
Karma: 16

My government name is Mack Gallagher. I am a thrift store cashier living in Iowa. Crocker’s Rules. I am an underfunded “alignment” “researcher”. DM me if you’d like to fund my posts.

Thoughts on Evo-Bio Math and Mesa-Op­ti­miza­tion: Maybe We Need To Think Harder About “Rel­a­tive” Fit­ness?

Lorec28 Sep 2024 14:07 UTC
6 points
6 comments1 min readLW link

For Limited Su­per­in­tel­li­gences, Epistemic Ex­clu­sion is Harder than Ro­bust­ness to Log­i­cal Exploitation

Lorec15 Sep 2024 20:49 UTC
3 points
9 comments3 min readLW link