreciate it more as a coordination tool. I think it required having a number of the previous aforementioned skills latent in the rationality community.
Evan posted on AI coordination needs clear wins. This didn’t go anywhere AFAICT, but I do think it’s a promising direction. It seems like “business as usual coordination.”
The S-Process exists. (This was to be fair, already true when this post was posted). The S-Process is (at face value), a tool for high fidelity negotiation about how to allocate grant money. In practice I’m not sure if it’s more than a complex game that you can use to get groups of smart people to exchange worldmodels about what’s important to fund and strategize about. It’s pretty good at this goal. I think it has aspirations of having cool mechanism designs that are more directly helpful but I’m not sure when/how those are gonna play out. (See Zvi’s writeup of what it was like to participate in the current system)
The FTX Regranting Program was tried. Despite the bad things FTX did, and even despite some chaos I’m worried the FTX Regranting Program caused, it sure was an experiment in how to scale grantmaking, which I think was worth trying. This also feels like a whole post.
I made simpler voting UI for the LessWrong Review Quadratic Voting. (Also, I’ve experimented with quadratic voting in other contexts). I feel like I’ve gotten a better handle at how to distill a complex mechanism-design under-the-hood into a simple UI.
On a related note, creating the Quick Review Page was also a good experiment in distilling a complex cognitive operation into something more scalable.
Okay, so now what?
Man, I dunno, I’m running out of steam at the moment. I think my overall take is “experimenting in coordination is still obviously quite good”, and “the solution to ‘the coordination frontier paradox’ is something like ‘idk chill out a bit?’”.
Will maybe have more thoughts after I’ve digested this a bit.