Well, killing each other to resolve arguments does seem like the kind of thing I would frown upon (unless the killers seem to dislike other people frowning at them)
This post is targeted more towards people picking up things like Nonviolent communication (which I think can be great*) and ending up angry at their parents/friends for not being skilled.
When someone new to nvc ends up judging non-practitioners, focusing more on failures than understanding, then they’re shooting themselves in the foot.
Even if you want to convert everyone, I would argue that irritation & correcting others aren’t an optimal way to drive adoption.
Well, killing each other to resolve arguments does seem like the kind of thing I would frown upon (unless the killers seem to dislike other people frowning at them)
This post is targeted more towards people picking up things like Nonviolent communication (which I think can be great*) and ending up angry at their parents/friends for not being skilled.
When someone new to nvc ends up judging non-practitioners, focusing more on failures than understanding, then they’re shooting themselves in the foot.
Even if you want to convert everyone, I would argue that irritation & correcting others aren’t an optimal way to drive adoption.
*) more info here: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/PCrTQDbciG4oLgmQ5/sapir-whorf-for-rationalists