[Question] What’s Wrong With the Simulation Argument?

In LessWrong contributor Scott Alexander’s essay, Espistemic Learned Helplessness, he wrote,

Even the smartest people I know have a commendable tendency not to take certain ideas seriously. Bostrom’s simulation argument, the anthropic doomsday argument, Pascal’s Mugging – I’ve never heard anyone give a coherent argument against any of these, but I’ve also never met anyone who fully accepts them and lives life according to their implications.

I can’t help but agree with Scott Alexander about the simulation argument. No one has refuted it, ever, in my books. However, this argument carries a dramatic, and in my eyes, frightening implication for our existential situation.

Joe Carlsmith’s essay, Simulation Arguments, clarified some nuances, but ultimately the argument’s conclusion remains the same.

When I looked on Reddit for the answer, the attempted counterarguments were weak and disappointing.

It’s just that, the claims below feel so obvious to me:

  • It is physically possible to simulate a conscious mind.

  • The universe is very big, and there are many, many other aliens.

  • Some aliens will run various simulations.

  • The number of simulations that are “subjectively indistinguishable” from our own experience far outnumbers authentic evolved humans. (By “subjectively indistinguishable,” I mean the simulates can’t tell they’re in a simulation. )

When someone challenges any of those claims, I’m immediately skeptical. I hope you can appreciate why those claims feel evident.

Thank you for reading all this. Now, I’ll ask for your help.

Can anyone here provide a strong counter to Bostrom’s simulation argument? If possible, I’d like to hear specifically from those who’ve engaged deeply and thoughtfully with this argument already.

Thank you again.