I think it’s good for proponents of RSPs to be open about the sorts of topics I’ve written about above, so they don’t get confused with e.g. proposing RSPs as a superior alternative to regulation. This post attempts to do that on my part. And to be explicit: I think regulation will be necessary to contain AI risks (RSPs alone are not enough), and should almost certainly end up stricter than what companies impose on themselves.
Strong agree. I wish ARC and Anthropic had been more clear about this, and I would be less critical of their RSP posts if they had said this loudly & clearly. I think your post is loud and clear (you state multiple times, unambiguously, that you think regulation is necessary and that you wish the world had more political will to regulate). I appreciate this, and I’m glad you wrote this post.
I think it’d be unfortunate to try to manage the above risk by resisting attempts to build consensus around conditional pauses, if one does in fact think conditional pauses are better than the status quo. Actively fighting improvements on the status quo because they might be confused for sufficient progress feels icky to me in a way that’s hard to articulate.
A few thoughts:
One reason I’m critical of the Anthropic RSP is that it does not make it clear under what conditions it would actually pause, or for how long, or under what safeguards it would determine it’s OK to keep going. It is nice that they said they would run some evals at least once every 4X in effective compute and that they don’t want to train catastrophe-capable models until their infosec makes it more expensive for actors to steal their models. It is nice that they said that once they get systems that are capable of producing biological weapons, they will at least write something up about what to do with AGI before they decide to just go ahead and scale to AGI. But I mostly look at the RSP and say “wow, these are some of the most bare minimum commitments I could’ve expected, and they don’t even really tell me what a pause would look like and how they would end it.”
Meanwhile, we have OpenAI (that plans to release an RSP at some point), DeepMind (rumor has it they’re working on one but also that it might be very hard to get Google to endorse one), and Meta (oof). So I guess I’m sort of left thinking something like “If Anthropic’s RSP is the best RSP we’re going to get, then yikes, this RSP plan is not doing so well.” Of course, this is just a first version, but the substance of the RSP and the way it was communicated about doesn’t inspire much hope in me that future versions will be better.
I think the RSP frame is wrong, and I don’t want regulators to use it as a building block. My understanding is that labs are refusing to adopt an evals regime in which the burden of proof is on labs to show that scaling is safe. Given this lack of buy-in, the RSP folks concluded that the only thing left to do was to say “OK, fine, but at least please check to see if the system will imminently kill you. And if we find proof that the system is pretty clearly dangerous or about to be dangerous, then will you at least consider stopping” It seems plausible to me that governments would be willing to start with something stricter and more sensible than this “just keep going until we can prove that the model has highly dangerous capabilities” regime.
I think some improvements on the status quo can be net negative because they either (a) cement in an incorrect frame or (b) take a limited window of political will/attention and steer it toward something weaker than what would’ve happened if people had pushed for something stronger. For example, I think the UK government is currently looking around for substantive stuff to show their constituents (and themselves) that they are doing something serious about AI. If companies give them a milktoast solution that allows them to say “look, we did the responsible thing!”, it seems quite plausible to me that we actually end up in a worse world than if the AIS community had rallied behind something stronger.
If everyone communicating about RSPs was clear that they don’t want it to be seen as sufficient, that would be great. In practice, that’s not what I see happening. Anthropic’s RSP largely seems devoted to signaling that Anthropic is great, safe, credible, and trustworthy. Paul’s recent post is nuanced, but I don’t think the “RSPs are not sufficient” frame was sufficiently emphasized (perhaps partly because he thinks RSPs could lead to a 10x reduction in risk, which seems crazy to me, and if he goes around saying that to policymakers, I expect them to hear something like “this is a good plan that would sufficiently reduce risks”). ARC’s post tries to sell RSPs as a pragmatic middle ground and IMO pretty clearly does not emphasize (or even mention?) some sort of “these are not sufficient” message. Finally, the name itself sounds like it came out of a propaganda department– “hey, governments, look, we can scale responsibly”.
At minimum, I hope that RSPs get renamed, and that those communicating about RSPs are more careful to avoid giving off the impression that RSPs are sufficient.
More ambitiously, I hope that folks working on RSPs seriously consider whether or not this is the best thing to be working on or advocating for. My impression is that this plan made more sense when it was less clear that the Overton Window was going to blow open, Bengio/Hinton would enter the fray, journalists and the public would be fairly sympathetic, Rishi Sunak would host an xrisk summit, Blumenthal would run hearings about xrisk, etc. I think everyone working on RSPs should spend at least a few hours taking seriously the possibility that the AIS community could be advocating for stronger policy proposals and getting out of the “we can’t do anything until we literally have proof that the model is imminently dangerous” frame. To be clear, I think some people who do this reflection will conclude that they ought to keep making marginal progress on RSPs. I would be surprised if the current allocation of community talent/resources was correct, though, and I think on the margin more people should be doing things like CAIP & Conjecture, and fewer people should be doing things like RSPs. (Note that CAIP & Conjecture both impt flaws/limitations– and I think this partly has to do with the fact that so much top community talent has been funneled into RSPs/labs relative to advocacy/outreach/outside game).
One reason I’m critical of the Anthropic RSP is that it does not make it clear under what conditions it would actually pause, or for how long, or under what safeguards it would determine it’s OK to keep going.
It’s hard to take anything else you’re saying seriously when you say things like this; it seems clear that you just haven’t read Anthropic’s RSP. I think that the current conditions and resulting safeguards are insufficient to prevent AI existential risk, but to say that it doesn’t make them clear is just patently false.
The conditions under which Anthropic commits to pausing in the RSP are very clear. In big bold font on the second page it says:
Anthropic’s commitment to follow the ASL scheme thus implies that we commit to pause the
scaling and/or delay the deployment of new models whenever our scaling ability outstrips our
ability to comply with the safety procedures for the corresponding ASL.
And then it lays out a serious of safety procedures that Anthropic commits to meeting for ASL-3 models or else pausing, with some of the most serious commitments here being:
Model weight and code security: We commit to ensuring that ASL-3 models are stored in
such a manner to minimize risk of theft by a malicious actor that might use the model to cause a
catastrophe. Specifically, we will implement measures designed to harden our security so that
non-state attackers are unlikely to be able to steal model weights, and advanced threat actors
(e.g. states) cannot steal them without significant expense. The full set of security measures
that we commit to (and have already started implementing) are described in this appendix, and
were developed in consultation with the authors of a forthcoming RAND report on securing AI
Successfully pass red-teaming: World-class experts collaborating with prompt engineers
should red-team the deployment thoroughly and fail to elicit information at a level of
sophistication, accuracy, usefulness, detail, and frequency which significantly enables
catastrophic misuse. Misuse domains should at a minimum include causes of extreme CBRN
risks, and cybersecurity.
Note that in contrast to the ASL-3 capability threshold, this red-teaming is about whether
the model can cause harm under realistic circumstances (i.e. with harmlessness training
and misuse detection in place), not just whether it has the internal knowledge that would
enable it in principle to do so.
We will refine this methodology, but we expect it to require at least many dozens of
hours of deliberate red-teaming per topic area, by world class experts specifically
focused on these threats (rather than students or people with general expertise in a
broad domain). Additionally, this may involve controlled experiments, where people with
similar levels of expertise to real threat actors are divided into groups with and without
model access, and we measure the delta of success between them.
And a clear evaluation-based definition of ASL-3:
We define an ASL-3 model as one that can either immediately, or with additional post-training
techniques corresponding to less than 1% of the total training cost, do at least one of the following two
things. (By post-training techniques we mean the best capabilities elicitation techniques we are aware
of at the time, including but not limited to fine-tuning, scaffolding, tool use, and prompt engineering.)
Capabilities that significantly increase risk of misuse catastrophe: Access to the model
would substantially increase the risk of deliberately-caused catastrophic harm, either by
proliferating capabilities, lowering costs, or enabling new methods of attack. This increase in risk
is measured relative to today’s baseline level of risk that comes from e.g. access to search
engines and textbooks. We expect that AI systems would first elevate this risk from use by non-state attackers.
Our first area of effort is in evaluating bioweapons risks where we will determine threat models
and capabilities in consultation with a number of world-class biosecurity experts. We are now
developing evaluations for these risks in collaboration with external experts to meet ASL-3
commitments, which will be a more systematized version of our recent work on frontier
red-teaming. In the near future, we anticipate working with CBRN, cyber, and related experts to
develop threat models and evaluations in those areas before they present substantial risks.
However, we acknowledge that these evaluations are fundamentally difficult, and there remain
disagreements about threat models.
Autonomous replication in the lab: The model shows early signs of autonomous
self-replication ability, as defined by 50% aggregate success rate on the tasks listed in
[Appendix on Autonomy Evaluations]. The appendix includes an overview of our threat model
for autonomous capabilities and a list of the basic capabilities necessary for accumulation of
resources and surviving in the real world, along with conditions under which we would judge the
model to have succeeded. Note that the referenced appendix describes the ability to act
autonomously specifically in the absence of any human intervention to stop the model, which
limits the risk significantly. Our evaluations were developed in consultation with Paul Christiano
and ARC Evals, which specializes in evaluations of autonomous replication.
This is the basic substance of the RSP; I don’t understand how you could have possibly read it and missed this. I don’t want to be mean, but I am really disappointed in these sort of exceedingly lazy takes.
I think Akash’s statement that the Anthropic RSP basically doesn’t specify any real conditions that would cause them to stop scaling seems right to me.
They have some deployment measures, which are not related to the question of when they would stop scaling, and then they have some security-related measures, but those don’t have anything to do with the behavior of the models and are the kind of thing that Anthropic can choose to do any time independent of how the facts play out.
I think Akash is right that the Anthropic RSP does concretely not answer the two questions you quote him for:
The RSP does not specify the conditions under which Anthropic would stop scaling models (it only says that in order to continue scaling it will implement some safety measures, but that’s not an empirical condition, since Anthropic is confident it can implement the listed security measures)
The RSP does not specify under what conditions Anthropic would scale to ASL-4 or beyond, though they have promised they will give those conditions.
I agree the RSP says a bunch of other things, and that there are interpretations of what Akash is saying that are inaccurate, but I do think on this (IMO most important question) the RSP seems quiet.
I do think the deployment measures are real, though I don’t currently think much of the risk comes from deploying models, so they don’t seem that relevant to me (and think the core question is what prevents organizations from scaling models up in the first place).
those don’t have anything to do with the behavior of the models and are the kind of thing that Anthropic can choose to do any time independent of how the facts play out.
I mean, they are certainly still conditions on which Anthropic would stop scaling. The sentence
the Anthropic RSP basically doesn’t specify any real conditions that would cause them to stop scaling
is clearly false. If you instead said
the Anthropic RSP doesn’t yet detail the non-security-related conditions that would cause them to stop training new models
then I would agree with you. I think it’s important to be clear here, though: the security conditions could trigger a pause all on their own, and there is a commitment to develop conditions that will halt scaling after ASL-3 by the time ASL-3 is reached.
the security conditions could trigger a pause all on their own
I don’t understand how this is possible. The RSP appendix has the list of security conditions, and they are just a checklist of things that Anthropic is planning to do and can just implement whenever they want. It’s not cheap for them to implement it, but I don’t see any real circumstance where they fail to implement the security conditions in a way that would force them to pause.
Like, I agree that some of these commitments are costly, but I don’t see how there is any world where Anthropic would like to continue scaling but finds itself incapable of doing so, which is what I would consider a “pause” to mean. Like, they can just implement their checklist of security requirements and then go ahead.
Maybe this is quibbling over semantics, but it does really feels quite qualitatively different to me. When OpenAI said that they would spend some substantial fraction of their compute on “Alignment Research” while they train their next model, I think it would be misleading to say “OpenAI has committed to conditionally pausing model scaling”.
I mean, I agree that humanity theoretically knows how to implement these sorts of security commitments, so the current conditions should always be possible for Anthropic to unblock with enough time and effort, but the commitment to the sequencing that they have to happen before Anthropic has a model that is ASL-3 means that there are situations where Anthropic commits to pause scaling until the security commitments are met. I agree with you that this is a relatively weak commitment in terms of a scaling pause, though to be fair I don’t actually think simply having (but not deploying) a just-barely-ASL-3 model poses much of a risk, so I think it does make sense from a risk-based perspective why most of the commitments are around deployment and security. That being said, even if a just-barely-ASL-3 model doesn’t pose an existential risk, so long as ASL-3 is defined only with a lower bound rather than also an upper bound, it’s obviously the case that eventually it will contain models that pose a potential existential risk, so I agree that a lot is tied up in the upcoming definition of ASL-4. Regardless, it is still the case that Anthropic has already committed to a scaling pause under certain circumstances.
Regardless, it is still the case that Anthropic has already committed to a scaling pause under certain circumstances.
I disagree that this is an accurate summary, or like, it’s only barely denotatively true but not connotatively.
I do think it’s probably best to let this discussion rest, not because it’s not important, but because I do think actually resolving this kind of semantic dispute in public comments like this is really hard, and I think it’s unlikely either of us will change their mind here, and we’ve both made our points. I appreciate you responding to my comments.
I think that there’s a reasonable chance that the current security commitments will lead Anthropic to pause scaling (though I don’t know whether Anthropic would announce publicly if they paused internally). Maybe a Manifold market on this would be a good idea.
Looks good—the only thing I would change is that I think this should probably resolve in the negative only once Anthropic has reached ASL-4, since only then will it be clear whether at any point there was a security-related pause during ASL-3.
“Anthropic’s commitment to follow the ASL scheme thus implies that we commit to pause the scaling and/or delay the deployment of new models whenever our scaling ability outstrips our ability to comply with the safety procedures for the corresponding ASL.”
And/or = or, so I just want to flag that the actual commitment here cd be as weak as “we delay the deployment but keep scaling internally”.
If it’s a mistake, you can correct it, but if it’s not, it doesn’t seem like a robust commitment to pause to me, even assuming that the conditions of pause were well established.
The scaling and deployment commitments are two separate sets of commitments with their own specific trigger conditions, which is extremely clear if you read the RSP. The only way I can imagine having this sort of misunderstanding is if you read only my quotes and not the actual RSP document itself.
Thanks for the thoughts! Some brief (and belated) responses:
I disagree with you on #1 and think the thread below your comment addresses this.
Re: #2, I think we have different expectations. We can just see what happens, but I’ll note that the RSP you refer to is quite explicit about the need for further iterations (not just “revisions” but also the need to define further-out, more severe risks).
I’m not sure what you mean by “an evals regime in which the burden of proof is on labs to show that scaling is safe.” How high is the burden you’re hoping for? If they need to definitively rule out risks like “The weights leak, then the science of post-training enhancements moves forward to the point where the leaked weights are catastrophically dangerous” in order to do any further scaling, my sense is that nobody (certainly not me) has any idea how to do this, and so this proposal seems pretty much equivalent to “immediate pause,” which I’ve shared my thoughts on. If you have a lower burden of proof in mind, I think that’s potentially consistent with the work on RSPs that is happening (it depends on exactly what you are hoping for).
I agree with the conceptual point that improvements on the status quo can be net negative for the reasons you say. When I said “Actively fighting improvements on the status quo because they might be confused for sufficient progress feels icky to me in a way that’s hard to articulate,” I didn’t mean to say that there’s no way this can make intellectual sense. To take a quick stab at what bugs me: I think to the extent a measure is an improvement but insufficient, the strategy should be to say “This is an improvement but insufficient,” accept the improvement and count on oneself to win the “insufficient” argument. This kind of behavior seems to generalize to a world in which everyone is clear about their preferred order of object-level states of the world, and incentive gradients consistently point in the right direction (especially important if—as I believe—getting some progress generally makes it easier rather than harder to get more). I worry that the behavior of opposing object-level improvements on the grounds that others might find them sufficient seems to generalize to a world with choppier incentive gradients, more confusing discourse, and a lot of difficulty building coalitions generally (it’s a lot harder to get agreement on “X vs. the best otherwise achievable outcome” than on “X vs. the status quo”).
I think nearly all proponents of RSPs do not see them as a substitute for regulation. Early communications could have emphasized this point more (including the METR post, which has been updated). I think communications since then have been clearer about it.
I lean toward agreeing that another name would be better. I don’t feel very strongly, and am not sure it matters at this point anyway with different parties using different names.
I don’t agree that “we can’t do anything until we literally have proof that the model is imminently dangerous” is the frame of RSPs, although I do agree that the frame is distinct from a “pause now” frame. I’m excited about conditional pauses as something that can reduce risk a lot while having high tractability and bringing together a big coalition; the developments you mention are great, but I think we’re still a long way from where “advocate for an immediate pause” looks better to me than working within this framework. I also disagree with your implication that the RSP framework has sucked up a lot of talent; while evals have drawn in a lot of people and momentum, hammering out conditional pause related frameworks seems to be something that only a handful of people were working on as of the date of your comment. (Since then the number has gone up due to AI companies forming teams dedicated to this; this seems like a good thing to me.) Overall, it seems to me that most of the people working in this area would otherwise be working on evals and other things short of advocating for immediate pauses.
Why do you think RSPs don’t put the burden of proof on labs to show that scaling is safe?
I think the RSP frame is wrong, and I don’t want regulators to use it as a building block. My understanding is that labs are refusing to adopt an evals regime in which the burden of proof is on labs to show that scaling is safe. Given this lack of buy-in, the RSP folks concluded that the only thing left to do was to say “OK, fine, but at least please check to see if the system will imminently kill you. And if we find proof that the system is pretty clearly dangerous or about to be dangerous, then will you at least consider stopping” It seems plausible to me that governments would be willing to start with something stricter and more sensible than this “just keep going until we can prove that the model has highly dangerous capabilities” regime.
I think good RSPs would in fact put the burden of proof on the lab. The goal is that the lab would have to make a high quality safety argument prior to taking each risky action (for instance, scaling or further deployment). That said, it’s unclear if the safety arguments from voluntary RSPs will end up being very good. In the event that something like RSPs are required by a regulatory body, it’s also unclear if that body will require good safety arguments. Presumably people advocating for RSPs will also advocate for voluntary RSPs to contain good safety arguments and for regulation to require good safety arguments.
For example, I think the baseline safety argument from the Anthropic RSP actually does ensure a high degree of safety for some particular AI. The argument is “we ran these capability evals and those indicated to us that the model is only ASL2 (not ASL3+), so it’s probably safe”. This argument will obviously fail at some point, but it does currently demonstrate safety to pretty high degree in my opinion[1]. This argument doesn’t guarantee safety (e.g. what if models learn to very competently sandbag evaluations prior to learning how to accomplish these tasks or what if there is a dangerous action which is easier than this evaluation) and it also might be the case that running this eval every 4x effective compute scale up is insufficient due to rapid increases in capabilities wrt. effective compute. But, I still think overall risk is <1% as long as this exact safety argument is in place (I think most of the risk comes from rapid increases in capabilities rather than sandbagging or easier paths to doom than covered by our evaluations).
Another way of putting this is: getting labs to check if their models could be dangerous is putting the burden of proof on labs. (And then we can argue at the object level about the quality of these evaluations.)
To be clear, I think it’s reasonable to object at the object level with any of:
The reduction in P(doom) which is being targeted (e.g. 5-10x) isn’t good enough and we should ask for more (or you could object to the absolute level of doom, but this might depend more on priors).
The countermeasures discussed in this exact RSP don’t reduce P(doom) that much.
There are no known evaluations, countermeasures, or approaches which would allow for reducing P(doom) by the targeted amount other than stopping scaling right now, so we should just do that.
It’s less clear to me that this ensures safety from ongoing scaling due to the possiblity for rapid (perhaps mostly discontinuous) increases in capabilities such that running the evalution periodically is insufficient. I’ll discuss concerns with rapid increases in capabilities later.
At minimum, I hope that RSPs get renamed, and that those communicating about RSPs are more careful to avoid giving off the impression that RSPs are sufficient.
OpenAI’s RDP name seems nicer than the RSP name, for roughly the reason they explain in their AI summit proposal (and also ‘risk-informed’ feels more honest than ‘responsible’):
We refer to our policy as a Risk-Informed Development Policy rather than a Responsible Scaling Policy because we can experience dramatic increases in capability without significant increase in scale, e.g., via algorithmic improvements.
I think we should keep the acronym, but change the words as necessary! Imagine
A Whitehouse spokesperson announced, “Anthropic’s Rapid Scaling Policy has been discussed in detail and we have sought cross-party consensus on its relevance”.
Meanwhile, DeepMind has recently released a Rampant Sales Pitch of its own, and a Reeking ShitPost from Meta’s Chief AI Scientist LeCun has caused controversy.
An insider in the EU revealed, “What we are looking for in a Really Slick Propaganda is something that is convincing—that can convince everyone”
(this is tongue in cheek and I don’t have strongly-held opinions on RSPs yet)
One reason I’m critical of the Anthropic RSP is that it does not make it clear under what conditions it would actually pause, or for how long, or under what safeguards it would determine it’s OK to keep going.
Can you link an example of what you believe to be a well-worded RSP?
Strong agree. I wish ARC and Anthropic had been more clear about this, and I would be less critical of their RSP posts if they had said this loudly & clearly. I think your post is loud and clear (you state multiple times, unambiguously, that you think regulation is necessary and that you wish the world had more political will to regulate). I appreciate this, and I’m glad you wrote this post.
A few thoughts:
One reason I’m critical of the Anthropic RSP is that it does not make it clear under what conditions it would actually pause, or for how long, or under what safeguards it would determine it’s OK to keep going. It is nice that they said they would run some evals at least once every 4X in effective compute and that they don’t want to train catastrophe-capable models until their infosec makes it more expensive for actors to steal their models. It is nice that they said that once they get systems that are capable of producing biological weapons, they will at least write something up about what to do with AGI before they decide to just go ahead and scale to AGI. But I mostly look at the RSP and say “wow, these are some of the most bare minimum commitments I could’ve expected, and they don’t even really tell me what a pause would look like and how they would end it.”
Meanwhile, we have OpenAI (that plans to release an RSP at some point), DeepMind (rumor has it they’re working on one but also that it might be very hard to get Google to endorse one), and Meta (oof). So I guess I’m sort of left thinking something like “If Anthropic’s RSP is the best RSP we’re going to get, then yikes, this RSP plan is not doing so well.” Of course, this is just a first version, but the substance of the RSP and the way it was communicated about doesn’t inspire much hope in me that future versions will be better.
I think the RSP frame is wrong, and I don’t want regulators to use it as a building block. My understanding is that labs are refusing to adopt an evals regime in which the burden of proof is on labs to show that scaling is safe. Given this lack of buy-in, the RSP folks concluded that the only thing left to do was to say “OK, fine, but at least please check to see if the system will imminently kill you. And if we find proof that the system is pretty clearly dangerous or about to be dangerous, then will you at least consider stopping” It seems plausible to me that governments would be willing to start with something stricter and more sensible than this “just keep going until we can prove that the model has highly dangerous capabilities” regime.
I think some improvements on the status quo can be net negative because they either (a) cement in an incorrect frame or (b) take a limited window of political will/attention and steer it toward something weaker than what would’ve happened if people had pushed for something stronger. For example, I think the UK government is currently looking around for substantive stuff to show their constituents (and themselves) that they are doing something serious about AI. If companies give them a milktoast solution that allows them to say “look, we did the responsible thing!”, it seems quite plausible to me that we actually end up in a worse world than if the AIS community had rallied behind something stronger.
If everyone communicating about RSPs was clear that they don’t want it to be seen as sufficient, that would be great. In practice, that’s not what I see happening. Anthropic’s RSP largely seems devoted to signaling that Anthropic is great, safe, credible, and trustworthy. Paul’s recent post is nuanced, but I don’t think the “RSPs are not sufficient” frame was sufficiently emphasized (perhaps partly because he thinks RSPs could lead to a 10x reduction in risk, which seems crazy to me, and if he goes around saying that to policymakers, I expect them to hear something like “this is a good plan that would sufficiently reduce risks”). ARC’s post tries to sell RSPs as a pragmatic middle ground and IMO pretty clearly does not emphasize (or even mention?) some sort of “these are not sufficient” message. Finally, the name itself sounds like it came out of a propaganda department– “hey, governments, look, we can scale responsibly”.
At minimum, I hope that RSPs get renamed, and that those communicating about RSPs are more careful to avoid giving off the impression that RSPs are sufficient.
More ambitiously, I hope that folks working on RSPs seriously consider whether or not this is the best thing to be working on or advocating for. My impression is that this plan made more sense when it was less clear that the Overton Window was going to blow open, Bengio/Hinton would enter the fray, journalists and the public would be fairly sympathetic, Rishi Sunak would host an xrisk summit, Blumenthal would run hearings about xrisk, etc. I think everyone working on RSPs should spend at least a few hours taking seriously the possibility that the AIS community could be advocating for stronger policy proposals and getting out of the “we can’t do anything until we literally have proof that the model is imminently dangerous” frame. To be clear, I think some people who do this reflection will conclude that they ought to keep making marginal progress on RSPs. I would be surprised if the current allocation of community talent/resources was correct, though, and I think on the margin more people should be doing things like CAIP & Conjecture, and fewer people should be doing things like RSPs. (Note that CAIP & Conjecture both impt flaws/limitations– and I think this partly has to do with the fact that so much top community talent has been funneled into RSPs/labs relative to advocacy/outreach/outside game).
Cross-posted to the EA Forum.
It’s hard to take anything else you’re saying seriously when you say things like this; it seems clear that you just haven’t read Anthropic’s RSP. I think that the current conditions and resulting safeguards are insufficient to prevent AI existential risk, but to say that it doesn’t make them clear is just patently false.
The conditions under which Anthropic commits to pausing in the RSP are very clear. In big bold font on the second page it says:
And then it lays out a serious of safety procedures that Anthropic commits to meeting for ASL-3 models or else pausing, with some of the most serious commitments here being:
And a clear evaluation-based definition of ASL-3:
This is the basic substance of the RSP; I don’t understand how you could have possibly read it and missed this. I don’t want to be mean, but I am really disappointed in these sort of exceedingly lazy takes.
I think Akash’s statement that the Anthropic RSP basically doesn’t specify any real conditions that would cause them to stop scaling seems right to me.
They have some deployment measures, which are not related to the question of when they would stop scaling, and then they have some security-related measures, but those don’t have anything to do with the behavior of the models and are the kind of thing that Anthropic can choose to do any time independent of how the facts play out.
I think Akash is right that the Anthropic RSP does concretely not answer the two questions you quote him for:
The RSP does not specify the conditions under which Anthropic would stop scaling models (it only says that in order to continue scaling it will implement some safety measures, but that’s not an empirical condition, since Anthropic is confident it can implement the listed security measures)
The RSP does not specify under what conditions Anthropic would scale to ASL-4 or beyond, though they have promised they will give those conditions.
I agree the RSP says a bunch of other things, and that there are interpretations of what Akash is saying that are inaccurate, but I do think on this (IMO most important question) the RSP seems quiet.
I do think the deployment measures are real, though I don’t currently think much of the risk comes from deploying models, so they don’t seem that relevant to me (and think the core question is what prevents organizations from scaling models up in the first place).
I mean, they are certainly still conditions on which Anthropic would stop scaling. The sentence
is clearly false. If you instead said
then I would agree with you. I think it’s important to be clear here, though: the security conditions could trigger a pause all on their own, and there is a commitment to develop conditions that will halt scaling after ASL-3 by the time ASL-3 is reached.
I don’t understand how this is possible. The RSP appendix has the list of security conditions, and they are just a checklist of things that Anthropic is planning to do and can just implement whenever they want. It’s not cheap for them to implement it, but I don’t see any real circumstance where they fail to implement the security conditions in a way that would force them to pause.
Like, I agree that some of these commitments are costly, but I don’t see how there is any world where Anthropic would like to continue scaling but finds itself incapable of doing so, which is what I would consider a “pause” to mean. Like, they can just implement their checklist of security requirements and then go ahead.
Maybe this is quibbling over semantics, but it does really feels quite qualitatively different to me. When OpenAI said that they would spend some substantial fraction of their compute on “Alignment Research” while they train their next model, I think it would be misleading to say “OpenAI has committed to conditionally pausing model scaling”.
I mean, I agree that humanity theoretically knows how to implement these sorts of security commitments, so the current conditions should always be possible for Anthropic to unblock with enough time and effort, but the commitment to the sequencing that they have to happen before Anthropic has a model that is ASL-3 means that there are situations where Anthropic commits to pause scaling until the security commitments are met. I agree with you that this is a relatively weak commitment in terms of a scaling pause, though to be fair I don’t actually think simply having (but not deploying) a just-barely-ASL-3 model poses much of a risk, so I think it does make sense from a risk-based perspective why most of the commitments are around deployment and security. That being said, even if a just-barely-ASL-3 model doesn’t pose an existential risk, so long as ASL-3 is defined only with a lower bound rather than also an upper bound, it’s obviously the case that eventually it will contain models that pose a potential existential risk, so I agree that a lot is tied up in the upcoming definition of ASL-4. Regardless, it is still the case that Anthropic has already committed to a scaling pause under certain circumstances.
I disagree that this is an accurate summary, or like, it’s only barely denotatively true but not connotatively.
I do think it’s probably best to let this discussion rest, not because it’s not important, but because I do think actually resolving this kind of semantic dispute in public comments like this is really hard, and I think it’s unlikely either of us will change their mind here, and we’ve both made our points. I appreciate you responding to my comments.
I think that there’s a reasonable chance that the current security commitments will lead Anthropic to pause scaling (though I don’t know whether Anthropic would announce publicly if they paused internally). Maybe a Manifold market on this would be a good idea.
That seems cool! I made a market here:
Feel free to suggest edits about the operationalization or other things before people start trading.
Looks good—the only thing I would change is that I think this should probably resolve in the negative only once Anthropic has reached ASL-4, since only then will it be clear whether at any point there was a security-related pause during ASL-3.
That seems reasonable. Edited the description (I can’t change when trading on the market closes, but I think that should be fine).
“Anthropic’s commitment to follow the ASL scheme thus implies that we commit to pause the scaling and/or delay the deployment of new models whenever our scaling ability outstrips our ability to comply with the safety procedures for the corresponding ASL.”
And/or = or, so I just want to flag that the actual commitment here cd be as weak as “we delay the deployment but keep scaling internally”. If it’s a mistake, you can correct it, but if it’s not, it doesn’t seem like a robust commitment to pause to me, even assuming that the conditions of pause were well established.
The scaling and deployment commitments are two separate sets of commitments with their own specific trigger conditions, which is extremely clear if you read the RSP. The only way I can imagine having this sort of misunderstanding is if you read only my quotes and not the actual RSP document itself.
Thanks for the thoughts! Some brief (and belated) responses:
I disagree with you on #1 and think the thread below your comment addresses this.
Re: #2, I think we have different expectations. We can just see what happens, but I’ll note that the RSP you refer to is quite explicit about the need for further iterations (not just “revisions” but also the need to define further-out, more severe risks).
I’m not sure what you mean by “an evals regime in which the burden of proof is on labs to show that scaling is safe.” How high is the burden you’re hoping for? If they need to definitively rule out risks like “The weights leak, then the science of post-training enhancements moves forward to the point where the leaked weights are catastrophically dangerous” in order to do any further scaling, my sense is that nobody (certainly not me) has any idea how to do this, and so this proposal seems pretty much equivalent to “immediate pause,” which I’ve shared my thoughts on. If you have a lower burden of proof in mind, I think that’s potentially consistent with the work on RSPs that is happening (it depends on exactly what you are hoping for).
I agree with the conceptual point that improvements on the status quo can be net negative for the reasons you say. When I said “Actively fighting improvements on the status quo because they might be confused for sufficient progress feels icky to me in a way that’s hard to articulate,” I didn’t mean to say that there’s no way this can make intellectual sense. To take a quick stab at what bugs me: I think to the extent a measure is an improvement but insufficient, the strategy should be to say “This is an improvement but insufficient,” accept the improvement and count on oneself to win the “insufficient” argument. This kind of behavior seems to generalize to a world in which everyone is clear about their preferred order of object-level states of the world, and incentive gradients consistently point in the right direction (especially important if—as I believe—getting some progress generally makes it easier rather than harder to get more). I worry that the behavior of opposing object-level improvements on the grounds that others might find them sufficient seems to generalize to a world with choppier incentive gradients, more confusing discourse, and a lot of difficulty building coalitions generally (it’s a lot harder to get agreement on “X vs. the best otherwise achievable outcome” than on “X vs. the status quo”).
I think nearly all proponents of RSPs do not see them as a substitute for regulation. Early communications could have emphasized this point more (including the METR post, which has been updated). I think communications since then have been clearer about it.
I lean toward agreeing that another name would be better. I don’t feel very strongly, and am not sure it matters at this point anyway with different parties using different names.
I don’t agree that “we can’t do anything until we literally have proof that the model is imminently dangerous” is the frame of RSPs, although I do agree that the frame is distinct from a “pause now” frame. I’m excited about conditional pauses as something that can reduce risk a lot while having high tractability and bringing together a big coalition; the developments you mention are great, but I think we’re still a long way from where “advocate for an immediate pause” looks better to me than working within this framework. I also disagree with your implication that the RSP framework has sucked up a lot of talent; while evals have drawn in a lot of people and momentum, hammering out conditional pause related frameworks seems to be something that only a handful of people were working on as of the date of your comment. (Since then the number has gone up due to AI companies forming teams dedicated to this; this seems like a good thing to me.) Overall, it seems to me that most of the people working in this area would otherwise be working on evals and other things short of advocating for immediate pauses.
Why do you think RSPs don’t put the burden of proof on labs to show that scaling is safe?
I think good RSPs would in fact put the burden of proof on the lab. The goal is that the lab would have to make a high quality safety argument prior to taking each risky action (for instance, scaling or further deployment). That said, it’s unclear if the safety arguments from voluntary RSPs will end up being very good. In the event that something like RSPs are required by a regulatory body, it’s also unclear if that body will require good safety arguments. Presumably people advocating for RSPs will also advocate for voluntary RSPs to contain good safety arguments and for regulation to require good safety arguments.
For example, I think the baseline safety argument from the Anthropic RSP actually does ensure a high degree of safety for some particular AI. The argument is “we ran these capability evals and those indicated to us that the model is only ASL2 (not ASL3+), so it’s probably safe”. This argument will obviously fail at some point, but it does currently demonstrate safety to pretty high degree in my opinion[1]. This argument doesn’t guarantee safety (e.g. what if models learn to very competently sandbag evaluations prior to learning how to accomplish these tasks or what if there is a dangerous action which is easier than this evaluation) and it also might be the case that running this eval every 4x effective compute scale up is insufficient due to rapid increases in capabilities wrt. effective compute. But, I still think overall risk is <1% as long as this exact safety argument is in place (I think most of the risk comes from rapid increases in capabilities rather than sandbagging or easier paths to doom than covered by our evaluations).
Another way of putting this is: getting labs to check if their models could be dangerous is putting the burden of proof on labs. (And then we can argue at the object level about the quality of these evaluations.)
To be clear, I think it’s reasonable to object at the object level with any of:
The reduction in P(doom) which is being targeted (e.g. 5-10x) isn’t good enough and we should ask for more (or you could object to the absolute level of doom, but this might depend more on priors).
The countermeasures discussed in this exact RSP don’t reduce P(doom) that much.
There are no known evaluations, countermeasures, or approaches which would allow for reducing P(doom) by the targeted amount other than stopping scaling right now, so we should just do that.
It’s less clear to me that this ensures safety from ongoing scaling due to the possiblity for rapid (perhaps mostly discontinuous) increases in capabilities such that running the evalution periodically is insufficient. I’ll discuss concerns with rapid increases in capabilities later.
OpenAI’s RDP name seems nicer than the RSP name, for roughly the reason they explain in their AI summit proposal (and also ‘risk-informed’ feels more honest than ‘responsible’):
I think we should keep the acronym, but change the words as necessary! Imagine
(this is tongue in cheek and I don’t have strongly-held opinions on RSPs yet)
Can you link an example of what you believe to be a well-worded RSP?
You’re aware that there’s only one public RSP?
You can find the current closest thing various companies have at https://www.aisafetysummit.gov.uk/policy-updates/#company-policies
I never said it had to be an officially sanctioned one, plenty of folks are capable of writing drafts, ideations, conjectures, etc...
If literally no one has ever published something along these lines, then that’s probably the most promising avenue of investigation.