Recent site changes, Mon 4th July

We’ve pushed out some new changes, including a front page. Promoted articles are now available at http://​​​​promoted/​​ and from the MAIN link in the top nav.

Most of the recent changes were requested here or here.

This is the place to comment on the new changes… but please remember that:

  1. we’re watching this thread, and if we’ve done anything really horrible, you or someone else will tell us, and we’ll fix it; so

  2. be polite, and explain clearly what we need to do to make you happy.

Front page “Featured Articles” are edited here. I humbly suggest that willing featured article editors nominate themselves in the comments, and everyone who doesn’t get a lot of support forgets this link and leaves that page alone.

And if spam becomes a problem for the front page, the about page, or the comment markup help, poke a wiki admin and ask them to “protect” the special pages.