
Karma: 4,726

I was a co-founder of CFAR in 2012, same year I got my PhD in math education & left academia. I’d been actively trying to save the world for about a decade at that point. I left CFAR in 2018 due to strong disagreements in approach. I then spent several years focused on a “hippie arc” (meditation, yoga, plant medicine ceremonies, etc.) and “de-mystified” in summer 2024.

Find my non-rationalist writing, social media, and projects at my Linktree.

The hos­tile telepaths problem

ValentineOct 27, 2024, 3:26 PM
383 points
89 comments15 min readLW link

“Dark Con­sti­tu­tion” for con­strain­ing some superintelligences

ValentineJan 10, 2024, 4:02 PM
3 points
9 comments1 min readLW link