@Ivan Vendrov think you’d be interested
Can you think of examples like this in the broader AI landscape? - What are the best examples of self-fulfilling prophecies in AI alignment?
Situational Awareness and race dynamics? h/t Jan Kulveit @Jan_Kulveit
[Question] Examples of self-fulfilling prophecies in AI alignment?
I don’t feel like I learned anything new from the post.
This surprises me! Wait so-
The “How does one-shotting happen?” section didn’t have anything interesting for you? (Have you seen stuff like this elsewhere?)
Did you already know one-shotting was possible?
since your bullet-point list in the beginning isn’t detailed enough for anyone to try to replicate the method.
Wait I’m confused- this is not the purpose of the post
Also notable is that you only have positive examples for your method
The purpose of this post is not advertisement. It’s to discuss one-shots
Especially, how would you be able to distinguish between your approach convincing your customers they were helped, instead of actually changing their behavior?
See above
Would anyone like to help me edit a better version of this?
Oh I like “patients” (“clients”). I’ll think about the rest, thanks. I’m just not sure how to write anything useful and legible without talking about my own experience and what I have the most data for?
Also I see the point of your last bullet where “my business” is the subject hm
any suggestions for how to talk about this stuff without having it read like an advertisement? i’m genuinely interested in the idea of one-shotting and legibilizing evidence that quick growth is possible
any updates on how this is going btw? (doing retroactive funding research)
Do clients need years of therapy, or can one conversation resolve the issue?
what came of this? (doing research on bounties, prizes, and retroactive funding rn)
fwiw, FABRIC was able to get funding inNovember 2024(who knows if this date is correct though)nvm this was an “exit grant” lmao
Now that this is “over”, I’d be fascinated to see a post about what the fundraising process was like for you and what can be learned. Seems like a big L for retroactive funding for example
Aside: I’m surprised you’re suggesting
people get validation --> people feel secure
? This does not at all seem like the causality to me (though I’m aware most people probably think like this).Prediction: In the absence of radically improved psychotechnology, a significant fraction of people will always find a way to feel insecure.
hmm i suspect releasing these metrics could make my customers significantly more annoying. like, early adopters are fun and experimental. but if i make it seem not risky then i get risk-averse people who tend to be prickly
so maybe i will compile and release this data but i would need to figure out how to do it in a way that doesn’t change the funnel
Any updates on this?
what are the examples of the curriculum/activities you’re considering/planning?