[This is a nitpick of the form “one of your side-rants went a bit too far IMO;” feel free to ignore]
The ability to do new basic work noticing and fixing those flaws is the same ability as the ability to write this document before I published it, which nobody apparently did, despite my having had other things to do than write this up for the last five years or so. Some of that silence may, possibly, optimistically, be due to nobody else in this field having the ability to write things comprehensibly—such that somebody out there had the knowledge to write all of this themselves, if they could only have written it up, but they couldn’t write, so didn’t try. … The fact that, twenty-one years into my entering this death game, seven years into other EAs noticing the death game, and two years into even normies starting to notice the death game, it is still Eliezer Yudkowsky writing up this list, says that humanity still has only one gamepiece that can do that.
The third option this seems to miss is that there are people who could have written this document, but they also thought they had better things to do than write it. I’m thinking of people like Paul Christiano, Nate Soares, John Wentworth, Ajeya Cotra… there are dozens of people who have thought deeply about this stuff and also talked with you (Yudkowsky) and I bet they could have written something approximately as good as this if they tried. Perhaps, like you, they decided to instead spend their time working directly on the problem.
I do agree with you that they seem to on average be way way too optimistic, but I don’t think it’s because they are ignorant of the considerations and arguments you’ve made here.
A big source of optimism for Paul, for example, seems to be his timelines + views about takeoff speeds, which are mostly independent of the claims made in this post. I too would be cautiously optimistic if I thought we had 30 years left and that by the time things really went crazy we’d have decades of experience with just-slightly-dumber systems automating big chunks of the economy & AI alignment would be a big prestigious field with lots of geniuses being mentored by older geniuses etc. (Many of the points you make here would still apply, so it would still be a pretty scary situation...)
I’m thinking of people like Paul Christiano, Nate Soares, John Wentworth, Ajeya Cotra… [...] I do agree with you that they seem to on average be way way too optimistic, but I don’t think it’s because they are ignorant of the considerations and arguments you’ve made here.
I don’t think Nate is that much more optimistic than Eliezer, but I believe Eliezer thinks Nate couldn’t have generated enough of the list in the OP, or couldn’t have generated enough of it independently (“using the null string as input”).
>too would be cautiously optimistic if I thought we had 30 years left
This is a bit of an aside but can I ask what the general opinion is on how many years we had left? Was your comment stating that it’s optimistic to think we have 30 years left before AGI, or optimistic about the remainder of the sentence?
Seems implausible. Other people have much more stamina than I do, hence more time in practice, even if they are simultaneously doing other things.
It’s admittedly true that nobody in this field except me can write things, in full generality; but one might have still expected a poorly written attempt to arise from somewhere if the knowledge-capability was widespread.
Would MIRI be interested in hiring a full time staff writer/editor? I feel like I could have produced a good chunk of this if I had thought I should try to, just from having hung around LessWrong since it was just Eliezer Yudkowsky and Robin Hanson blogging on Overcoming Bias, but I thought the basic “no, really, AI is going to kill us” arguments were already written up in other places, like Arbital and the book Superintelligence.
Would MIRI be interested in hiring a full time staff writer/editor?
This is sort of still Rob’s job, and it was my job from 2016-2019. If I recall correctly, my first major project was helping out with a document sort-of-like this document, which tried to explain to OpenPhil some details of the MIRI strategic view. [I don’t think this was ever made public, and might be an interesting thing to pull out of the archives and publish now?]
If I tried to produce this document from scratch, I think it would have been substantially worse, tho I think I might have been able to reduce the time from “Eliezer’s initial draft” to “this is published at all”.
From the perspective of persuading an alignment-optimist in the AI world, this document could not possibly have been worse. I don’t know you Vaniver, but I’m confident you could have done a more persuasive job just by editing out the weird aspersion that EY is the only person capable of writing about alignment.
I think you’re thinking of drafts mainly based on Nate’s thinking rather than Eliezer’s, but yeah, those are on my list of things to maybe release publicly in some form.
100~200 are the latest estimates I’ve heard for total number of people working on AI alignment.
I don’t have a great reference for that figure, but it’s compatible with this slide from State of AI Report 2021 which claims “fewer than 100 researchers work on AI Alignment in 7 leading AI organisations”, if you consider:
The report excluded independent alignment researchers and smaller/lesser-known AI organisations from their tally
It’s at least a few months old [1] and the AI alignment field has been growing
[1]: I can’t tell if Benaich and Hogarth published this sometime in 2021 or at the beginning of 2022, after 2021 had ended. Either way it’s 5~18 months old.
This document doesn’t look to me like something a lot of people would try to write. Maybe it was one of the most important things to write, but not obviously so. Among the steps (1) get the idea to write out all reasons for pessimism, (2) resolve to try, (3) not give up halfway through, and (4) be capable, I would not guess that 4 is the strongest filter.
I don’t think I personally could have written it; if others think they could have, I’d genuinely be interested to hear them brag, even if they can’t prove it.
Maybe the ideal would be ‘I generated the core ideas of [a,b,c] with little or no argument from others; I had to be convinced of [d,e,f] but I now agree with them; I disagree with [g,h,i]; I think you left out important considerations [x,y,z].’ Just knowing people’s self-model is interesting to me, I don’t demand that everything you believe be immediately provable to me.
I think as of early this year (like, January/February, before I saw a version of this doc) I could have produced a pretty similar list to this one. I definitely would not derive it from the empty string in the closest world-without-Eliezer; I’m unsure how much I’d pay attention to AI alignment at all in that world. I’d very likely be working on agent foundations in that world, but possibly in the context of biology or AI capabilities rather than alignment. Arguments about AI foom and doom were obviously-to-me correct once I paid attention to them at all, but not something I’d have paid attention to on my own without someone pointing them out.
Some specifics about kind-of-doc I could have written early this year
The framing around pivotal acts specifically was new-to-me when the late 2021 MIRI conversations were published. Prior to that, I’d have had to talk about how weak wish-granters are safe but not actually useful, and if we want safe AI which actually grants big wishes then we have to deal with the safety problems. Pivotal acts framing simplifies that part of the argument a lot by directly establishing a particular “big” capability which is necessary.
By early this year, I think would have generated pretty similar points to basically everything in the post if I were trying to be really comprehensive. (In practice, writing a post like this, I would go for more unifying structure and thought-generators rather than comprehensiveness; I’d use the individual failure modes more as examples of their respective generators.)
In my traversal-order of barriers, the hard conceptual barriers for which we currently have no solution even in principle (like e.g. 16-19) would get a lot more weight and detail; I spend less time thinking about what-I-mentally-categorize-as “the obvious things which go wrong with stupid approaches” (20, 21, 25-36).
Just within the past week, this post on interpretability was one which would probably turn into a point on my equivalent of Eliezer’s list.
The earlier points are largely facts-about-the-world (e.g. 1, 2, 7-9, 12-15). For many of these, I would cite different evidence, although the conclusions remain the same. True facts are, as a general rule, overdetermined by evidence; there are many paths to them, and I didn’t always follow the same paths Eliezer does here.
A few points I think are wrong (notably 18, 22, 24 to a limited extent), but are correct relative to the knowledge/models which most proposals actually leverage. The loopholes there are things which you do need pretty major foundational/conceptual work to actually steer through.
I would definitely have generated some similar rants at the end, though of course not identical.
One example: just yesterday I was complaining about how people seem to generate alignment proposals via a process of (1) come up with neat idea, (2) come up with some conditions under which that idea would maybe work (or at least not obviously fail in any of the ways the person knows to look for), (3) either claim that “we just don’t know” whether the conditions hold (without any serious effort to look for evidence), or directly look for evidence that they hold. Pretty standard bottom line failure.
I did briefly consider writing something along these lines after Eliezer made a similar comment to 39 in the Late 2021 MIRI Conversations. But as Kokotajlo guessed, I did not think that was even remotely close to the highest-value use of my time. It would probably take me a full month’s work to do it right, and the list just isn’t as valuable as my last month of progress. Or the month before that. Or the month before that.
I’m curious about why you decided it wasn’t worth your time.
Going from the post itself, the case for publishing it goes something like “the whole field of AI Alignment is failing to produce useful work because people aren’t engaging with what’s actually hard about the problem and are ignoring all the ways their proposals are doomed; perhaps yelling at them via this post might change some of that.”
Accepting the premises (which I’m inclined to), trying to get the entire field to correct course seems actually pretty valuable, maybe even worth a month of your time, now that I think about it.
First and foremost, I have been making extraordinarily rapid progress in the last few months, though most of that is not yet publicly visible.
Second, a large part of why people pour effort into not-very-useful work is that the not-very-useful work is tractable. Useless, but at least you can make progress on the useless thing! Few people really want to work on problems which are actually Hard, so people will inevitably find excuses to do easy things instead. As Eliezer himself complains, writing the list just kicks the can down the road; six months later people will have a new set of bad ideas with giant gaping holes in them. The real goal is to either:
produce people who will identify the holes in their own schemes, repeatedly, until they converge to work on things which are actually useful despite being Hard, or
get enough of a paradigm in place that people can make legible progress on actually-useful things without doing anything Hard.
I have recently started testing out methods for the former, but it’s the sort of thing which starts out with lots of tests on individuals or small groups to see what works. The latter, of course, is largely what my technical research is aimed at in the medium term.
(I also note that there will always be at least some need for people doing the Hard things, even once a paradigm is established.)
In the short term, if people want to identify the holes in their own schemes and converge to work on actually useful things, I think the “builder/breaker” methodology that Paul uses in the ELK doc is currently a good starting point.
Well, it’s the Law of Continued Failure, as Eliezer termed it himself, no? There’s already been a lot of rants about the real problems of alignment and how basically no-one focuses on them, most of them Eliezer-written as well. The sort of person who wasn’t convinced/course-corrected by previous scattered rants isn’t going to be course-corrected by a giant post compiling all the rants in one place. Someone to whom this post would be of use is someone who’ve already absorbed all the information contained in it from other sources; someone who can already write it up on their own.
The picture may not be quite as grim as that, but yeah I can see how writing it would not be anyone’s top priority.
I definitely would not derive it from the empty string in the closest world-without-Eliezer; I’m unsure how much I’d pay attention to AI alignment at all in that world. I’d very likely be working on agent foundations in that world, but possibly in the context of biology or AI capabilities rather than alignment. Arguments about AI foom and doom were obviously-to-me correct once I paid attention to them at all, but not something I’d have paid attention to on my own without someone pointing them out.
I don’t think he does this; that’d be ridiculous.
“I can’t find any good alignment researchers. The only way I know how to find them is by explaining that the field is important, using arguments for AI risk and doomerism, which means they didn’t come up with those arguments on their own, and thus cannot be ‘worthy’.”
Doesn’t do what? I understand Eliezer to be saying that he figured out AI risk via thinking things through himself (e.g., writing a story that involved outcome pumps; reflecting on orthogonality and instrumental convergence; etc.), rather than being argued into it by someone else who was worried about AI risk. If Eliezer didn’t do that, there would still presumably be someone prior to him who did that, since conclusions and ideas have to enter the world somehow. So I’m not understanding what you’re modeling as ridiculous.
(I don’t know that foom falls into the same category; did Vinge or I.J. Good’s arguments help persuade EY here?)
“I can’t find any good alignment researchers. The only way I know how to find them is by explaining that the field is important, using arguments for AI risk and doomerism, which means they didn’t come up with those arguments on their own, and thus cannot be ‘worthy’.”
This is phrased in a way that’s meant to make the standard sound unfair or impossible. But it seems like a perfectly fine Bayesian update:
There’s no logical necessity that we live in a world that lacks dozens of independent “Eliezers” who all come up with this stuff and write about it. I think Nick Bostrom had some AI risk worries independently of Eliezer, so gets at least partial credit on this dimension. Others who had thoughts along these lines independently include Norbert Wiener and I.J. Good (timeline with more examples).
You could imagine a world that has much more independent discovery on this topic, or one where all the basic concepts of AI risk were being widely discussed and analyzed back in the 1960s. It’s a fair Bayesian update to note that we don’t live in worlds that are anything like that, even if it’s not a fair test of individual ability for people who, say, encountered all of Eliezer’s writing as soon as they even learned about the concept of AI.
(I could also imagine a world where more of the independent discoveries result in serious research programs being launched, rather than just resulting in someone writing a science fiction story and then moving on with a shrug!)
Your summary leaves out that “coming up with stuff without needing to be argued into it” is a matter of degree, and that there are many important claims here beyond just ‘AI risk is worth paying attention to at all’.
It’s logically possible to live in a world where people need to have AI risk brought to their attention, but then they immediately “get it” when they hear the two-sentence version, rather than needing an essay-length or seven-essay-length explanation. To the extent we live in a world where many key players need the full essay, and many other smart, important people don’t even “get it” after hours of conversation (e.g., LeCun), that’s a negative update about humanity’s odds of success.
Similarly, it’s logically possible to live in a world where people needed persuading to accept the core ‘AI risk’ thing, but then they have an easy time generating all the other important details and subclaims themselves. “Maximum doom” and “minimum doom” aren’t the only options; the exact level of doominess matters a lot.
E.g., my Eliezer-model thinks that nearly all public discussion of ‘practical implications of logical decision theory’ outside of MIRI (e.g., discussion of humans trying to acausally trade with superintelligences) has been utterly awful. If instead this discourse had managed to get a ton of stuff right even though EY wasn’t releasing much of his own detailed thoughts about acausal trade, then that would have been an important positive update.
Eliezer spent years alluding to his AI risk concerns on Overcoming Bias without writing them all up, and deliberately withheld many related arguments for years (including as recently as last year) in order to test whether anyone else would generate them independently. It isn’t the case that humanity had to passively wait to hear the full argument from Eliezer before it was permitted for them to start thinking and writing about this stuff.
Doesn’t do what? I understand Eliezer to be saying that he figured out AI risk via thinking things through himself (e.g., writing a story that involved outcome pumps; reflecting on orthogonality and instrumental convergence; etc.), rather than being argued into it by someone else who was worried about AI risk. If Eliezer didn’t do that, there would still presumably be someone prior to him who did that, since conclusions and ideas have to enter the world somehow. So I’m not understanding what you’re modeling as ridiculous.
My understanding of the history is that Eliezer did not realize the importance of alignment at first, and that he only did so later after arguing about it online with people like Nick Bostrom. See e.g. this thread. I don’t know enough of the history here, but it also seems logically possible that Bostrom could have, say, only realized the importance of alignment after conversing with other people who also didn’t realize the importance of alignment. In that case, there might be a “bubble” of humans who together satisfy the null string criterion, but no single human who does.
The null string criterion does seem a bit silly nowadays since I think the people who would have satisfied it would have sooner read about AI risk on e.g. LessWrong. So they wouldn’t even have the chance to live to age ~21 to see if they spontaneously invent the ideas.
Look, maybe you’re right. But I’m not good at complicated reasoning; I can’t confidently verify these results you’re giving me. My brain is using a much simpler heuristic that says: look at all of these other fields with core insights that could have been made way earlier than they did. Look at Newton! Look at Darwin! Certainly game theorists could have come along a lot sooner. But that doesn’t mean only the founder of these fields is the one Great enough to make progress, so, what are you saying, exactly?
I have a couple object-level disagreements including relevance of evolution / nature of inner alignment problem and difficulty of attaining corrigibility. But leaving those aside, I wouldn’t have exactly written this kind of document myself, because I’m not quite sure what the purpose is. It seems to be trying to do a lot of different things for different audiences, where I think more narrowly-tailored documents would be better.
So, here are four useful things to do, and whether I’m personally doing them:
First, there is a mass of people who think AGI risk is trivial and stupid and p(doom) ≈ 0, and they can gleefully race to build AGI, or do other things that will speed the development of AGI (like improve PyTorch, or study the neocortex), and they can totally ignore the field of AGI safety, and when they have AGI algorithms they can mess around with them without a care in the world.
It would be very good to convince those people that AGI control is a serious and hard and currently-unsolved (and interesting!) problem, and that p(doom) will remain high (say, >>10%) unless and until we solve it.
I think this is a specific audience that warrants a narrowly-tailored document, e.g. avoiding jargon and addressing the basics very well.
That’s a big part of what I was going for in this post, for example. (And more generally, that whole series.)
Second, there are people who are thoughtful and well-informed about AGI risk in general, but not sold on the “pivotal act” idea. If they had an AGI, they would do things that pattern-match to “cautious scientists doing very careful experiments in a dangerous domain”, but they would not do things that pattern-match to “aggressively and urgently use their new tool to prevent the imminent end of the world, by any means necessary, even if it’s super-illegal and aggressive and somewhat dangerous and everyone will hate them”.
(I’m using “pivotal act” in a slightly broader sense that also includes “giving a human-level AGI autonomy to undergo recursive self-improvement and invent and deploy its own new technology”, since the latter has the same sort of dangerous properties and aggressive feel about it as a proper “pivotal act”.)
(Well, it’s possible that there are people sold on the “pivotal act” idea who wouldn’t say it publicly.)
Last week I did a little exercise of trying to guess p(doom), conditional on the two assumptions in this other comment. I got well over 99%, but I noted with interest that only a minority of my p(doom) was coming from “no one knows how to keep an AGI under control” (which I’m less pessimistic about than Eliezer, heck maybe I’m even as high as 20% that we can keep an AGI under control :-P , and I’m hoping that further research will increase that), whereas a majority of my p(doom) was coming from “there will be cautious responsible actors who will follow the rules and be modest and not do pivotal acts, and there will also be some reckless actors who will create out-of-control omnicidal AGIs”.
So it seems extremely important to figure out whether a “pivotal act” is in fact necessary for a good future. And if it is (a big “if”!), then it likewise seems extremely important to get relevant decisionmaking people on board with that.
I think it would be valuable to have a document narrowly tailored to this topic, finding the cruxes and arguments and counter-arguments etc. For example, I think this is a topic that looks very different in a Paul-Christriano-style future (gradual multipolar takeoff, near-misses, “corrigible AI assistants”, “strategy stealing assumption”, etc.) then in the world that I expect (decisive first-mover advantage).
But I don’t really feel qualified to write anything like that myself, at least not before talking to lots of people, and it also might be the kind of thing that’s better as a conversation than a blog post.
Third, there are people (e.g. leadership at OpenAI & DeepMind) making decisions that trade off between “AGI is invented soon” versus “AGI is invented by us people who are at least trying to avoid catastrophe and be altruistic”. Insofar as I think they’re making bad tradeoffs, I would like to convince them of that.
Again, it would be useful to have a document narrowly tailored to this topic. I’m not planning to write one, but perhaps I’m sorta addressing it indirectly when I share my idiosyncratic models of exactly what technical work I think needs to be done before we can align an AGI.
Fourth, there are people who have engaged with the AGI alignment / safety literature / discourse but are pursuing directions that will not solve the problem. It would be very valuable to spread common knowledge that those approaches are doomed. But if I were going to do that, it would (again) be a separate narrowly-tailored document, perhaps either organized by challenge that the approaches are not up to the task of solving, or organized by research program that I’m criticizing, naming names. I have dabbled in this kind of thing (example), but don’t have any immediate plan to do it more, let alone systematically. I think that would be extremely time-consuming.
It’s very clear to me I could have written this if I had wanted to—and at the very least I’m sure Paul could have as well. As evidence: it took me ~1 hour to list off all the existing sources that cover every one of these points in my comment.
Well, there’s obviously a lot of points missing! And from the amount this post was upvoted, it’s clear that people saw the half-assed current form as valuable.
Why don’t you start listing out all the missing further points, then? (Bonus points for any that don’t trace back to my own invention, though I realize a lot of people may not realize how much of this stuff traces back to my own invention.)
I think he means that there are more points that could be made. (If the points in the post are the training set, can you also produce the points in the held-out test set?)
I don’t think I personally could have written it; if others think they could have, I’d genuinely be interested to hear them brag, even if they can’t prove it.
Maybe I’m beyond hopeless: I don’t even understand the brag inherent in having written it. He keeps talking about coming up with this stuff “from the null string”, but… Isn’t 90% of this post published somewhere else? If someone else had written it wouldn’t he just accuse them of not being able to write it without reading {X}, or something from someone else who read {X}? At present this is mostly a test of recall.
Edit: Not to say I could’ve done even that, just that I expect someone else could have.
The post honestly slightly decreases my confidence in EY’s social assessment capabilities. (I say slightly because of past criticism I’ve had along similar lines). [note here that being good/bad at social assessment is not necessarily correlated to being good/bad at other domains, so like, I don’t see that as taking away from his extremely valid criticism of common “simple solutions” to alignment (which I’ve definitely been guilty of myself). Please don’t read this as denigrating Eliezer’s general intellect or work as a whole.] As you said, the post doesn’t seem incredibly original, and even if it is and we’re both totally missing that aspect, the fact that we’re missing it implies it isn’t getting across the intended message as effectively as it could. Ultimately, I think if I was in Eliezer’s position, there are a very large number of alternative explanations I’d give higher probability to than assuming that there is nobody in the world as competent as I am.
When you say you don’t think you could have written it, do you mean that you couldn’t have written it without all the things you’ve learned from talking to Yudkowsky, or that you couldn’t have written it even now? Most of this list was things I’ve seen Yudkowsky write before, so if it’s the latter that surprises me.
Can I claim a very small but non-zero amount of bragging rights for having written this? It was at the time the ~only text about BCIs and alignment.
I don’t think I could have written the above text in a world where zero people worried about alignment. I also did not bother to write anything more about it because it looked to me that everything relevant was already written up on the Arbital alignment domain.
I actually did try to generate a similar list through community discussion (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dSaScvukmCRqey8ug/convince-me-that-humanity-is-as-doomed-by-agi-as-yudkowsky), which while it didn’t end up going in the same exact direction as this document, did have some genuinely really good arguments on the topic, imo.
I also don’t feel like many of the points you brought up here were really novel, in that I’ve heard most of this from multiple different sources already (though admittedly, not all in one place).
On a more general note, I don’t believe that people are as stupid compared to you as you seem to think they are. Different people’s modes of thinking are different than yours, obviously, but just because there isn’t an exact clone of you around doesn’t mean that we are significantly more doomed than in the counterfactual. I don’t want to diminish your contributions, but there are other people out there as smart or smarter than you, with security mindset, currently working in this problem area. You are not the only person on earth who can (more or less) think critically.
Anecdotally: even if I could write this post, I never would have, because I would assume that Eliezer cares more about writing, has better writing skills, and has a much wider audience. In short, why would I write this when Eliezer could write it?
You might want to be a lot louder if you think it’s a mistake to leave you as the main “public advocate / person who writes stuff down” person for the cause.
a mistake to leave you as the main “public advocate / person who writes stuff down” person for the cause.
It sort of sounds like you’re treating him as the sole “person who writes stuff down”, not just the “main” one. Noam Chomsky might have been the “main linguistics guy” in the late 20th century, but people didn’t expect him to write more than a trivial fraction of the field’s output, either in terms of high-level overviews or in-the-trenches research.
I think EY was pretty clear in the OP that this is not how things go on earths that survive. Even if there aren’t many who can write high-level alignment overviews today, more people should make the attempt and try to build skill.
In the counterfactual world where Eliezer was totally happy continuing to write articles like this and being seen as the “voice of AI Safety”, would you still agree that it’s important to have a dozen other people also writing similar articles?
I’m genuinely lost on the value of having a dozen similar papers—I don’t know of a dozen different versions of fivethirtyeight.com or GiveWell, and it never occurred to me to think that the world is worse for only having one of those.
We have to actually figure out how to build aligned AGI, and the details are crucial. If you’re modeling this as a random blog post aimed at persuading people to care about this cause area, a “voice of AI safety” type task, then sure, the details are less important and it’s not so clear that Yet Another Marginal Blog Post Arguing For “Care About AI Stuff” matters much.
But humanity also has to do the task of actually figuring out and implementing alignment. If not here, then where, and when? If here—if this is an important part of humanity’s process of actually figuring out the exact shape of the problem, clarifying our view of what sorts of solutions are workable, and solving it—then there is more of a case that this is a conversation of real consequence, and having better versions of this conversation sooner matters.
He wasn’t designated “main person who writes stuff down” by a cabal of AI safety elders. He’s not personally responsible for the fate of the world—he just happens to be the only person who consistently writes cogent things down. If you want you can go ahead and devote your life to AI safety, start doing the work he does as effectively and realistically as he does it, and then you’ll eventually be designated Movement Leader and have the opportunity to be whined at. He was pretty explicitly clear in the post that he does not want to be this and that he spent the last fifteen years trying to find someone else who can do what he does.
I largely agree with you, but until this post I had never realized that this wasn’t a role Eliezer wanted. If I went into AI Risk work, I would have focused on other things—my natural inclination is to look at what work isn’t getting done, and to do that.
If this post wasn’t surprising to you, I’m curious where you had previously seen him communicate this?
If this post was surprising to you, then hopefully you can agree with me that it’s worth signal boosting that he wants to be replaced?
[This is a nitpick of the form “one of your side-rants went a bit too far IMO;” feel free to ignore]
The third option this seems to miss is that there are people who could have written this document, but they also thought they had better things to do than write it. I’m thinking of people like Paul Christiano, Nate Soares, John Wentworth, Ajeya Cotra… there are dozens of people who have thought deeply about this stuff and also talked with you (Yudkowsky) and I bet they could have written something approximately as good as this if they tried. Perhaps, like you, they decided to instead spend their time working directly on the problem.
I do agree with you that they seem to on average be way way too optimistic, but I don’t think it’s because they are ignorant of the considerations and arguments you’ve made here.
A big source of optimism for Paul, for example, seems to be his timelines + views about takeoff speeds, which are mostly independent of the claims made in this post. I too would be cautiously optimistic if I thought we had 30 years left and that by the time things really went crazy we’d have decades of experience with just-slightly-dumber systems automating big chunks of the economy & AI alignment would be a big prestigious field with lots of geniuses being mentored by older geniuses etc. (Many of the points you make here would still apply, so it would still be a pretty scary situation...)
I don’t think Nate is that much more optimistic than Eliezer, but I believe Eliezer thinks Nate couldn’t have generated enough of the list in the OP, or couldn’t have generated enough of it independently (“using the null string as input”).
>too would be cautiously optimistic if I thought we had 30 years left
This is a bit of an aside but can I ask what the general opinion is on how many years we had left? Was your comment stating that it’s optimistic to think we have 30 years left before AGI, or optimistic about the remainder of the sentence?
Seems implausible. Other people have much more stamina than I do, hence more time in practice, even if they are simultaneously doing other things.
It’s admittedly true that nobody in this field except me can write things, in full generality; but one might have still expected a poorly written attempt to arise from somewhere if the knowledge-capability was widespread.
Would MIRI be interested in hiring a full time staff writer/editor? I feel like I could have produced a good chunk of this if I had thought I should try to, just from having hung around LessWrong since it was just Eliezer Yudkowsky and Robin Hanson blogging on Overcoming Bias, but I thought the basic “no, really, AI is going to kill us” arguments were already written up in other places, like Arbital and the book Superintelligence.
This is sort of still Rob’s job, and it was my job from 2016-2019. If I recall correctly, my first major project was helping out with a document sort-of-like this document, which tried to explain to OpenPhil some details of the MIRI strategic view. [I don’t think this was ever made public, and might be an interesting thing to pull out of the archives and publish now?]
If I tried to produce this document from scratch, I think it would have been substantially worse, tho I think I might have been able to reduce the time from “Eliezer’s initial draft” to “this is published at all”.
From the perspective of persuading an alignment-optimist in the AI world, this document could not possibly have been worse. I don’t know you Vaniver, but I’m confident you could have done a more persuasive job just by editing out the weird aspersion that EY is the only person capable of writing about alignment.
I think you’re thinking of drafts mainly based on Nate’s thinking rather than Eliezer’s, but yeah, those are on my list of things to maybe release publicly in some form.
Yeah, either that or paying for writing lessons for alignment researchers if they really have to write the post themselves.
How many people are there “in the field”? Fifty?
100~200 are the latest estimates I’ve heard for total number of people working on AI alignment.
I don’t have a great reference for that figure, but it’s compatible with this slide from State of AI Report 2021 which claims “fewer than 100 researchers work on AI Alignment in 7 leading AI organisations”, if you consider:
The report excluded independent alignment researchers and smaller/lesser-known AI organisations from their tally
It’s at least a few months old [1] and the AI alignment field has been growing
[1]: I can’t tell if Benaich and Hogarth published this sometime in 2021 or at the beginning of 2022, after 2021 had ended. Either way it’s 5~18 months old.
This document doesn’t look to me like something a lot of people would try to write. Maybe it was one of the most important things to write, but not obviously so. Among the steps (1) get the idea to write out all reasons for pessimism, (2) resolve to try, (3) not give up halfway through, and (4) be capable, I would not guess that 4 is the strongest filter.
I don’t think I personally could have written it; if others think they could have, I’d genuinely be interested to hear them brag, even if they can’t prove it.
Maybe the ideal would be ‘I generated the core ideas of [a,b,c] with little or no argument from others; I had to be convinced of [d,e,f] but I now agree with them; I disagree with [g,h,i]; I think you left out important considerations [x,y,z].’ Just knowing people’s self-model is interesting to me, I don’t demand that everything you believe be immediately provable to me.
I think as of early this year (like, January/February, before I saw a version of this doc) I could have produced a pretty similar list to this one. I definitely would not derive it from the empty string in the closest world-without-Eliezer; I’m unsure how much I’d pay attention to AI alignment at all in that world. I’d very likely be working on agent foundations in that world, but possibly in the context of biology or AI capabilities rather than alignment. Arguments about AI foom and doom were obviously-to-me correct once I paid attention to them at all, but not something I’d have paid attention to on my own without someone pointing them out.
Some specifics about kind-of-doc I could have written early this year
The framing around pivotal acts specifically was new-to-me when the late 2021 MIRI conversations were published. Prior to that, I’d have had to talk about how weak wish-granters are safe but not actually useful, and if we want safe AI which actually grants big wishes then we have to deal with the safety problems. Pivotal acts framing simplifies that part of the argument a lot by directly establishing a particular “big” capability which is necessary.
By early this year, I think would have generated pretty similar points to basically everything in the post if I were trying to be really comprehensive. (In practice, writing a post like this, I would go for more unifying structure and thought-generators rather than comprehensiveness; I’d use the individual failure modes more as examples of their respective generators.)
In my traversal-order of barriers, the hard conceptual barriers for which we currently have no solution even in principle (like e.g. 16-19) would get a lot more weight and detail; I spend less time thinking about what-I-mentally-categorize-as “the obvious things which go wrong with stupid approaches” (20, 21, 25-36).
Just within the past week, this post on interpretability was one which would probably turn into a point on my equivalent of Eliezer’s list.
The earlier points are largely facts-about-the-world (e.g. 1, 2, 7-9, 12-15). For many of these, I would cite different evidence, although the conclusions remain the same. True facts are, as a general rule, overdetermined by evidence; there are many paths to them, and I didn’t always follow the same paths Eliezer does here.
A few points I think are wrong (notably 18, 22, 24 to a limited extent), but are correct relative to the knowledge/models which most proposals actually leverage. The loopholes there are things which you do need pretty major foundational/conceptual work to actually steer through.
I would definitely have generated some similar rants at the end, though of course not identical.
One example: just yesterday I was complaining about how people seem to generate alignment proposals via a process of (1) come up with neat idea, (2) come up with some conditions under which that idea would maybe work (or at least not obviously fail in any of the ways the person knows to look for), (3) either claim that “we just don’t know” whether the conditions hold (without any serious effort to look for evidence), or directly look for evidence that they hold. Pretty standard bottom line failure.
I did briefly consider writing something along these lines after Eliezer made a similar comment to 39 in the Late 2021 MIRI Conversations. But as Kokotajlo guessed, I did not think that was even remotely close to the highest-value use of my time. It would probably take me a full month’s work to do it right, and the list just isn’t as valuable as my last month of progress. Or the month before that. Or the month before that.
I’m curious about why you decided it wasn’t worth your time.
Going from the post itself, the case for publishing it goes something like “the whole field of AI Alignment is failing to produce useful work because people aren’t engaging with what’s actually hard about the problem and are ignoring all the ways their proposals are doomed; perhaps yelling at them via this post might change some of that.”
Accepting the premises (which I’m inclined to), trying to get the entire field to correct course seems actually pretty valuable, maybe even worth a month of your time, now that I think about it.
First and foremost, I have been making extraordinarily rapid progress in the last few months, though most of that is not yet publicly visible.
Second, a large part of why people pour effort into not-very-useful work is that the not-very-useful work is tractable. Useless, but at least you can make progress on the useless thing! Few people really want to work on problems which are actually Hard, so people will inevitably find excuses to do easy things instead. As Eliezer himself complains, writing the list just kicks the can down the road; six months later people will have a new set of bad ideas with giant gaping holes in them. The real goal is to either:
produce people who will identify the holes in their own schemes, repeatedly, until they converge to work on things which are actually useful despite being Hard, or
get enough of a paradigm in place that people can make legible progress on actually-useful things without doing anything Hard.
I have recently started testing out methods for the former, but it’s the sort of thing which starts out with lots of tests on individuals or small groups to see what works. The latter, of course, is largely what my technical research is aimed at in the medium term.
(I also note that there will always be at least some need for people doing the Hard things, even once a paradigm is established.)
In the short term, if people want to identify the holes in their own schemes and converge to work on actually useful things, I think the “builder/breaker” methodology that Paul uses in the ELK doc is currently a good starting point.
Well, it’s the Law of Continued Failure, as Eliezer termed it himself, no? There’s already been a lot of rants about the real problems of alignment and how basically no-one focuses on them, most of them Eliezer-written as well. The sort of person who wasn’t convinced/course-corrected by previous scattered rants isn’t going to be course-corrected by a giant post compiling all the rants in one place. Someone to whom this post would be of use is someone who’ve already absorbed all the information contained in it from other sources; someone who can already write it up on their own.
The picture may not be quite as grim as that, but yeah I can see how writing it would not be anyone’s top priority.
I don’t think he does this; that’d be ridiculous.
“I can’t find any good alignment researchers. The only way I know how to find them is by explaining that the field is important, using arguments for AI risk and doomerism, which means they didn’t come up with those arguments on their own, and thus cannot be ‘worthy’.”
Doesn’t do what? I understand Eliezer to be saying that he figured out AI risk via thinking things through himself (e.g., writing a story that involved outcome pumps; reflecting on orthogonality and instrumental convergence; etc.), rather than being argued into it by someone else who was worried about AI risk. If Eliezer didn’t do that, there would still presumably be someone prior to him who did that, since conclusions and ideas have to enter the world somehow. So I’m not understanding what you’re modeling as ridiculous.
(I don’t know that foom falls into the same category; did Vinge or I.J. Good’s arguments help persuade EY here?)
This is phrased in a way that’s meant to make the standard sound unfair or impossible. But it seems like a perfectly fine Bayesian update:
There’s no logical necessity that we live in a world that lacks dozens of independent “Eliezers” who all come up with this stuff and write about it. I think Nick Bostrom had some AI risk worries independently of Eliezer, so gets at least partial credit on this dimension. Others who had thoughts along these lines independently include Norbert Wiener and I.J. Good (timeline with more examples).
You could imagine a world that has much more independent discovery on this topic, or one where all the basic concepts of AI risk were being widely discussed and analyzed back in the 1960s. It’s a fair Bayesian update to note that we don’t live in worlds that are anything like that, even if it’s not a fair test of individual ability for people who, say, encountered all of Eliezer’s writing as soon as they even learned about the concept of AI.
(I could also imagine a world where more of the independent discoveries result in serious research programs being launched, rather than just resulting in someone writing a science fiction story and then moving on with a shrug!)
Your summary leaves out that “coming up with stuff without needing to be argued into it” is a matter of degree, and that there are many important claims here beyond just ‘AI risk is worth paying attention to at all’.
It’s logically possible to live in a world where people need to have AI risk brought to their attention, but then they immediately “get it” when they hear the two-sentence version, rather than needing an essay-length or seven-essay-length explanation. To the extent we live in a world where many key players need the full essay, and many other smart, important people don’t even “get it” after hours of conversation (e.g., LeCun), that’s a negative update about humanity’s odds of success.
Similarly, it’s logically possible to live in a world where people needed persuading to accept the core ‘AI risk’ thing, but then they have an easy time generating all the other important details and subclaims themselves. “Maximum doom” and “minimum doom” aren’t the only options; the exact level of doominess matters a lot.
E.g., my Eliezer-model thinks that nearly all public discussion of ‘practical implications of logical decision theory’ outside of MIRI (e.g., discussion of humans trying to acausally trade with superintelligences) has been utterly awful. If instead this discourse had managed to get a ton of stuff right even though EY wasn’t releasing much of his own detailed thoughts about acausal trade, then that would have been an important positive update.
Eliezer spent years alluding to his AI risk concerns on Overcoming Bias without writing them all up, and deliberately withheld many related arguments for years (including as recently as last year) in order to test whether anyone else would generate them independently. It isn’t the case that humanity had to passively wait to hear the full argument from Eliezer before it was permitted for them to start thinking and writing about this stuff.
My understanding of the history is that Eliezer did not realize the importance of alignment at first, and that he only did so later after arguing about it online with people like Nick Bostrom. See e.g. this thread. I don’t know enough of the history here, but it also seems logically possible that Bostrom could have, say, only realized the importance of alignment after conversing with other people who also didn’t realize the importance of alignment. In that case, there might be a “bubble” of humans who together satisfy the null string criterion, but no single human who does.
The null string criterion does seem a bit silly nowadays since I think the people who would have satisfied it would have sooner read about AI risk on e.g. LessWrong. So they wouldn’t even have the chance to live to age ~21 to see if they spontaneously invent the ideas.
Look, maybe you’re right. But I’m not good at complicated reasoning; I can’t confidently verify these results you’re giving me. My brain is using a much simpler heuristic that says: look at all of these other fields with core insights that could have been made way earlier than they did. Look at Newton! Look at Darwin! Certainly game theorists could have come along a lot sooner. But that doesn’t mean only the founder of these fields is the one Great enough to make progress, so, what are you saying, exactly?
I have a couple object-level disagreements including relevance of evolution / nature of inner alignment problem and difficulty of attaining corrigibility. But leaving those aside, I wouldn’t have exactly written this kind of document myself, because I’m not quite sure what the purpose is. It seems to be trying to do a lot of different things for different audiences, where I think more narrowly-tailored documents would be better.
So, here are four useful things to do, and whether I’m personally doing them:
First, there is a mass of people who think AGI risk is trivial and stupid and p(doom) ≈ 0, and they can gleefully race to build AGI, or do other things that will speed the development of AGI (like improve PyTorch, or study the neocortex), and they can totally ignore the field of AGI safety, and when they have AGI algorithms they can mess around with them without a care in the world.
It would be very good to convince those people that AGI control is a serious and hard and currently-unsolved (and interesting!) problem, and that p(doom) will remain high (say, >>10%) unless and until we solve it.
I think this is a specific audience that warrants a narrowly-tailored document, e.g. avoiding jargon and addressing the basics very well.
That’s a big part of what I was going for in this post, for example. (And more generally, that whole series.)
Second, there are people who are thoughtful and well-informed about AGI risk in general, but not sold on the “pivotal act” idea. If they had an AGI, they would do things that pattern-match to “cautious scientists doing very careful experiments in a dangerous domain”, but they would not do things that pattern-match to “aggressively and urgently use their new tool to prevent the imminent end of the world, by any means necessary, even if it’s super-illegal and aggressive and somewhat dangerous and everyone will hate them”.
(I’m using “pivotal act” in a slightly broader sense that also includes “giving a human-level AGI autonomy to undergo recursive self-improvement and invent and deploy its own new technology”, since the latter has the same sort of dangerous properties and aggressive feel about it as a proper “pivotal act”.)
(Well, it’s possible that there are people sold on the “pivotal act” idea who wouldn’t say it publicly.)
Last week I did a little exercise of trying to guess p(doom), conditional on the two assumptions in this other comment. I got well over 99%, but I noted with interest that only a minority of my p(doom) was coming from “no one knows how to keep an AGI under control” (which I’m less pessimistic about than Eliezer, heck maybe I’m even as high as 20% that we can keep an AGI under control :-P , and I’m hoping that further research will increase that), whereas a majority of my p(doom) was coming from “there will be cautious responsible actors who will follow the rules and be modest and not do pivotal acts, and there will also be some reckless actors who will create out-of-control omnicidal AGIs”.
So it seems extremely important to figure out whether a “pivotal act” is in fact necessary for a good future. And if it is (a big “if”!), then it likewise seems extremely important to get relevant decisionmaking people on board with that.
I think it would be valuable to have a document narrowly tailored to this topic, finding the cruxes and arguments and counter-arguments etc. For example, I think this is a topic that looks very different in a Paul-Christriano-style future (gradual multipolar takeoff, near-misses, “corrigible AI assistants”, “strategy stealing assumption”, etc.) then in the world that I expect (decisive first-mover advantage).
But I don’t really feel qualified to write anything like that myself, at least not before talking to lots of people, and it also might be the kind of thing that’s better as a conversation than a blog post.
Third, there are people (e.g. leadership at OpenAI & DeepMind) making decisions that trade off between “AGI is invented soon” versus “AGI is invented by us people who are at least trying to avoid catastrophe and be altruistic”. Insofar as I think they’re making bad tradeoffs, I would like to convince them of that.
Again, it would be useful to have a document narrowly tailored to this topic. I’m not planning to write one, but perhaps I’m sorta addressing it indirectly when I share my idiosyncratic models of exactly what technical work I think needs to be done before we can align an AGI.
Fourth, there are people who have engaged with the AGI alignment / safety literature / discourse but are pursuing directions that will not solve the problem. It would be very valuable to spread common knowledge that those approaches are doomed. But if I were going to do that, it would (again) be a separate narrowly-tailored document, perhaps either organized by challenge that the approaches are not up to the task of solving, or organized by research program that I’m criticizing, naming names. I have dabbled in this kind of thing (example), but don’t have any immediate plan to do it more, let alone systematically. I think that would be extremely time-consuming.
It’s very clear to me I could have written this if I had wanted to—and at the very least I’m sure Paul could have as well. As evidence: it took me ~1 hour to list off all the existing sources that cover every one of these points in my comment.
Well, there’s obviously a lot of points missing! And from the amount this post was upvoted, it’s clear that people saw the half-assed current form as valuable.
Why don’t you start listing out all the missing further points, then? (Bonus points for any that don’t trace back to my own invention, though I realize a lot of people may not realize how much of this stuff traces back to my own invention.)
I’m not sure what you mean by missing points? I only included your technical claims, not your sociological ones, if that’s what you mean.
I think he means that there are more points that could be made. (If the points in the post are the training set, can you also produce the points in the held-out test set?)
Maybe I’m beyond hopeless: I don’t even understand the brag inherent in having written it. He keeps talking about coming up with this stuff “from the null string”, but… Isn’t 90% of this post published somewhere else? If someone else had written it wouldn’t he just accuse them of not being able to write it without reading {X}, or something from someone else who read {X}? At present this is mostly a test of recall.
Edit: Not to say I could’ve done even that, just that I expect someone else could have.
The post honestly slightly decreases my confidence in EY’s social assessment capabilities. (I say slightly because of past criticism I’ve had along similar lines). [note here that being good/bad at social assessment is not necessarily correlated to being good/bad at other domains, so like, I don’t see that as taking away from his extremely valid criticism of common “simple solutions” to alignment (which I’ve definitely been guilty of myself). Please don’t read this as denigrating Eliezer’s general intellect or work as a whole.] As you said, the post doesn’t seem incredibly original, and even if it is and we’re both totally missing that aspect, the fact that we’re missing it implies it isn’t getting across the intended message as effectively as it could. Ultimately, I think if I was in Eliezer’s position, there are a very large number of alternative explanations I’d give higher probability to than assuming that there is nobody in the world as competent as I am.
When you say you don’t think you could have written it, do you mean that you couldn’t have written it without all the things you’ve learned from talking to Yudkowsky, or that you couldn’t have written it even now? Most of this list was things I’ve seen Yudkowsky write before, so if it’s the latter that surprises me.
Can I claim a very small but non-zero amount of bragging rights for having written this? It was at the time the ~only text about BCIs and alignment.
I don’t think I could have written the above text in a world where zero people worried about alignment. I also did not bother to write anything more about it because it looked to me that everything relevant was already written up on the Arbital alignment domain.
I actually did try to generate a similar list through community discussion (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/dSaScvukmCRqey8ug/convince-me-that-humanity-is-as-doomed-by-agi-as-yudkowsky), which while it didn’t end up going in the same exact direction as this document, did have some genuinely really good arguments on the topic, imo. I also don’t feel like many of the points you brought up here were really novel, in that I’ve heard most of this from multiple different sources already (though admittedly, not all in one place).
On a more general note, I don’t believe that people are as stupid compared to you as you seem to think they are. Different people’s modes of thinking are different than yours, obviously, but just because there isn’t an exact clone of you around doesn’t mean that we are significantly more doomed than in the counterfactual. I don’t want to diminish your contributions, but there are other people out there as smart or smarter than you, with security mindset, currently working in this problem area. You are not the only person on earth who can (more or less) think critically.
Anecdotally: even if I could write this post, I never would have, because I would assume that Eliezer cares more about writing, has better writing skills, and has a much wider audience. In short, why would I write this when Eliezer could write it?
You might want to be a lot louder if you think it’s a mistake to leave you as the main “public advocate / person who writes stuff down” person for the cause.
It sort of sounds like you’re treating him as the sole “person who writes stuff down”, not just the “main” one. Noam Chomsky might have been the “main linguistics guy” in the late 20th century, but people didn’t expect him to write more than a trivial fraction of the field’s output, either in terms of high-level overviews or in-the-trenches research.
I think EY was pretty clear in the OP that this is not how things go on earths that survive. Even if there aren’t many who can write high-level alignment overviews today, more people should make the attempt and try to build skill.
In the counterfactual world where Eliezer was totally happy continuing to write articles like this and being seen as the “voice of AI Safety”, would you still agree that it’s important to have a dozen other people also writing similar articles?
I’m genuinely lost on the value of having a dozen similar papers—I don’t know of a dozen different versions of fivethirtyeight.com or GiveWell, and it never occurred to me to think that the world is worse for only having one of those.
Here’s my answer: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/uMQ3cqWDPHhjtiesc/agi-ruin-a-list-of-lethalities?commentId=LowEED2iDkhco3a5d
We have to actually figure out how to build aligned AGI, and the details are crucial. If you’re modeling this as a random blog post aimed at persuading people to care about this cause area, a “voice of AI safety” type task, then sure, the details are less important and it’s not so clear that Yet Another Marginal Blog Post Arguing For “Care About AI Stuff” matters much.
But humanity also has to do the task of actually figuring out and implementing alignment. If not here, then where, and when? If here—if this is an important part of humanity’s process of actually figuring out the exact shape of the problem, clarifying our view of what sorts of solutions are workable, and solving it—then there is more of a case that this is a conversation of real consequence, and having better versions of this conversation sooner matters.
He wasn’t designated “main person who writes stuff down” by a cabal of AI safety elders. He’s not personally responsible for the fate of the world—he just happens to be the only person who consistently writes cogent things down. If you want you can go ahead and devote your life to AI safety, start doing the work he does as effectively and realistically as he does it, and then you’ll eventually be designated Movement Leader and have the opportunity to be whined at. He was pretty explicitly clear in the post that he does not want to be this and that he spent the last fifteen years trying to find someone else who can do what he does.
I largely agree with you, but until this post I had never realized that this wasn’t a role Eliezer wanted. If I went into AI Risk work, I would have focused on other things—my natural inclination is to look at what work isn’t getting done, and to do that.
If this post wasn’t surprising to you, I’m curious where you had previously seen him communicate this?
If this post was surprising to you, then hopefully you can agree with me that it’s worth signal boosting that he wants to be replaced?