In Defense of the Shoggoth Analogy
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The explanations in the thread seem to me to be missing the middle or evading the heart of the problem. Zoomed out: an optimization target at level of personality. Zoomed in: a circuit diagram of layers. But those layers with billions of weights are pretty much Turing complete.
Unfortunately, I don’t think anyone has much idea how all those little learned computations are make up said personality. My suspicion is there isn’t going to be an *easy* way to explain what they’re doing. Of course, I’d be relieved to be wrong here!
This matters because the analogy in the thread between averaged faces and LLM outputs is broken in an important way. (Nearly) every picture of a face in the training data has a nose. When you look at the nose of an averaged face, it’s based very closely on the noses of all the faces that got averaged. However, despite the size of the training datasets for LLMs, the space of possible queries and topics of conversation is even vaster (it’s exponential in the prompt-window size, unlike the query space for the average faces which are just the size of the image).
As such, LLMs are forced to extrapolate hard. So, I’d expect that which particular generalizations they learned, hiding in those weights, to start to matter once users start poking them in unanticipated ways.
In short, if LLMs are like averaged faces, I think they’re faces that will readily fall apart into Shoggoths if someone looks at them from an unanticipated or uncommon angle.
Looking at this comment from three years in the future, I’ll just note that there’s something quite ironic about your having put Sam Bankman-Fried on this list! If only he’d refactored his identity more! But no, he was stuck in short-sighted-greed/CDT/small-self, and we all paid a price for that, didn’t we?