A post about all the reasons AGI will kill us: No. 1 all time highest karma (827 on 467 votes; +1.77 karma/vote)
A post about containment strategy for AGI: 7th all time highest karma (609 on 308 votes; +1.98 karma/vote)
A post about us all basically being 100% dead from AGI: 52nd all time highest karma (334 on 343 votes; +0.97 karma/vote, a bit more controversial)
Also LessWrong:
A post about actually doing something about containing the threat from AGI and not dying [this one]: downvoted to oblivion (-5 karma within an hour; currently 13 karma on 24 votes; +0.54 karma/vote)
My read: y’all are so allergic to anything considered remotely political (even though this should really not be a mater of polarisation—it’s about survival above all else!) that you’d rather just lie down and be paperclipped than actually do anything to prevent it happening. I’m done.
Are you saying they are suicidal?