Correction: “is that you experienced was real” → “is that what you experienced was real”
> Now I knew how to not trigger those defense mechanisms.
The linked video looks like rhetorical aikido. If that’s what you’re talking about, link it. If you meant something else, what did you learn to do?
The manifest manifesto
Ascetic hedonism
Variably compressibly studies are fun
Public computers can make addictive tools safe
Picking favourites is hard
You’re probably right. I neglected check how effective this would be in any quantitative sense.
I think you underestimate the cost of street-level murals ($100K / mi is about $60 / m), and neglect the benefit of tunnels’ inevitable insulation, but the decision would probably end up the same.
Decorated pedestrian tunnels
My phone runs iOS or Android
My body mass is between 60 and 80 kg
English is one of my native languages
That would be fun in the same way. If your goal in playing includes informing listeners, it’s better to use thoroughly absurd facts and an equally-absurd lie; absurdity is low prior probability leads to surprise corresponds to learning.
Entropic strategy in Two Truths and a Lie
The post answers most of that, except for the first question, for which my memories of childhood are too vague anyway, but it was surely before when I was 14.
Some of the difference may be the quality (enjoyability, negative of annoyance) of the songs we respectively get as earworms (based ultimately on the quality of the songs we hear). Some of it may be that I can get distracted from verbal thinking by earworm lyrics. The rest is arbitrary personal mind-differences.
Internal music player: phenomenology of earworms
Spherical cow
Nerdtrition: simple diets via spreadsheet abuse
Gorges of gender on a terrain of traits
Conventional footnotes considered harmful
Boons and banes
I added intention-to-treat statistics in an addendum.
“older the human beings” → “older than human beings”
“copper metal cube 16 centimeters in diameter” → “copper cube 16 centimeters to an edge”
“stuck out your throat” → “stick out your throat”
“exame” → “exam”
“to boy is about to die” → “to a boy who is about to die”
Except for the crucial paragraph near the end, the style reads more like Herbert than Lsusr. Good job.