This talk about puzzles by a puzzle solving master might be interesting to you. Recommendation by Jonathan Blow (who made Braid and the Witness):
I recommend watching the full thing but I associated the post above to this interesting idea from the beginning of the video:
(1) Eureka moments are the atoms of puzzles. Eureka: A sudden, pleasureful, fluent, confident feeling of understanding. Insights
(6) Interesting truths are the root of surprise.
(7) Eureka is not Fiero. Fiero: the emotion of overcoming a tough challenge
(9) Eureka is sharable (don’t need fiero to have eureka necessarily)
Not directly comparable to the post above but maybe relevant to the part about if competition is needed.
I use ProtoTyping:
How it works:
Capslock as modifier, hold it to use right hand for:
ijkl like wasd where:
i : to move cursor one row up
k : one row down
j : one character left
l : one character right
u : one word left,
o : one word right,
h : to go to beginning on line,
key right of L : to go to end of line.
Then also use modifier with left hand at the same time as Capslock to:
s : selecting text with movement commands described above. E.g. Capslock + s + o, to select the next word.
d : deleting text with movement commands described above
E.g. Caps + d + h to delete everything to the left of the cursor on the line. If you need to delete multiple lines just: (Caps + d + i)x3, e.g. to delete three rows. (very useful in programming)
E.g. (Caps + s + u)x3, to select the 3 words to the left of the cursor, so you can then copy them e.g.
This helps you not have to move your hand to the mouse or to the arrow keys as much. Your hands stays in the right position for touch typing (fast typing) where index fingers rest on f and j. Just release caps for a bit to write, and quickly move around holding down caps.
You can use it in any app, not just code editors.