A distiller (name based on https://distill.pub/) is a writer who can explain a complex topic, one with a lot of research debt, so that knowledgeable undergraduates in the subject can get a good intuition and picture of the subject. I’m looking for examples of people you consider great distillers in a field in which you have advanced knowledge. For example, Terrence Tao is a great distiller of Mathematics, and Scott Aaronson is a great distiller of Complexity Theory and Quantum Computing. What are your favorite distillers, and why?
I’m asking because I’m trying to improve my own distilling skills, and studying/stealing from the masters is a great way to get better. Only issue is that you need to know the masters.
https://t.me/mathtabletalks (in Russian)
https://www.mccme.ru/dubna/eng/ (a summer school aimed at teaching advanced topic to high schoolers and early undergrads in Russia; there are hundreds of recordings and a dozen of edited notes from the school available in Russian)
http://math.jacobs-university.de/summerschool/ (European version of above; don’t know much about them adding just in case)
As this answer got upvoted, I collected some Dubna’s courses read in English, for which recordings are available (look for “Доступны 4 видеозаписи курса.”)
Computations: from Turing machines to Tilings
First glances at the principles of Statistical Mechanics: what are Gibbs measures?
Groups, trees, and ends
Topological methods in combinatorics and discrete geometry
Thanks! The first link is especially awesome!
I’m fond of the “A Very Short Introduction” book series from Oxford University Press. Some very good examples of those include Thomas Pink’s on Free Will, Susan Blackmore’s on Consciousness, Christopher Janaway’s on Schopenhauer, David Weir’s on Decadence, Stanley Wells on Shakespeare, and Brad Inwood’s on Stoicism.
Thanks! I have some of those, I’ll pay more attention next time I read one.
David MacKay: Sustainable Energy – without the hot air
David MacKay: Information Theory text book
Steven Pinker: How the Mind Works, The Stuff of Thought (Cognitive science, linguistics, philosophy of language)
I know MacKay by reputation, for the information theory textbook. What make him a great distiller/explainer in your opinion?