List of most interesting ideas I encountered in my life, ranked

  1. Bayesian thinking
    It litterally was n°1 in my list, I was really happy to find this website, will not detail.

  2. Active ignorance/​avoidance and selective attention/​participation
    Instead of thinking, commenting, or saying something is stupid/​bad, ignore/​block it and just talk about the other thing that is better. Because just by thinking about/​mentionning the thing, you propagate it, starting in your memory and to a greater extent in the world. This is applicable to ideas, people, activities, etc.
    Participating in something is accepting that that thing is worth participating in.
    Paying (money, time, attention, action) is voting/​supporting.

  3. Source Criticism
    When reading information, take into account who created that information and what are their environment/​interests/​incentives.

  4. Memetic Evolution
    Natural selection and evolution applied to ideas.

  5. Subjectivity of Value
    Value of a thing is subjective. Loopy example is money: everyone wants money because everyone wants money.

  6. Life as negentropy
    The definition of life is to locally reduce entropy/​slow entropy/​maximise possibilites while minimising energy consumption/​will-to-power in Nietzsche’s words. And maybe reversing entropy.

  7. Identity as Action, Not Essence
    Human identity is a consequence of doing/​being, not doing/​being is a consequence of identity. What you do defines who you are, not who you are defines what you do.

  8. When you die, people come at your burial and the next day, they go back to work.

  9. Emotions are a deprecated way of making decision. Not intuition.

History of the entire world, I guess

Curious about other people’s list.