This post describes important true characteristics of a phenomenon present in the social reality we inhabit. But importantly the phenomenon is a blind spot which is harder to notice when acting or speaking with a worldview constructed from background facts which suffer from the blind spot. It hides itself from the view of those who don’t see it and act as if it isn’t there. Usually bits of reality you are ignorant of will poke out more when acting in ignorance, not less. But if you speak as if you don’t know about the dark matter you will be broadcasting that you are a bad choice for those who are hiding to talk honestly with.
By having a handle for the phenomenon in the abstract, that problematic loop is much easier to break; even if you don’t see it yet, you may much more easily notice that it might be present and act accordingly to search out information in a different way or simply avoid sticking your foot in your mouth.
Zeroth, did they increase comfort or select for those already comfortable?