I was a co-founder of CFAR in 2012, same year I got my PhD in math education & left academia. I’d been actively trying to save the world for about a decade at that point. I left CFAR in 2018 due to strong disagreements in approach. I then spent several years focused on a “hippie arc” (meditation, yoga, plant medicine ceremonies, etc.) and “de-mystified” in summer 2024.
Find my non-rationalist writing, social media, and projects at my Linktree.
I’ve been reflecting on this since it was posted. Coming back to it from time to time.
I just wanted to make a note saying: received. I believe I see your point, and I’ve been taking it in.
(I also disagree with some of the narrativemancy you employ here about me. It’s difficult for me to publicly agree with anything in your comment here because of a similar mechanism that you’re objecting to in the OP. I wish I didn’t need to add this note. I’d rather just say “I’m hearing something meaningful in what you’re saying and have been taking it in.” That’s the part that matters. But I can do so only if I also register that I very much disagree with your model of what I was trying to do, and in some cases I strongly disagree with your analysis of what I was in fact doing. Thankfully I can still learn from your message anyway. I just wanted to say — more to LW than to you, really — that I’ve heard your objection and have been taking the truth I can find in it seriously.)