What is the difference between a smart person who has read the sequences and considers AI x-risk important and interesting, but continues to be primarily a consumer of ideas, and someone who starts having ideas? I am not trying to set a really high bar here—they don’t have to be good ideas. They can’t be off-the-cuff either, though. I’m talking about someone taking their ideas through multiple iterations.
A person does not need to research full-time to have ideas. Ideas can come during downtime. Maybe it is something you think about during your commute, and talk about occasionally at a lesswrong meetup.
There is something incomplete about my model of people doing this vs not doing this. I expect more people to have more ideas than they do.
AI alignment is the example I’m focusing on, but the missing piece of my world-model extends much more broadly than that. How do some people end up developing sprawling intellectual frameworks, while others do not?
There could be a separate “what could someone do about it” question, but I want to avoid normative/instrumental connotations here to focus on the causal chains. Asking someone “why don’t you do more?” has a tendency to solicit answers like “yeah I should do more, I’m bottlenecked on willpower”—but I don’t think willpower is the distinguishing factor between cases I observe. (Maybe there is something related involved, but I mostly don’t think of intellectual productivity as driven by a top-down desire to be intellectually productive enforced by willpower.)
I have some candidate models, but all my evidence is anecdotal and everything seems quite shaky.
The answers on this question have a lot of good analysis from an angle and at a level of meta which otherwise seems somewhat neglected.
The answers to this question were really great, and I’ve referenced many of them since the time this post was written. I’ve found them quite useful in my personal reflections on how I myself can sustain being intellectually generative and active myself, and how to build an organization in which other people are able to do so.