Thanks for the reply! I think the flaw you suggested is closely related to the “likelihood prioritization” augmentation of dictionary attacks from 3.2.1. Definitely something to keep in mind, though one measure against dictionary attacks in general is slow hashing, the practice of configuring a hashing function to be unusually expensive to compute.
For instance, with the current configuration, it would take you a couple years to process a million hashes if all you had was one core of a modern CPU. But this can be arbitrarily modified. The current slow hashing algorithm used also requires a memory burden, so as to make it harder to parallelize on accelerators.
Curious if you have other ideas on this!
That’s an interesting idea. In its simplest form, the escrow could have draconic NDAs with both parties, even if it doesn’t have the technology to prove deletion. In general, I’m excited about techniques that influence the type of relations that players can have with each other.
However, one logistical difficulty is getting a huge model from the developer’s (custom) infra on the hypothetical escrow infra… It’d be very attractive if the model could just stay with the dev somehow...