I found your example problem very interesting, and started thinking about social dynamics that match “tell me if you do it, but don’t do it”.
The closest cultural anchor I could find is that of sin, confession, priest. Modelling the situation as a confession might be an apt anchor
I follow most of the post, but got confused by the non-cyclic graph & halting problem/computational intractability part.
Is the non-cyclic graph a way of modelling causality as state transitions?
Re: computational intractability; I understand your argument as saying:
Dualism is used as a fundamental interpretative tool, since it makes it tractable to analyze feedback loops between brain and environment.
When meditating, dualism gets broken down due to lack of feedback loops and an increase in neutral annealing, leading to nondual world models
Questions: A. Why is the awakened brain capable of performing “computationally intractable” computation (non-dual & feedback loopy)? Seems more like an aptness thing than a fundamental impossibility thing (a la halting problem) B. Does all awakening-inducing meditative practices involve cutting feedback loops? Is awakening a theravada/Samantha thing?