My current research interests:
- alignment in systems which are complex and messy, composed of both humans and AIs?
- actually good mathematized theories of cooperation and coordination
- active inference
- bounded rationality
Research at Alignment of Complex Systems Research Group (, Centre for Theoretical Studies, Charles University in Prague. Formerly research fellow Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University
Previously I was a researcher in physics, studying phase transitions, network science and complex systems.
The question is not about the very general claim, or general argument, but about this specific reasoning step
I do claim this is not locally valid, that’s all (and recommend reading the linked essay). I do not claim the broad argument that text prediction objective doesn’t stop incentivizing higher capabilities once you get to human level capabilities is wrong.
I do agree communication can be hard, and maybe I misunderstand the quoted two sentences, but it seems very natural to read them as making a comparison between tasks at the level of math.