So you can now drag-and-drop images into comments. (Thanks, LessWrong dev team!)
Hence, this post is an excuse to build a beautiful, inspiring, powerful — and primarily visual — comment section.
Let’s celebrate all that is great about the Art of Rationality, with images.
Each answer must contain a picture. No links!
It should be possible to just scroll through the comments and adore the artwork. There shouldn’t be any need to click-through to other pages. (Think of it like a Pinterest board, if you’ve ever seen those.)
Adding text is fine, but consider doing it in a comment underneath your image, so it can be collapsed.
Pictures should be somehow relate to the Art of Rationality, as practiced on LessWrong.
Allowed: a breathtaking shot of a SpaceX launch; that solemn shot of Petrov deep in thought, gazing out his window; a painting of Galileo spearheading empiricism against the inquisition, …
Not allowed: a random pretty mountain; the Mona Lisa; abstract expressionism, …
I’ll be liberal with this condition if you can give a good justification for why you chose your piece.
Pictures should be beautiful art independently of their relation to rationality.
Allowed: an exquisite shot of some piece of elegantly engineered machinery; a richly colourful and swirling galaxy, …
Not allowed: a random picture of Einstein and Gödel hanging out; a low-resolution photo of a galaxy which is cool because it represents an important advance in astronomy, but which in-and-of-itself just looks like some lame computer graphics; Petrov’s own tourist photos, …
Don’t be a jerk, but do note if you think something is a major conflict with a virtue.
Probably goes without saying… but don’t be a pretentious art critic. The point of this thread is to pay tribute to those virtues that keep us striving to leave this world in a better place than we found it, guided by the Light of Science. Don’t shout over the music.
That being said, I do care about pictures actually representing rationality. For example, take that photo of the exhausted surgeon after a 23h heart transplant. If it turned out (hypothetical) to have been the result of really poor utilitarian calculations, and actually is in direct conflict with some of our virtues: I think it’s important to note that.
Note: I’m certainly not saying that the above rules are all that rationalist art is about. I’m just going for a particular vision with this comment field. Other posts can enforce other visions. :)
What are some beautiful, rationalist artworks? has many pieces of art that help me resonate with what rationality is about.
Look at this statue.
That’s the first piece, there’s many more, that help me have a visual handle on rationality. I give this post a +4.