Suppose Omega or one of its ilk says to you, “Here’s a game we can play. I have an infinitely large deck of cards here. Half of them have a star on them, and one-tenth of them have a skull on them. Every time you draw a card with a star, I’ll double your utility for the rest of your life. If you draw a card with a skull, I’ll kill you.”
How many cards do you draw?
I’m pretty sure that someone who believes in many worlds will keep drawing cards until they die. But even if you don’t believe in many worlds, I think you do the same thing, unless you are not maximizing expected utility. (Unless chance is quantized so that there is a minimum possible possibility. I don’t think that would help much anyway.)
So this whole post may boil down to “maximizing expected utility” not actually being the right thing to do. Also see my earlier, equally unpopular post on why expectation maximization implies average utilitarianism. If you agree that average utilitarianism seems wrong, that’s another piece of evidence that maximizing expected utility is wrong.
“Every time you draw a card with a star, I’ll double your utility for the rest of your life. If you draw a card with a skull, I’ll kill you.”
Sorry if this question has already been answered (I’ve read the comments but probably didn’t catch all of it), but...
I have a problem with “double your utility for the rest of your life”. Are we talking about utilons per second? Or do you mean “double the utility of your life”, or just “double your utility”? How does dying a couple of minutes later affect your utility? Do you get the entire (now doubled) utility for those few minutes? Do you get pro rata utility for those few minutes divided by your expected lifespan?
Related to this is the question of the utility penalty of dying. If your utility function includes benefits for other people, then your best bet is to draw cards until you die, because the benefits to the rest of the universe will massively outweigh the inevitability of your death.
If, on the other hand, death sets your utility to zero (presumably because your utility function is strictly only a function of your own experiences), then… yeah. If Omega really can double your utility every time you win, then I guess you keep drawing until you die. It’s an absurd (but mathematically plausible) situation, so the absurd (but mathematically plausible) answer is correct. I guess.
Reformulation to weed out uninteresting objections: Omega knows expected utility according to your preference if you go on without its intervention U1 and utility if it kills you U0U1.
My answer: even in a deterministic world, I take the lottery as many times as Omega has to offer, knowing that the probability of death tends to certainty as I go on. This example is only invalid for money because of diminishing returns. If you really do possess the ability to double utility, low probability of positive outcome gets squashed by high utility of that outcome.
There’s an excellent paper by Peter le Blanc indicating that under reasonable assumptions, if you utility function is unbounded, then you can’t compute finite expected utilities. So if Omega can double your utility an unlimited number of times, you have other problems that cripple you in the absence of involvement from Omega. Doubling your utility should be a mathematical impossibility at some point.
That demolishes “Shut up and Multiply”, IMO.
SIAI apparently paid Peter to produce that. It should get more attention here.
So if Omega can double your utility an unlimited number of times
This was not assumed, I even explicitly said things like “I take the lottery as many times as Omega has to offer” and “If you really do possess the ability to double utility”. To the extent doubling of utility is actually provided (and no more), we should take the lottery.
Also, if your utility function’s scope is not limited to perception-sequences, Peter’s result doesn’t directly apply. If your utility function is linear in actual, rather than perceived, paperclips, Omega might be able to offer you the deal infinitely many times.
Also, if your utility function’s scope is not limited to perception-sequences, Peter’s result doesn’t directly apply.
How can you act upon a utility function if you cannot evaluate it? The utility function needs inputs describing your situation. The only available inputs are your perceptions.
The utility function needs inputs describing your situation. The only available inputs are your perceptions.
Not so. There’s also logical knowledge and logical decision-making where nothing ever changes and no new observations ever arrive, but the game still can be infinitely long, and contain all the essential parts, such as learning of new facts and determination of new decisions.
(This is of course not relevant to Peter’s model, but if you want to look at the underlying questions, then these strange constructions apply.)
Does my entire post boil down to this seeming paradox?
(Yes, I assume Omega can actually double utility.)
The use of U1 and U0 is needlessly confusing. And it changes the game, because now, U0 is a utility associated with a single draw, and the analysis of doing repeated draws will give different answers. There’s also too much change in going from “you die” to “you get utility U0″. There’s some semantic trickiness there.
Pretty much. And I should mention at this point that experiments show that, contrary to instructions, subjects nearly always interpret utility as having diminishing marginal utility.
Well, that leaves me even less optimistic than before. As long as it’s just me saying, “We have options A, B, and C, but I don’t think any of them work,” there are a thousand possible ways I could turn out to be wrong. But if it reduces to a math problem, and we can’t figure out a way around that math problem, hope is harder.
Can utility go arbitrarily high? There are diminishing returns on almost every kind of good thing. I have difficulty imagining life with utility orders of magnitude higher than what we have now. Infinitely long youth might be worth a lot, but even that is only so many doublings due to discounting.
I’m curious why it’s getting downvoted without reply. Related thread here. How high do you think “utility” can go?
I would guess you’re being downvoted by someone who is frustrated not by you so much as by all the other people before you who keep bringing up diminishing returns even though the concept of “utility” was invented to get around that objection.
“Utility” is what you have after you’ve factored in diminishing returns.
We do have difficulty imagining orders of magnitude higher utility. That doesn’t mean it’s nonsensical. I think I have orders of magnitude higher utility than a microbe, and that the microbe can’t understand that. One reason we develop mathematical models is that they let us work with things that we don’t intuitively understand.
If you say “Utility can’t go that high”, you’re also rejecting utility maximization. Just in a different way.
Nothing about utility maximization model says utility function is unbounded—the only mathematical assumptions for a well behaved utility function are U’(x) >= 0, U″(x) ⇐ 0.
If the function is let’s say U(x) = 1 − 1/(1+x), U’(x) = (x+1)^-2, then it’s a properly behaving utility function, yet it never even reaches 1.
And utility maximization is just a model that breaks easily—it can be useful for humans to some limited extent, but we know humans break it all the time. Trying to imagine utilities orders of magnitude higher than current gets it way past its breaking point.
Nothing about utility maximization model says utility function is unbounded
the only mathematical assumptions for a well behaved utility function are U’(x) >= 0, U″(x) ⇐ 0
Utility functions aren’t necessarily over domains that allow their derivatives to be scalar, or even meaningful (my notional u.f., over 4D world-histories or something similar, sure isn’t). Even if one is, or if you’re holding fixed all but one (real-valued) of the parameters, this is far too strong a constraint for non-pathological behavior. E.g., most people’s (notional) utility is presumably strictly decreasing in the number of times they’re hit with a baseball bat, and non-monotonic in the amount of salt on their food.
We could have a contest, where each contestant tries to describe a scenario that has the largest utility to a judge. I bet that after a few rounds of this, we’ll converge on some scenario of maximum utility, no matter who the judge is.
Does this show that utility can’t go arbitrarily high?
ETA: The above perhaps only shows the difficulty of not getting stuck in a local maximum. Maybe a better argument is that a human mind can only consider a finite subset of configuration space. The point in that subset with the largest utility must be the maximum utility for that mind.
As I just pointed out again, the vNM axioms merely imply that “rational” decisions can be represented as maximising the expectation of some function mapping world histories into the reals. This function is conventionally called a utility function. In this sense of “utility function”, your preferences over gambles determine your utility (up to an affine transform), so when Omega says “I’ll double your utility” this is just a very roundabout (and rather odd) way of saying something like “I will do something sufficiently good that it will induce you to accept my offer”.* Given standard assumptions about Omega, this pretty obviously means that you accept the offer.
The confusion seems to arise because there are other mappings from world histories into the reals that are also conventionally called utility functions, but which have nothing in particular to do with the vNM utility function. When we read “I’ll double your utility” I think we intuitively parse the phrase as referring to one of these other utility functions, which is when problems start to ensue.
Maximising expected vNM utility is the right thing to do. But “maximise expected vNM utility” is not especially useful advice, because we have no access to our vNM utility function unless we already know our preferences (or can reasonably extrapolate them from preferences we do have access to). Maximising expected utilonsis not necessarily the right thing to do. You can maximize any (potentially bounded!) positive monotonic transform of utilons and you’ll still be “rational”.
* There are sets of “rational” preferences for which such a statement could never be true (your preferences could be represented by a bounded utility function where doubling would go above the bound). If you had such preferences and Omega possessed the usual Omega-properties, then she would never claim to be able to double your utility: ergo the hypothetical implicitly rules out such preferences.
NB: I’m aware that I’m fudging a couple of things here, but they don’t affect the point, and unfudging them seemed likely to be more confusing than helpful.
so when Omega says “I’ll double your utility” this is just a very roundabout (and rather odd) way of saying something like “I will do something sufficiently good that it will induce you to accept my offer”
It’s not that easy. As humans are not formally rational, the problem is about whether to bite this particular bullet, showing a form that following the decision procedure could take and asking if it’s a good idea to adopt a decision procedure that forces such decisions. If you already accept the decision procedure, of course the problem becomes trivial.
Which decision procedure are you talking about? Maximising expected vNM utility and maximizing (e.g.) expected utilons are quite different procedures—which was basically my point.
The former doesn’t force such decisions at all. That’s precisely why I said that it’s not useful advice: all it says is that you should take the gamble if you prefer to take the gamble.* (Moreover, if you did not prefer to take the gamble, the hypothetical doubling of vNM utility could never happen, so the set up already assumes you prefer the gamble. This seems to make the hypothetical not especially useful either.)
On the other hand “maximize expected utilons” does provide concrete advice. It’s just that (AFAIK) there’s no reason to listen to that advice unless you’re risk-neutral over utilons. If you were sufficiently risk averse over utilons then a 50% chance of doubling them might not induce you to take the gamble, and nothing in the vNM axioms would say that you’re behaving irrationally. The really interesting question then becomes whether there are other good reasons to have particular risk preferences with respect to utilons, but it’s a question I’ve never heard a particularly good answer to.
* At least provided doing so would not result in an inconsistency in your preferences. [ETA: Actually, if your preferences are inconsistent, then they won’t have a vNM utility representation, and Omega’s claim that she will double your vNM utility can’t actually mean anything. The set-up therefore seems to imply that you preferences are necessarily consistent. There sure seem to be a lot of surreptitious assumptions built in here!]
Which decision procedure are you talking about? Maximising expected vNM utility and maximizing (e.g.) expected utilons are quite different procedures—which was basically my point.
[...] you should take the gamble if you prefer to take the gamble
The “prefer” here isn’t immediate. People have (internal) arguments about what should be done in what situations precisely because they don’t know what they really prefer. There is an easy answer to go with the whim, but that’s not preference people care about, and so we deliberate.
When all confusion is defeated, and the preference is laid out explicitly, as a decision procedure that just crunches numbers and produces a decision, that is by construction exactly the most preferable action, there is nothing to argue about. Argument is not a part of this form of decision procedure.
In real life, argument is an important part of any decision procedure, and it is the means by which we could select a decision procedure that doesn’t involve argument. You look at the possible solutions produced by many tools, and judge which of them to implement. This makes the decision procedure different from the first kind.
One of the tools you consider may be a “utility maximization” thingy. You can’t say that it’s by definition the right decision procedure, as first you have to accept it as such through argument. And this applies not only to the particular choice of prior and utility, but also to the algorithm itself, to the possibility of representing your true preference in this form.
The “utilons” of the post linked above look different from the vN-M expected utility because their discussion involved argument, informal steps. This doesn’t preclude the topic the argument is about, the “utilons”, from being exactly the same (expected) utility values, approximated to suit more informal discussion. The difference is that the informal part of decision-making is considered as part of decision procedure in that post, unlike what happens with the formal tool itself (that is discussed there informally).
By considering the double-my-utility thought experiment, the following question can be considered: assuming that the best possible utility+prior are chosen within the expected utility maximization framework, do the decisions generated by the resulting procedure look satisfactory? That is, is this form of decision procedure adequate, as an ultimate solution, for all situations? The answer can be “no”, which would mean that expected utility maximization isn’t a way to go, or that you’d need to apply it differently to the problem.
I’m struggling to figure out whether we’re actually disagreeing about anything here, and if so, what it is. I agree with most of what you’ve said, but can’t quite see how it connects to the point I’m trying to make. It seems like we’re somehow managing to talk past each other, but unfortunately I can’t tell whether I’m missing your point, you’re missing mine, or something else entirely. Let’s try again… let me know if/when you think I’m going off the rails here.
If I understand you correctly, you want to evaluate a particular decision procedure “maximize expected utility” (MEU) by seeing whether the results it gives in this situation seem correct. (Is that right?)
My point was that the result given by MEU, and the evidence that this can provide, both depend crucially on what you mean by utility.
One possibility is that by utility, you mean vNM utility. In this case, MEU clearly says you should accept the offer. As a result, it’s tempting to say that if you think accepting the offer would be a bad idea, then this provides evidence against MEU (or equivalently, since the vNM axioms imply MEU, that you think it’s ok to violate the vNM axioms). The problem is that if you violate the vNM axioms, your choices will have no vNM utility representation, and Omega couldn’t possibly promise to double your vNM utility, because there’s no such thing. So for the hypothetical to make sense at all, we have to assume that your preferences conform to the vNM axioms. Moreover, because the vNM axioms necessarily imply MEU, the hypothetical also assumes MEU, and it therefore can’t provide evidence either for or against it.*
If the hypothetical is going to be useful, then utility needs to mean something other than vNM utility. It could mean hedons, it could mean valutilons,** it could mean something else. I do think that responses to the hypothetical in these cases can provide useful evidence about the value of decision procedures such as “maximize expected hedons” (MEH) or “maximize expected valutilons” (MEV). My point on this score was simply that there is no particular reason to think that either MEH or MEV were likely to be an optimal decision procedure to begin with. They’re certainly not implied by the vNM axioms, which require only that you should maximise the expectation of some (positive) monotonic transform of hedons or valutilons or whatever.*** [ETA: As a specific example, if you decide to maximize the expectation of a bounded concave function of hedons/valutilons, then even if hedons/valutilons are unbounded, you’ll at some point stop taking bets to double your hedons/valutilons, but still be an expected vNM utility maximizer.]
Does that make sense?
* This also means that if you think MEU gives the “wrong” answer in this case, you’ve gotten confused somewehere—most likely about what it means to double vNM utility.
** I define these here as the output of a function that maps a specific, certain, world history (no gambles!) into the reals according to how well that particular world history measures up against my values. (Apologies for the proliferation of terminology—I’m trying to guard against the possibility that we’re using “utilons” to mean different things without inadvertently ending up in a messy definitional argument. ;))
*** A corollary of this is that rejecting MEH or MEV does not constitute evidence against the vNM axioms.
You are placing on a test the following well-defined tool: expected utility maximizer with a prior and “utility” function, that evaluates the events on the world. By “utility” function here I mean just some function, so you can drop the word “utility”. Even if people can’t represent their preference as expected some-function maximization, such tool could still be constructed. The question is whether such a tool can be made that always agrees with human preference.
An easy question is what happens when you use “hedons” or something else equally inadequate in the role of utility function: the tool starts to make decisions with which we disagree. Case closed. But maybe there are other settings under which the tool is in perfect agreement with human judgment (after reflection).
Utility-doubling thought experiment compares what is better according to the judgment of the tool (to take the card) with what is better according to the judgment of a person (maybe not take the card). As the tool’s decision in this thought experiment is made invariant on the tool’s settings (“utility” and prior), showing that the tool’s decision is wrong according to a person’t preference (after “careful” reflection), proves that there is no way to set up “utility” and prior so that the “utility” maximization tool represents that person’s preference.
As the tool’s decision in this thought experiment is made invariant on the tool’s settings (“utility” and prior), showing that the tool’s decision is wrong according to a person’s preference (after “careful” reflection), proves that there is no way to set up “utility”
My argument is that, if Omega is offering to double vNM utility, the set-up of the thought experiment rules out the possibility that the decision could be wrong according to a person’s considered preference (because the claim to be doubling vNM utility embodies an assumption about what a person’s considered preference is). AFAICT, the thought experiment then amounts to asking: “If I should maximize expected utility, should I maximize expected utility?” Regardless of whether I should actually maximize expected utility or not, the correct answer to this question is still “yes”. But the thought experiment is completely uninformative.
Do you understand my argument for this conclusion? (Fourth para of my previous comment.) If you do, can you point out where you think it goes astray? If you don’t, could you tell me what part you don’t understand so I can try to clarify my thinking?
On the other hand, if Omega is offering to double something other than vNM utility (hedons/valutilons/whatever) then I don’t think we have any disagreement. (Do we? Do you disagree with anything I said in para 5 of my previous comment?)
My point is just that the thought experiment is underspecified unless we’re clear about what the doubling applies to, and that people sometimes seem to shift back and forth between different meanings.
What was originally at issue is whether we should act in ways that will eventually destroy ourselves.
I think the big-picture conclusion from what you just wrote is that, if we see that we’re acting in ways that will probably exterminate life in short order, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the wrong thing to do.
However, in our circumstances, time discounting and “identity discounting” encourage us to start enjoying and dooming ourselves now; whereas it would probably be better to spread life to a few other galaxies first, and then enjoy ourselves.
(I admit that my use of the word “better” is problematic.)
if we see that we’re acting in ways that will probably exterminate life in short order, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the wrong thing to do.
Well, I don’t disagree with this, but I would still agree with it if you substituted “right” for “wrong”, so it doesn’t seem like much of a conclusion. ;)
Moving back toward your ignorance prior on a topic can still increase your log-score if the hypothesis was concentrating probability mass in the wrong areas (failing to concentrate a substantial amount in a right area).
You argue that the thought experiment is trivial and doesn’t solve any problems. In my comments above I described a specific setup that shows how to use (interpret) the thought experiment to potentially obtain non-trivial results.
I argue that the thought experiment is ambiguous, and that for a certain definition of utility (vNM utility), it is trivial and doesn’t solve any problems. For this definition of utility I argue that your example doesn’t work. You do not appear to have engaged with this argument, despite repeated requests to point out either where it goes wrong, or where it is unclear. If it goes wrong, I want to know why, but this conversation isn’t really helping.
For other definitions of utility, I do not, and have never claimed that the thought experiment is trivial. In fact, I think it is very interesting.
I argue that the thought experiment is ambiguous, and that for a certain definition of utility (vNM utility), it is trivial and doesn’t solve any problems. For this definition of utility I argue that your example doesn’t work.
If by “your example” you refer to the setup described in this comment, I don’t understand what you are saying here. I don’t use any “definition of utility”, it’s just a parameter of the tool.
It’s also an entity in the problem set-up. When Omega says “I’ll double your utility”, what is she offering to double? Without defining this, the problem isn’t well-specified.
It seems like you are assuming that the only effect of dying is that it brings your utility to 0. I agree that after you are dead your utility is 0, but before you are dead you have to die, and I think that is a strongly negative utility event. When I picture my utility playing this game, I think that if I start with X, then I draw a start and have 2X. Then I draw a skull, I look at the skull, my utility drops to −10000X as I shit my pants and beg omega to let me live, and then he kills me and my utility is 0.
I don’t know how much sense that makes mathematically. But it certainly feels to me like fear of death makes dying a more negative event than just a drop to utility 0.
But even if you don’t believe in many worlds, I think you do the same thing, unless you are not maximizing expected utility. (Unless chance is quantized so that there is a minimum possible possibility. I don’t think that would help much anyway.)
Or unless your utility function is bounded above, and the utility you assign to the status quo is more than the average of the utility of dying straight away and the upper bound of your utility function, in which case Omega couldn’t possibly double your utility. (Indeed, I can’t think of any X right now such that I’d prefer {50% X, 10% I die right now, 40% business as usual} to {100% business as usual}.)
Assuming the utility increase holds my remaining lifespan constant, I’d draw a card every few years (if allowed). I don’t claim to maximize “expected integral of happiness over time” by doing so (substitute utility for happiness if you like; but perhaps utility should be forward-looking and include expected happiness over time as just one of my values?). Of course, by supposing my utility can be doubled, I’ll never be fully satisfied.
I’d wondered why nobody brought up MWI and anthropic probabilities yet.
As for this, it reminds me of a Dutch book argument Eliezer discussed some time ago. His argument was that in cases where some kind of infinity is on the table, aiming to satisfice rather than optimize can be the better strategy.
In my case (assuming I’m quite confident in Many-Worlds), I might decide to take a card or two, go off and enjoy myself for a week, come back and take another card or two, et cetera.
Many worlds have nothing to do with validity of suicidal decisions. If you have an answer that maximizes expected utility but gives almost-certain probability of total failure, you still take it in a deterministic world. There is no magic by which deterministic world declares that the decision-theoretic calculation is invalid in this particular case, while many-worlds lets it be.
I think you’re right. Would you agree that this is a problem with following the policy of maximizing expected utility? Or would you keep drawing cards?
Thanks for the link—this is another form of the same paradox orthnormal linked to, yes. The Wikipedia page proposes numerous “solutions”, but most of them just dodge the question by taking advantage of the fact that the paradox was posed using “ducats” instead of “utility”. It seems like the notion of “utility” was invented in response to this paradox. If you pose it again using the word “utility”, these “solutions” fail. The only possibly workable solution offered on that Wikipedia page is:
Rejection of mathematical expectation
Various authors, including Jean le Rond d’Alembert and John Maynard Keynes, have rejected maximization of expectation (even of utility) as a proper rule of conduct. Keynes, in particular, insisted that the relative risk of an alternative could be sufficiently high to reject it even were its expectation enormous.
The page notes the reformulation in terms of utility, which it terms “super St. Petersberg paradox”. (It doesn’t have its own section, or I’d have linked directly to that.) I agree that there doesn’t seem to be a workable solution—my last refuge was just destroyed by Vladimir Nesov.
I agree that there doesn’t seem to be a workable solution—my last refuge was just destroyed by Vladimir Nesov.
I’m afraid I don’t understand the difficulty here. Let’s assume that Omega can access any point in configuration space and make that the reality. Then either (A) at some point it runs out of things with which to entice you to draw another card, in which case your utility function is bounded or (B) it never runs out of such things, in which case your utility function in unbounded.
I guess no more than 10 cards. That’s based on not being able to imagine a scenario such that I’d prefer .999 probability of death + .001 probability of scenario to the status quo. But it’s just a guess because Omega might have better imagination that I do, or understand my utility function better than I do.
Omega offers you the healing of all the rest of Reality; every other sentient being will be preserved at what would otherwise be death and allowed to live and grow forever, and all unbearable suffering not already in your causal past will be prevented. You alone will die.
You wouldn’t take a trustworthy 0.001 probability of that reward and a 0.999 probability of death, over the status quo? I would go for it so fast that there’d be speed lines on my quarks.
Really, this whole debate is just about people being told “X utilons” and interpreting utility as having diminishing marginal utility—I don’t see any reason to suppose there’s more to it than that.
There’s no reason for Omega to kill me in the winning outcome...
You wouldn’t take a trustworthy 0.001 probability of that reward and a 0.999 probability of death, over the status quo?
Well, I’m not as altruistic as you are. But there must be some positive X such that even you wouldn’t take a trustworthy X probability of that reward and a 1-X probability of death, over the status quo, right? Suppose you’ve drawn enough cards to win this prize, what new prize can Omega offer you to entice you to draw another card?
There’s no reason for Omega to kill me in the winning outcome...
Omega’s a bastard. So what?
Well, I’m not as altruistic as you are.
WHAT? Are you honestly sure you’re THAT not as altruistic as I am?
But there must be some positive X such that even you wouldn’t take a trustworthy X probability of that reward and a 1-X probability of death, over the status quo, right?
There’s the problem of whether the scenario I described which involves a “forever” and “over all space” actually has infinite utility compared to increments in my own life which even if I would otherwise live forever would be over an infinitesimal fraction of all space, but if we fix that with a rather smaller prize that I would still accept, then yes of course.
Suppose you’ve drawn enough cards to win this prize, what new prize can Omega offer you to entice you to draw another card?
That’s fine, I just didn’t know if that detail had some implication that I was missing.
WHAT? Are you honestly sure you’re THAT not as altruistic as I am?
Yes, I’m pretty sure, although I leave open the possibility that I may encounter an argument in the future that would persuade me to change my mind. My understanding is that most people have preferences like mine, so I’m surprised that you’re so surprised.
It seems that I had missed the earlierposts on bounded vs. unbounded utility functions. I’ll follow up there to avoid retreading old ground.
Yes, I’m pretty sure, although I leave open the possibility that I may encounter an argument in the future that would persuade me to change my mind. My understanding is that most people have preferences like mine, so I’m surprised that you’re so surprised.
I’m shocked, and I hadn’t thought that most people had preferences like yours—at least would not verbally express such preferences; their “real” preferences being a whole separate moral issue beyond that. I would have thought that it would be mainly psychopaths, the Rand-damaged, and a few unfortunate moral philosophers with mistaken metaethics, who would decline that offer.
I guess I would follow up with these questions: (1) When you see someone else hurting, or attend a friend’s funeral, do you feel sad; (2) are you more viscerally afraid of your own death than the strength of that emotion, if comparing two single cases; (3) do you decline to multiply out of a deliberate belief that all events after your own death ought to have zero utility to you, even if they feel sad when you think about them now; or (4) do you just generally want to leave the intuitive judgment (2) with its innate lack of multiplication undisturbed?
Or if I’m asking the wrong questions here, then what is going on? I would expect most humans to instinctively feel that their whole tribe, to say nothing of the entire rest of reality, was worth something; and I would expect a rationalist to understand that if their own life does not literally have lexicographic priority (i.e., lives of others have infinitesimal=0 value in the utility function) then the multiplication factor here is overwhelming; and I would also expect you, Wei Dai, to not mistakenly believe that you were rationally forced to be lexicographically selfish regardless of your feelings… so I’m really not clear on what could be going on here.
I guess my most important question would be: Do you feel that way, or are you deciding that way? In the former case, I might just need to make a movie showing one individual after another being healed, and after you’d seen enough of them, you would agree—the visceral emotional force having become great enough. In the latter case I’m not sure what’s going on.
PS again: Would you accept a 60% probability of death in exchange for healing the rest of reality?
I guess I would follow up with these questions: (1) When you see someone else hurting, or attend a friend’s funeral, do you feel sad; (2) are you more viscerally afraid of your own death than the strength of that emotion, if comparing two single cases; (3) do you decline to multiply out of a deliberate belief that all events after your own death ought to have zero utility to you, even if they feel sad when you think about them now; or (4) do you just generally want to leave the intuitive judgment (2) with its innate lack of multiplication undisturbed?
1: Yes. 2: Yes. 3: No. 4: I see a number of reasons not to do straight multiplication:
Straight multiplication leads to an absurd degree of unconcern for oneself, given that the number of potential people is astronomical. It means, for example, that you can’t watch a movie for enjoyment, unless that somehow increases your productivity for saving the world. (In the least convenient world, watching movies uses up time without increasing productivity.)
No one has proposed a form of utilitarianism that is free from paradoxes (e.g., the Repugnant Conclusion).
Proximity argument: don’t ask me to value strangers equally to friends and relatives. If each additional person matters 1% less than the previous one, then even an infinite number of people getting dust specks in their eyes adds up to a finite and not especially large amount of suffering.
This agrees with my intuitive judgment and also seems to have relatively few philosophical problems, compared to valuing everyone equally without any kind of discounting.
I guess my most important question would be: Do you feel that way, or are you deciding that way?
My last bullet above already answered this, but I’ll repeat for clarification: it’s both.
PS again: Would you accept a 60% probability of death in exchange for healing the rest of reality?
This should be clear from my answers above as well, but yes.
Oh, ’ello. Glad to see somebody still remembers the proximity argument. But it’s adapted to our world where you generally cannot kill a million distant people to make one close relative happy. If we move to a world where Omegas regularly ask people difficult questions, a lot of people adopting proximity reasoning will cause a huge tragedy of the commons.
About Eliezer’s question, I’d exchange my life for a reliable 0.001 chance of healing reality, because I can’t imagine living meaningfully after being offered such a wager and refusing it. Can’t imagine how I’d look other LW users in the eye, that’s for sure.
Can’t imagine how I’d look other LW users in the eye, that’s for sure.
I publicly rejected the offer, and don’t feel like a pariah here. I wonder what is the actual degree of altruism among LW users. Should we set up a poll and gather some evidence?
Cooperation is a different consideration from preference. You can prefer only to keep your own “body” in certain dynamics, no matter what happens to the rest of the world, and still benefit the most from, roughly speaking, helping other agents. Which can include occasional self-sacrifice a la counterfactual mugging.
No, if my guess is correct, then some time before I’m offered the 11th card, Omega will say “I can’t double your utility again” or equivalently, “There is no prize I can offer you such that you’d prefer a .5 probability of it to keeping what you have.”
After further thought, I see that case (B) can be quite paradoxical. Consider Eliezer’s utility function, which is supposedly unbounded as a function of how many years he lives. In other words, Omega can increase Eliezer’s utility without bound just by giving him increasingly longer lives. Expected utility maximization then dictates that he keeps drawing cards one after another, even though he knows that by doing so, with probability 1 he won’t live to enjoy his rewards.
When you go to infinity, you’d need to define additional mathematical structure that answers your question. You can’t just conclude that the correct course of action is to keep drawing cards for eternity, doing nothing else. Even if at each moment the right action is to draw one more card, when you consider the overall strategy, the strategy of drawing cards for all time may be a wrong strategy.
For example, consider the following preference on infinite strings. A string has utility 0, unless it has the form 11111.....11112222...., that is a finite number of 1 followed by infinite number of 2, in which case its utility is the number of 1s. Clearly, a string of this form with one more 1 has higher utility than a string without, and so a string with one more 1 should be preferred. But a string consisting only of 1s doesn’t have the non-zero-utility form, because it doesn’t have the tail of infinite number of 2s. It’s a fallacy to follow an incremental argument to infinity. Instead, one must follow a one-step argument that considers the infinite objects as whole.
What you say sounds reasonable, but I’m not sure how I can apply it in this example. Can you elaborate?
Consider Eliezer’s choice of strategies at the beginning of the game. He can either stop after drawing n cards for some integer n, or draw an infinite number of cards. First, (supposing it takes 10 seconds to draw a card)
EU(draw an infinite number of cards)
= 1⁄2 U(live 10 seconds) + 1⁄4 U(live 20 seconds) + 1⁄8 U(live 30 seconds) …
which obviously converges to a small number. On the other hand, EU(stop after n+1 cards) > EU(stop after n cards) for all n. So what should he do?
This exposes a hole in the problem statement: what does the Omega’s prize measure? We determined that U0 is the counterfactual where Omega kills you, U1 is the counterfactual where it does nothing, but what is U2=U1+3*(U1-U0)? This seems to be the expected utility of the event where you draw the lucky card, in which case this event contains, in particular, your future decisions to continue drawing cards. But if it’s so, it places a limit on how your utility can be improved further during the latter rounds, since if your utility continues to increase, it contradicts the statement in the first round that your utility is going to be only U2, and no more. Utility can’t change, as each utility is a valuation of a specific event in the sample space.
So, the alternative formulation that removes this contradiction is for Omega to only assert that the expected utility given that you receive a lucky card is no less than U2. In this case the right strategy seems to be continue drawing cards indefinitely, since the utility you receive could be in something other than your own life, now spent drawing cards only.
This however seems to sidestep the issue. What if the only utility you see is in the future actions you do, which don’t include picking cards, and you can’t interleave cards with other actions, that is you must allot a given amount of time to picking cards.
You can recast the problem of choosing each of the infinite number of decisions (or one among all available in some sense infinite sequences of decisions) to the problem of choosing a finite “seed” strategy for making decisions. Say, only a finite number of strategies is available, for example only what fits in the memory of the computer that starts the enterprise, that could since the start of the experiment be expanded, but the first version has a specified limit. In this case, the right program is as close to Busy Beaver is you can get, that is you draw cards as long as possible, but only finitely long, and after that you stop and go on to enjoy the actual life.
Why are you treating time as infinite? Surely it’s finite, just taking unbounded values?
Even if at each moment the right action is to draw one more card, when you consider the overall strategy, the strategy of drawing cards for all time may be a wrong strategy.
But you’re not asked to decide a strategy for all of time. You can change your decision at every round freely.
But you’re not asked to decide a strategy for all of time. You can change your decision at every round freely.
You can’t change any fixed thing, you can only determine it. Change is a timeful concept. Change appears when you compare now and tomorrow, not when you compare the same thing with itself. You can’t change the past, and you can’t change the future. What you can change about the future is your plan for the future, or your knowledge: as the time goes on, your idea about a fact in the now becomes a different idea tomorrow.
When you “change” your strategy, what you are really doing is changing your mind about what you’re planning. The question you are trying to answer is what to actually do, what decisions to implement at each point. A strategy for all time is a generator of decisions at each given moment, an algorithm that runs and outputs a stream of decisions. If you know something about each particular decision, you can make a general statement about the whole stream. If you know that each next decision is going to be “accept” as opposed to “decline”, you can prove that the resulting stream is equivalent to an infinite stream that only answers “accept”, at all steps. And at the end, you have a process, the consequences of your decision-making algorithm consist in all of the decisions. You can’t change that consequence, as the consequence is what actually happens, if you changed your mind about making a particular decision along the way, the effect of that change is already factored in in the resulting stream of actions.
The consequentialist preference is going to compare the effect of the whole infinite stream of potential decisions, and until you know about the finiteness of the future, the state space is going to contain elements corresponding to the infinite decision traces. In this state space, there is an infinite stream corresponding to one deciding to continue picking cards for eternity.
I’m more or less talking just about infinite streams, which is a well-known structure in math. You can try looking at the following references. Or find something else.
P. Cousot & R. Cousot (1992). `Inductive definitions, semantics and abstract interpretations’. In POPL ’92: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages, pp. 83-94, New York, NY, USA. ACM.
Does Omega’s utility doubling cover the contents of the as-yet-untouched deck? It seems to me that it’d be pretty spiffy re: my utility function for the deck to have a reduced chance of killing me.
At first I thought this was pretty funny, but even if you were joking, it may actually map to the extinction problem, since each new technology has a chance of making extinction less likely, as well. As an example, nuclear technology had some probability of killing everyone, but also some probability of making Orion ships possible, allowing diaspora.
While I’m gaming the system, my lifetime utility function (if I have one) could probably be doubled by giving me a reasonable suite of superpowers, some of which would let me identify the rest of the cards in the deck (X-ray vision, precog powers, etc.) or be protected from whatever mechanism the skull cards use to kill me (immunity to electricity or just straight-up invulnerability). Is it a stipulation of the scenario that nothing Omega does to tweak the utility function upon drawing a star affects the risks of drawing from the deck, directly or indirectly?
It should be, especially since the existential-risk problems that we’re trying to model aren’t known to come with superpowers or other such escape hatches.
Yeesh. I’m changing my mind again tonight. My only excuse is that I’m sick, so I’m not thinking as straight as I might.
I was originally thinking that Vladimir Nesov’s reformulation showed that I would always accept Omega’s wager. But now I see that at some point U1+3*(U1-U0) must exceed any upper bound (assuming I survive that long).
Given U1 (utility of refusing initial wager), U0 (utility of death), U_max, and U_n (utility of refusing wager n assuming you survive that long), it might be possible that there is a sequence of wagers that (i) offer positive expected utility at each step; (ii) asymptotically approach the upper bound if you survive; and (iii) have a probability of survival approaching zero. I confess I’m in no state to cope with the math necessary to give such a sequence or disprove its existence.
In order for wager n to be nonnegative expected utility, P(death)*U_0 + (1-P(death))*U_(n+1) >= U_n.
Equivalently, P(death this time | survived until n) ⇐ (U_(n+1)-U_n) / (U_(n+1)-U0).
Assume the worst case, equality. Then the cumulative probability of survival decreases by exactly the same factor as your utility (conditioned on survival) increases. This is simple multiplication, so it’s true of a sequence of borderline wagers too.
With a bounded utility function, the worst sequence of wagers you’ll accept in total is P(death) ⇐ (U_max-U0)/(U1-U0). Which is exactly what you’d expect.
When there’s an infinite number of wagers, there can be a distinction between accepting the whole sequence at one go and accepting each wager one after another. (There’s a paradox associated with this distinction, but I forget what it’s called.) Your second-last sentence seems to be a conclusion about accepting the whole sequence at one go, but I’m worried about accepting each wager one after another. Is the distinction important here?
A bounded utility function probably gets you out of all problems along those lines.
Certainly it’s good in the particular case: your expected utility (in the appropriate sense) is an increasing function of bets you accept and increasing sequences don’t have convergence issues.
How would you bound your utility function? Just pick some arbitrary converging function f, and set utility’ = f(utility)? That seems arbitrary. I suspect it might also make theorems about expectation maximization break down.
No, I’m not advocating changing utility functions. I’m just saying that if your utility function is bounded, you don’t have either of these problems with infinity. You don’t have the convergence problem nor the original problem of probability of the good outcome going to zero. Of course, you still have the result that you keep making bets till your utility is maxed out with very low probability, which bothers some people.
If the sequence exists, then the paradox* persists even in the face of bounded utility functions. (Or possibly it already persists, as Vladimir Nesov argued and you agreed, but my cold-virus-addled wits aren’t sharp enough to see it.)
* The paradox is that each wager has positive expected utility, but accepting all wagers leads to death almost surely.
In my opinion, LWers should not give expected utility maximization the same axiomatic status that they award consequentialism. Is this worth a top level post?
There is a model which is standard in economics which say “people maximize expected utility; risk averseness arises because utility functions are concave”. This has always struck me as extremely fishy, for two reasons: (a) it gives rise to paradoxes like this, and (b) it doesn’t at all match what making a choice feels like for me: if someone offers me a risky bet, I feel inclined to reject it because it is risky, not because I have done some extensive integration of my utility function over all possible outcomes. So it seems a much safer assumption to just assume that people’s preferences are a function from probability distributions of outcomes, rather than making the more restrictive assumption that that function has to arise as an integral over utilities of individual outcomes.
So why is the “expected utility” model so popular? A couple of months ago I came across a blog-post which provides one clue: it pointed out that standard zero-sum game theory works when players maximize expected utility, but does not work if they have preferences about probability distributions of outcomes (since then introducing mixed strategies won’t work).
So an economist who wants to apply game theory will be inclined to assume that actors are maximizing expected utility; but we LWers shouldn’t necessarily.
There is a model which is standard in economics which say “people maximize expected utility; risk averseness arises because utility functions are convex”.
Do you mean concave?
A couple of months ago I came across a blog-post which provides one clue: it pointed out that standard zero-sum game theory works when players maximize expected utility, but does not work if they have preferences about probability distributions of outcomes (since then introducing mixed strategies won’t work).
Technically speaking, isn’t maximizing expected utility a special case of having preferences about probability distributions about outcomes? So maybe you should instead say “does not work elegantly if they have arbitrary preferences about probability distributions.”
This is what I tend to do when I’m having conversations in real life; let’s see how it works online :-)
I think I and John Maxwell IV mean the same thing, but here is the way I would phrase it. Suppose someone is offering me the pick a ticket for one of a range of different lotteries. Each lottery offers the same set of prizes, but depending on which lottery I participate in, the probability of winning them is different.
I am an agent, and we assume I have a preference order on the lotteries—e.g. which ticket I want the most, which ticket I want the least, and which tickets I am indifferent between. The action that will be rational for me to take depends on which ticket I want.
I am saying that a general theory of rational action should deal with arbitrary preference orders for the tickets. The more standard theory restricts attention to preference orders that arise from first assigning a utility value to each prize and then computing the expected utility for each ticket.
Let’s define an “experiment” as something that randomly changes an agent’s utility based on some probability density function. An agent’s “desire” for a given experiment is the amount of utility Y such that the agent is indifferent between the experiment occurring and having their utility changed by Y.
From Pfft we see that economists assume that for any given agent and any given experiment, the agent’s desire for the experiment is equal to
dx), where x is an amount of utility and f(x) gives the probability that the experiment’s outcome will be changing the agent’s utility by x. In other words, economists assume that agents desire experiments according to their expectation, which is not necessarily a good assumption.
Hmm… I hope you interpret your own words so that what you write comes out correct, your language is imprecise and at first I didn’t see a way to read what you wrote that made sense.
When I reread your comment to which I asked my question with this new perspective, the question disappeared. By “preference about probability distributions” you simply mean preference over events, that doesn’t necessarily satisfy expected utility axioms.
ETA: Note that in this case, there isn’t necessarily a way of assigning (subjective) probabilities, as subjective probabilities follow from preferences, but only if the preferences are of the right form. Thus, saying that those not-expected-utility preferences are over probability distributions is more conceptually problematic than saying that they are over events. If you don’t use probabilities in the decision algorithm, probabilities don’t mean anything.
Hmm… I hope you interpret your own words so that what you write comes out correct, your language is imprecise and at first I didn’t see a way to read what you wrote that made sense.
I am eager to improve. Please give specific suggestions.
By “preference about probability distributions” you simply mean preference over events, that doesn’t necessarily satisfy expected utility axioms.
Note that in this case, there isn’t necessarily a way of assigning (subjective) probabilities, as subjective probabilities follow from preferences, but only if the preferences are of the right form.
Hm? I thought subjective probabilities followed from prior probabilities and observed evidence and stuff. What do preferences have to do with them?
Thus, saying that those not-expected-utility preferences are over probability distributions is more conceptually problematic than saying that they are over events.
Are you using my technical definition of event or the standard definition?
Probably I should not have redefined “event”; I now see that my use is nonstandard. Hopefully I can clarify things. Let’s say I am going to roll a die and give you a number of dollars equal to the number of spots on the face left pointing upward. According to my (poorly chosen) use of the word “event”, the process of rolling the die is an “event”. According to what I suspect the standard definition is, the die landing with 4 spots face up would be an “event”. To clear things up, I suggest that we refer to the rolling of the die as an “experiment”, and 4 spots landing face up as an “outcome”. I’m going to rewrite my comment with this new terminology. I’m also replacing “value” with “desire”, for what it’s worth.
If you don’t use probabilities in the decision algorithm, probabilities don’t mean anything.
The way I want to evaluate the desirability of an experiment is more complicated than simply computing its expected value. But I still use probabilities. I would not give Pascal’s mugger any money. I would think very carefully about an experiment that had a 99% probability of getting me killed and a 1% probability of generating 101 times as much utility as I expect to generate in my lifetime, whereas a perfect expected utility maximizer would take this deal in an instant. Etc.
Roughly speaking, event is a set of alternative possibilities. So, the whole roll of a die is an event (set of all possible outcomes of a roll), as well as specific outcomes (sets that contain a single outcome). See probability space for a more detailed definition.
One way of defining prior and utility is just by first taking a preference over the events of sample space, and then choosing any pair prior+utility such that expected utility calculated from them induces the same order on events. Of course, the original order on events has to be “nice” in some sense for it to be possible to find prior+utility that have this property.
Any observations and updating consist in choosing what events you work with. Once prior is fixed, it never changes.
(Of course, you should read up on the subject in greater detail than I hint at.)
One way of defining prior and utility is just by first taking a preference over the events of sample space, and then choosing any pair prior+utility such that expected utility calculated from them induces the same order on events.
Um, isn’t that obviously wrong? It sounds like your are suggesting that we say “I like playing blackjack better than playing the lottery, so I should choose a prior probability of winning each and a utility associated with winning each so that that preference will remain consistent when I switch from ‘preference mode’ to ‘utilitarian mode’.” Wouldn’t it be better to choose the utilities of winning based on the prizes they give? And choose the priors for each based on studying the history of each game carefully?
Any observations and updating consist in choosing what events you work with. Once prior is fixed, it never changes.
Events are sets of outcomes, right? It sounds like you are suggesting that people update their probabilities by reshuffling which outcomes go with which events. Aren’t events just a layer of formality over outcomes? Isn’t real learning what happens when you change your estimations of the probabilities of outcomes, not when you reclassify them?
It almost seems to me as if we are talking past each other… I think I need a better background on this stuff. Can you recommend any books that explain probability for the layman? I already read a large section of one, but apparently it wasn’t very good...
Although I do think there is a chance you are wrong. I see you mixing up outcome-desirability estimates with chance-of-outcome estimates, which seems obviously bad.
If you don’t want the choice of preference to turn out bad for you, choose good preference ;-) There is no freedom in choosing your preference, as the “choice” is itself a decision-concept, defined in terms of preference, and can’t be a party to the definition of preference. When you are speaking of a particular choice of preference being bad or foolish, you are judging this choice from the reference frame of some other preference, while with preference as foundation of decision-making, you can’t go through this step. It really is that arbitrary. See also: Priors as Mathematical Objects, Probability is Subjectively Objective.
You are confusing probability space and its prior (the fundamental structure that bind the rest together) with random variables and their probability distributions (things that are based on probability space and that “interact” with each other through the definition in terms of the common probability space, restricted to common events). Informally, when you update a random variable given evidence (event) X, it means that you recalculate the probability distribution of that variable only based on the remaining elements of the probability space within event X. Since this can often be done using other probability distributions of various variables lying around, you don’t always see the probability space explicitly.
You’ll just have to construct a less convenient possible world where Omega has merely trillion cards and not an infinite amount of them, and answer the question about taking a trillion cards, which, if you accept the lottery all the way, leaves you with 2 to the trillionth power odds of dying. Find my reformulation of the topic problem here.
His argument was that in cases where some kind of infinity is on the table, aiming to satisfice rather than optimize can be the better strategy.
Can we apply that to decisions about very-long-term-but-not-infinitely-long times and very-small-but-not-infinitely-small risks?
Hmm… it appears not. So I don’t think that helps us.
Where did you get the term “satisfice”? I just read that dutch-book post, and while Eliezer points out the flaw in demanding that the Bayesian take the infinite bet, I didn’t see the word ‘satisficing’ in their anywhere.
Huh, I must have “remembered” that term into the post. What I mean is more succinctly put in this comment.
Can we apply that to decisions about very-long-term-but-not-infinitely-long times and very-small-but-not-infinitely-small risks?
Hmm… it appears not. So I don’t think that helps us.
This question still confuses me, though; if it’s a reasonable strategy to stop at N in the infinite case, but not a reasonable strategy to stop at N if there are only N^^^N iterations… something about it disturbs me, and I’m not sure that Eliezer’s answer is actually a good patch for the St. Petersburg Paradox.
It’s an old AI term meaning roughly “find a solution that isn’t (likely) optimal, but good enough for some purpose, without too much effort”. It implies that either your computer is too slow for it to be economical to find the true optimum under your models, or that you’re too dumb to come up with the right models, thus the popularity of the idea in AI research.
You can be impressed if someone starts with a criteria for what “good enough” means, and then comes up with a method they can prove meets the criteria. Otherwise it’s spin.
I’m more used to it as a psychology (or behavior econ) term for a specific, psychologically realistic, form of bounded rationality. In particular, I’m used to it being negative! (that is, a heuristic which often degenerates produces a bias)
If I draw cards until I die, my expected utility is positive infinity. Though I will almost surely die and end up with utility 0, it is logically possible that I will never die, and end up with a utility of positive infinity. In this case, 10 + 0(positive infinity) = positive infinity.
The next paragraph requires that you assume our initial utility is 1.
If you want, warp the problem into an isomorphic problem where the probabilities are different and all utilities are finite. (Isn’t it cool how you can do that?) In the original problem, there’s always a 5⁄6 chance of utility doubling and a 1⁄6 chance of it going to 1⁄2. (Being dead isn’t THAT bad, I guess.) Let’s say that where your utility function was U(w), it is now f(U(w)), where f(x) = 1 − 1/(2 + log_2 x). In this case, the utilities 1⁄2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, . . . become 0, 1⁄2, 2⁄3, 3⁄4, 4⁄5, 5⁄6, . . . . So, your initial utility is 1⁄2, and Omega will either lower your utility to 0 or raise it by applying the function U’ = U/(U + 1). Your expected utility after drawing once was previously U’ = 5⁄3U + 1⁄2; it’s now… okay, my math-stamina has run out. But if you calculate expected utility, and then calculate the probability that results in that expected utility, I’m betting that you’ll end up with a 1⁄2 probability of ever* dying.
(The above paragraph surrounding a nut: any universe can be interpreted as one where the probabilities are different and the utility function has been changed to match… often, probably.)
I don’t believe in quantifyable utility (and thus not in doubled utility) so I take no cards. But yeah, that looks like a way to make utilitarian equivalent to suicidal.
This is completely off topic (and maybe I’m just not getting the joke) but does Many Worlds necessarily imply many human worlds? Star Trek tropes aside, I was under the impression that Many Worlds only mattered to gluons and Shrodinger’s Cat—that us macro creatures are pretty much screwed.
“Many worlds” here is shorthand for “every time some event happens that has more than one possible outcome, for every possible outcome, there is (or comes into being) a world in which that was the outcome.”
As far as the truth or falsity of Many Worlds mattering to us—I don’t think it can matter, if you maximize expected utility (over the many worlds).
Double your utility for the rest of your life compared to what? If you draw cards until you die, that sounds like it just means you have twice as much fun drawing cards as you would have without help. I guess that could be lots of fun if you’re the kind of person who gets a rush off of Russian roulette under normal circumstances, but if you’re not, you’d probably be better off flipping off Omega and watching some TV.
What if your utility would have been negative? Doesn’t doubling it make it twice as bad?
Good point. Better not draw a card if you have negative utility.
Just trust that Omega can double your utility, for the sake of argument. If you stop before you die, you get all those doublings of utility for the rest of your life.
I’d certainly draw one card. But would I stop drawing cards?
Thinking about this in commonsense terms is misleading, because we can’t imagine the difference between 8x utility and 16x utility. But we have a mathematical theory about rationality. Just apply that, and you find the results seem unsatisfactory.
Thinking about this in commonsense terms is misleading, because we can’t imagine the difference between 8x utility and 16x utility
I can’t even imagine doubling my utility once, if we’re only talking about selfish preferences. If I understand vNM utility correctly, then a doubling of my personal utility is a situation which I’d be willing to accept a 50% chance of death in order to achieve (assuming that my utility is scaled so that U(dead) = 0, and without setting a constant level, we can’t talk about doubling utility). Given my life at the moment (apartment with mortgage, two chronically ill girlfriends, decent job with unpleasantly long commute, moderate physical and mental health), and thinking about the best possible life I could have (volcano lair, catgirls), I wouldn’t be willing to take that bet. Intuition has already failed me on this one. If Omega can really deliver on his promise, then either he’s offering a lifestyle literally beyond my wildest dreams, or he’s letting me include my preferences for other people in my utility function, in which case I’ll probably have cured cancer by the tenth draw or so, and I’ll run into the same breakdown of intuition after about seventy draws, by which time everyone else in the world should have their own volcano lairs and catgirls.
With the problem as stated, any finite number of draws is the rational choice, because the proposed utility of N draws outweighs the risk of death, no matter how high N is. The probability of death is always less than 1 for a finite number of draws. I don’t think that considering the limit as N approaches infinity is valid, because every time you have to decide whether or not to draw a card, you’ve only drawn a finite number of cards so far. Certainty of death also occurs in the same limit as infinite utility, and infinite utility has its own problems, as discussed elsewhere in this thread. It might also leave you open to Pascal’s Scam—give me $5 and I’ll give you infinite utility!
But we have a mathematical theory about rationality. Just apply that, and you find the results seem unsatisfactory.
I agree—to keep drawing until you draw a skull seems wrong. However, to say that something “seems unsatisfactory” is a statement of intuition, not mathematics. Our intuition can’t weigh the value of exponentially increasing utility against the cost of an exponentionally diminishing chance of survival, so it’s no wonder that the mathematically derived answer doesn’t sit well with intuition.
Edit, edit: Seriously though, I assign minus infinity to my death. Thus I never knowingly endanger myself. Thus I draw no cards. I also round tiny probabilities down to zero so I can go outside despite the risk of meteors.
Here’s a possible problem with my analysis:
Suppose Omega or one of its ilk says to you, “Here’s a game we can play. I have an infinitely large deck of cards here. Half of them have a star on them, and one-tenth of them have a skull on them. Every time you draw a card with a star, I’ll double your utility for the rest of your life. If you draw a card with a skull, I’ll kill you.”
How many cards do you draw?
I’m pretty sure that someone who believes in many worlds will keep drawing cards until they die. But even if you don’t believe in many worlds, I think you do the same thing, unless you are not maximizing expected utility. (Unless chance is quantized so that there is a minimum possible possibility. I don’t think that would help much anyway.)
So this whole post may boil down to “maximizing expected utility” not actually being the right thing to do. Also see my earlier, equally unpopular post on why expectation maximization implies average utilitarianism. If you agree that average utilitarianism seems wrong, that’s another piece of evidence that maximizing expected utility is wrong.
Sorry if this question has already been answered (I’ve read the comments but probably didn’t catch all of it), but...
I have a problem with “double your utility for the rest of your life”. Are we talking about utilons per second? Or do you mean “double the utility of your life”, or just “double your utility”? How does dying a couple of minutes later affect your utility? Do you get the entire (now doubled) utility for those few minutes? Do you get pro rata utility for those few minutes divided by your expected lifespan?
Related to this is the question of the utility penalty of dying. If your utility function includes benefits for other people, then your best bet is to draw cards until you die, because the benefits to the rest of the universe will massively outweigh the inevitability of your death.
If, on the other hand, death sets your utility to zero (presumably because your utility function is strictly only a function of your own experiences), then… yeah. If Omega really can double your utility every time you win, then I guess you keep drawing until you die. It’s an absurd (but mathematically plausible) situation, so the absurd (but mathematically plausible) answer is correct. I guess.
Reformulation to weed out uninteresting objections: Omega knows expected utility according to your preference if you go on without its intervention U1 and utility if it kills you U0U1.
My answer: even in a deterministic world, I take the lottery as many times as Omega has to offer, knowing that the probability of death tends to certainty as I go on. This example is only invalid for money because of diminishing returns. If you really do possess the ability to double utility, low probability of positive outcome gets squashed by high utility of that outcome.
There’s an excellent paper by Peter le Blanc indicating that under reasonable assumptions, if you utility function is unbounded, then you can’t compute finite expected utilities. So if Omega can double your utility an unlimited number of times, you have other problems that cripple you in the absence of involvement from Omega. Doubling your utility should be a mathematical impossibility at some point.
That demolishes “Shut up and Multiply”, IMO.
SIAI apparently paid Peter to produce that. It should get more attention here.
This was not assumed, I even explicitly said things like “I take the lottery as many times as Omega has to offer” and “If you really do possess the ability to double utility”. To the extent doubling of utility is actually provided (and no more), we should take the lottery.
Also, if your utility function’s scope is not limited to perception-sequences, Peter’s result doesn’t directly apply. If your utility function is linear in actual, rather than perceived, paperclips, Omega might be able to offer you the deal infinitely many times.
How can you act upon a utility function if you cannot evaluate it? The utility function needs inputs describing your situation. The only available inputs are your perceptions.
Not so. There’s also logical knowledge and logical decision-making where nothing ever changes and no new observations ever arrive, but the game still can be infinitely long, and contain all the essential parts, such as learning of new facts and determination of new decisions.
(This is of course not relevant to Peter’s model, but if you want to look at the underlying questions, then these strange constructions apply.)
Does my entire post boil down to this seeming paradox?
(Yes, I assume Omega can actually double utility.)
The use of U1 and U0 is needlessly confusing. And it changes the game, because now, U0 is a utility associated with a single draw, and the analysis of doing repeated draws will give different answers. There’s also too much change in going from “you die” to “you get utility U0″. There’s some semantic trickiness there.
Pretty much. And I should mention at this point that experiments show that, contrary to instructions, subjects nearly always interpret utility as having diminishing marginal utility.
Well, that leaves me even less optimistic than before. As long as it’s just me saying, “We have options A, B, and C, but I don’t think any of them work,” there are a thousand possible ways I could turn out to be wrong. But if it reduces to a math problem, and we can’t figure out a way around that math problem, hope is harder.
Can utility go arbitrarily high? There are diminishing returns on almost every kind of good thing. I have difficulty imagining life with utility orders of magnitude higher than what we have now. Infinitely long youth might be worth a lot, but even that is only so many doublings due to discounting.
I’m curious why it’s getting downvoted without reply. Related thread here. How high do you think “utility” can go?
I would guess you’re being downvoted by someone who is frustrated not by you so much as by all the other people before you who keep bringing up diminishing returns even though the concept of “utility” was invented to get around that objection.
“Utility” is what you have after you’ve factored in diminishing returns.
We do have difficulty imagining orders of magnitude higher utility. That doesn’t mean it’s nonsensical. I think I have orders of magnitude higher utility than a microbe, and that the microbe can’t understand that. One reason we develop mathematical models is that they let us work with things that we don’t intuitively understand.
If you say “Utility can’t go that high”, you’re also rejecting utility maximization. Just in a different way.
Nothing about utility maximization model says utility function is unbounded—the only mathematical assumptions for a well behaved utility function are U’(x) >= 0, U″(x) ⇐ 0.
If the function is let’s say U(x) = 1 − 1/(1+x), U’(x) = (x+1)^-2, then it’s a properly behaving utility function, yet it never even reaches 1.
And utility maximization is just a model that breaks easily—it can be useful for humans to some limited extent, but we know humans break it all the time. Trying to imagine utilities orders of magnitude higher than current gets it way past its breaking point.
Utility functions aren’t necessarily over domains that allow their derivatives to be scalar, or even meaningful (my notional u.f., over 4D world-histories or something similar, sure isn’t). Even if one is, or if you’re holding fixed all but one (real-valued) of the parameters, this is far too strong a constraint for non-pathological behavior. E.g., most people’s (notional) utility is presumably strictly decreasing in the number of times they’re hit with a baseball bat, and non-monotonic in the amount of salt on their food.
We could have a contest, where each contestant tries to describe a scenario that has the largest utility to a judge. I bet that after a few rounds of this, we’ll converge on some scenario of maximum utility, no matter who the judge is.
Does this show that utility can’t go arbitrarily high?
ETA: The above perhaps only shows the difficulty of not getting stuck in a local maximum. Maybe a better argument is that a human mind can only consider a finite subset of configuration space. The point in that subset with the largest utility must be the maximum utility for that mind.
Sorry for coming late to this party. ;)
Much of this discussion seems to me to rest on a similar confusion to that evidenced in “Expectation maximization implies average utilitarianism”.
As I just pointed out again, the vNM axioms merely imply that “rational” decisions can be represented as maximising the expectation of some function mapping world histories into the reals. This function is conventionally called a utility function. In this sense of “utility function”, your preferences over gambles determine your utility (up to an affine transform), so when Omega says “I’ll double your utility” this is just a very roundabout (and rather odd) way of saying something like “I will do something sufficiently good that it will induce you to accept my offer”.* Given standard assumptions about Omega, this pretty obviously means that you accept the offer.
The confusion seems to arise because there are other mappings from world histories into the reals that are also conventionally called utility functions, but which have nothing in particular to do with the vNM utility function. When we read “I’ll double your utility” I think we intuitively parse the phrase as referring to one of these other utility functions, which is when problems start to ensue.
Maximising expected vNM utility is the right thing to do. But “maximise expected vNM utility” is not especially useful advice, because we have no access to our vNM utility function unless we already know our preferences (or can reasonably extrapolate them from preferences we do have access to). Maximising expected utilons is not necessarily the right thing to do. You can maximize any (potentially bounded!) positive monotonic transform of utilons and you’ll still be “rational”.
* There are sets of “rational” preferences for which such a statement could never be true (your preferences could be represented by a bounded utility function where doubling would go above the bound). If you had such preferences and Omega possessed the usual Omega-properties, then she would never claim to be able to double your utility: ergo the hypothetical implicitly rules out such preferences.
NB: I’m aware that I’m fudging a couple of things here, but they don’t affect the point, and unfudging them seemed likely to be more confusing than helpful.
It’s not that easy. As humans are not formally rational, the problem is about whether to bite this particular bullet, showing a form that following the decision procedure could take and asking if it’s a good idea to adopt a decision procedure that forces such decisions. If you already accept the decision procedure, of course the problem becomes trivial.
Which decision procedure are you talking about? Maximising expected vNM utility and maximizing (e.g.) expected utilons are quite different procedures—which was basically my point.
The former doesn’t force such decisions at all. That’s precisely why I said that it’s not useful advice: all it says is that you should take the gamble if you prefer to take the gamble.* (Moreover, if you did not prefer to take the gamble, the hypothetical doubling of vNM utility could never happen, so the set up already assumes you prefer the gamble. This seems to make the hypothetical not especially useful either.)
On the other hand “maximize expected utilons” does provide concrete advice. It’s just that (AFAIK) there’s no reason to listen to that advice unless you’re risk-neutral over utilons. If you were sufficiently risk averse over utilons then a 50% chance of doubling them might not induce you to take the gamble, and nothing in the vNM axioms would say that you’re behaving irrationally. The really interesting question then becomes whether there are other good reasons to have particular risk preferences with respect to utilons, but it’s a question I’ve never heard a particularly good answer to.
* At least provided doing so would not result in an inconsistency in your preferences. [ETA: Actually, if your preferences are inconsistent, then they won’t have a vNM utility representation, and Omega’s claim that she will double your vNM utility can’t actually mean anything. The set-up therefore seems to imply that you preferences are necessarily consistent. There sure seem to be a lot of surreptitious assumptions built in here!]
The “prefer” here isn’t immediate. People have (internal) arguments about what should be done in what situations precisely because they don’t know what they really prefer. There is an easy answer to go with the whim, but that’s not preference people care about, and so we deliberate.
When all confusion is defeated, and the preference is laid out explicitly, as a decision procedure that just crunches numbers and produces a decision, that is by construction exactly the most preferable action, there is nothing to argue about. Argument is not a part of this form of decision procedure.
In real life, argument is an important part of any decision procedure, and it is the means by which we could select a decision procedure that doesn’t involve argument. You look at the possible solutions produced by many tools, and judge which of them to implement. This makes the decision procedure different from the first kind.
One of the tools you consider may be a “utility maximization” thingy. You can’t say that it’s by definition the right decision procedure, as first you have to accept it as such through argument. And this applies not only to the particular choice of prior and utility, but also to the algorithm itself, to the possibility of representing your true preference in this form.
The “utilons” of the post linked above look different from the vN-M expected utility because their discussion involved argument, informal steps. This doesn’t preclude the topic the argument is about, the “utilons”, from being exactly the same (expected) utility values, approximated to suit more informal discussion. The difference is that the informal part of decision-making is considered as part of decision procedure in that post, unlike what happens with the formal tool itself (that is discussed there informally).
By considering the double-my-utility thought experiment, the following question can be considered: assuming that the best possible utility+prior are chosen within the expected utility maximization framework, do the decisions generated by the resulting procedure look satisfactory? That is, is this form of decision procedure adequate, as an ultimate solution, for all situations? The answer can be “no”, which would mean that expected utility maximization isn’t a way to go, or that you’d need to apply it differently to the problem.
I’m struggling to figure out whether we’re actually disagreeing about anything here, and if so, what it is. I agree with most of what you’ve said, but can’t quite see how it connects to the point I’m trying to make. It seems like we’re somehow managing to talk past each other, but unfortunately I can’t tell whether I’m missing your point, you’re missing mine, or something else entirely. Let’s try again… let me know if/when you think I’m going off the rails here.
If I understand you correctly, you want to evaluate a particular decision procedure “maximize expected utility” (MEU) by seeing whether the results it gives in this situation seem correct. (Is that right?)
My point was that the result given by MEU, and the evidence that this can provide, both depend crucially on what you mean by utility.
One possibility is that by utility, you mean vNM utility. In this case, MEU clearly says you should accept the offer. As a result, it’s tempting to say that if you think accepting the offer would be a bad idea, then this provides evidence against MEU (or equivalently, since the vNM axioms imply MEU, that you think it’s ok to violate the vNM axioms). The problem is that if you violate the vNM axioms, your choices will have no vNM utility representation, and Omega couldn’t possibly promise to double your vNM utility, because there’s no such thing. So for the hypothetical to make sense at all, we have to assume that your preferences conform to the vNM axioms. Moreover, because the vNM axioms necessarily imply MEU, the hypothetical also assumes MEU, and it therefore can’t provide evidence either for or against it.*
If the hypothetical is going to be useful, then utility needs to mean something other than vNM utility. It could mean hedons, it could mean valutilons,** it could mean something else. I do think that responses to the hypothetical in these cases can provide useful evidence about the value of decision procedures such as “maximize expected hedons” (MEH) or “maximize expected valutilons” (MEV). My point on this score was simply that there is no particular reason to think that either MEH or MEV were likely to be an optimal decision procedure to begin with. They’re certainly not implied by the vNM axioms, which require only that you should maximise the expectation of some (positive) monotonic transform of hedons or valutilons or whatever.*** [ETA: As a specific example, if you decide to maximize the expectation of a bounded concave function of hedons/valutilons, then even if hedons/valutilons are unbounded, you’ll at some point stop taking bets to double your hedons/valutilons, but still be an expected vNM utility maximizer.]
Does that make sense?
* This also means that if you think MEU gives the “wrong” answer in this case, you’ve gotten confused somewehere—most likely about what it means to double vNM utility.
** I define these here as the output of a function that maps a specific, certain, world history (no gambles!) into the reals according to how well that particular world history measures up against my values. (Apologies for the proliferation of terminology—I’m trying to guard against the possibility that we’re using “utilons” to mean different things without inadvertently ending up in a messy definitional argument. ;))
*** A corollary of this is that rejecting MEH or MEV does not constitute evidence against the vNM axioms.
You are placing on a test the following well-defined tool: expected utility maximizer with a prior and “utility” function, that evaluates the events on the world. By “utility” function here I mean just some function, so you can drop the word “utility”. Even if people can’t represent their preference as expected some-function maximization, such tool could still be constructed. The question is whether such a tool can be made that always agrees with human preference.
An easy question is what happens when you use “hedons” or something else equally inadequate in the role of utility function: the tool starts to make decisions with which we disagree. Case closed. But maybe there are other settings under which the tool is in perfect agreement with human judgment (after reflection).
Utility-doubling thought experiment compares what is better according to the judgment of the tool (to take the card) with what is better according to the judgment of a person (maybe not take the card). As the tool’s decision in this thought experiment is made invariant on the tool’s settings (“utility” and prior), showing that the tool’s decision is wrong according to a person’t preference (after “careful” reflection), proves that there is no way to set up “utility” and prior so that the “utility” maximization tool represents that person’s preference.
My argument is that, if Omega is offering to double vNM utility, the set-up of the thought experiment rules out the possibility that the decision could be wrong according to a person’s considered preference (because the claim to be doubling vNM utility embodies an assumption about what a person’s considered preference is). AFAICT, the thought experiment then amounts to asking: “If I should maximize expected utility, should I maximize expected utility?” Regardless of whether I should actually maximize expected utility or not, the correct answer to this question is still “yes”. But the thought experiment is completely uninformative.
Do you understand my argument for this conclusion? (Fourth para of my previous comment.) If you do, can you point out where you think it goes astray? If you don’t, could you tell me what part you don’t understand so I can try to clarify my thinking?
On the other hand, if Omega is offering to double something other than vNM utility (hedons/valutilons/whatever) then I don’t think we have any disagreement. (Do we? Do you disagree with anything I said in para 5 of my previous comment?)
My point is just that the thought experiment is underspecified unless we’re clear about what the doubling applies to, and that people sometimes seem to shift back and forth between different meanings.
What you just said seems correct.
What was originally at issue is whether we should act in ways that will eventually destroy ourselves.
I think the big-picture conclusion from what you just wrote is that, if we see that we’re acting in ways that will probably exterminate life in short order, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the wrong thing to do.
However, in our circumstances, time discounting and “identity discounting” encourage us to start enjoying and dooming ourselves now; whereas it would probably be better to spread life to a few other galaxies first, and then enjoy ourselves.
(I admit that my use of the word “better” is problematic.)
Well, I don’t disagree with this, but I would still agree with it if you substituted “right” for “wrong”, so it doesn’t seem like much of a conclusion. ;)
Moving back toward your ignorance prior on a topic can still increase your log-score if the hypothesis was concentrating probability mass in the wrong areas (failing to concentrate a substantial amount in a right area).
You argue that the thought experiment is trivial and doesn’t solve any problems. In my comments above I described a specific setup that shows how to use (interpret) the thought experiment to potentially obtain non-trivial results.
I argue that the thought experiment is ambiguous, and that for a certain definition of utility (vNM utility), it is trivial and doesn’t solve any problems. For this definition of utility I argue that your example doesn’t work. You do not appear to have engaged with this argument, despite repeated requests to point out either where it goes wrong, or where it is unclear. If it goes wrong, I want to know why, but this conversation isn’t really helping.
For other definitions of utility, I do not, and have never claimed that the thought experiment is trivial. In fact, I think it is very interesting.
If by “your example” you refer to the setup described in this comment, I don’t understand what you are saying here. I don’t use any “definition of utility”, it’s just a parameter of the tool.
It’s also an entity in the problem set-up. When Omega says “I’ll double your utility”, what is she offering to double? Without defining this, the problem isn’t well-specified.
Certainly, you need to resolve any underspecification. There are ways to do this usefully (or not).
Agreed. My point is simply that one particular (tempting) way of resolving the underspecification is non-useful. ;)
It seems like you are assuming that the only effect of dying is that it brings your utility to 0. I agree that after you are dead your utility is 0, but before you are dead you have to die, and I think that is a strongly negative utility event. When I picture my utility playing this game, I think that if I start with X, then I draw a start and have 2X. Then I draw a skull, I look at the skull, my utility drops to −10000X as I shit my pants and beg omega to let me live, and then he kills me and my utility is 0.
I don’t know how much sense that makes mathematically. But it certainly feels to me like fear of death makes dying a more negative event than just a drop to utility 0.
The skull cards are electrocuted, and will kill you instantly and painlessly as soon as you touch them.
(Be careful to touch only the cards you take.)
Or unless your utility function is bounded above, and the utility you assign to the status quo is more than the average of the utility of dying straight away and the upper bound of your utility function, in which case Omega couldn’t possibly double your utility. (Indeed, I can’t think of any X right now such that I’d prefer {50% X, 10% I die right now, 40% business as usual} to {100% business as usual}.)
Assuming the utility increase holds my remaining lifespan constant, I’d draw a card every few years (if allowed). I don’t claim to maximize “expected integral of happiness over time” by doing so (substitute utility for happiness if you like; but perhaps utility should be forward-looking and include expected happiness over time as just one of my values?). Of course, by supposing my utility can be doubled, I’ll never be fully satisfied.
The “justified expectation of pleasant surprises”, as someone or other said.
I’d wondered why nobody brought up MWI and anthropic probabilities yet.
As for this, it reminds me of a Dutch book argument Eliezer discussed some time ago. His argument was that in cases where some kind of infinity is on the table, aiming to satisfice rather than optimize can be the better strategy.
In my case (assuming I’m quite confident in Many-Worlds), I might decide to take a card or two, go off and enjoy myself for a week, come back and take another card or two, et cetera.
Many worlds have nothing to do with validity of suicidal decisions. If you have an answer that maximizes expected utility but gives almost-certain probability of total failure, you still take it in a deterministic world. There is no magic by which deterministic world declares that the decision-theoretic calculation is invalid in this particular case, while many-worlds lets it be.
I think you’re right. Would you agree that this is a problem with following the policy of maximizing expected utility? Or would you keep drawing cards?
This is a variant on the St. Petersburg paradox, innit? My preferred resolution is to assert that any realizable utility function is bounded.
Thanks for the link—this is another form of the same paradox orthnormal linked to, yes. The Wikipedia page proposes numerous “solutions”, but most of them just dodge the question by taking advantage of the fact that the paradox was posed using “ducats” instead of “utility”. It seems like the notion of “utility” was invented in response to this paradox. If you pose it again using the word “utility”, these “solutions” fail. The only possibly workable solution offered on that Wikipedia page is:
The page notes the reformulation in terms of utility, which it terms “super St. Petersberg paradox”. (It doesn’t have its own section, or I’d have linked directly to that.) I agree that there doesn’t seem to be a workable solution—my last refuge was just destroyed by Vladimir Nesov.
I’m afraid I don’t understand the difficulty here. Let’s assume that Omega can access any point in configuration space and make that the reality. Then either (A) at some point it runs out of things with which to entice you to draw another card, in which case your utility function is bounded or (B) it never runs out of such things, in which case your utility function in unbounded.
Why is this so paradoxical again?
If it’s not paradoxical, how many cards would you draw?
I guess no more than 10 cards. That’s based on not being able to imagine a scenario such that I’d prefer .999 probability of death + .001 probability of scenario to the status quo. But it’s just a guess because Omega might have better imagination that I do, or understand my utility function better than I do.
Omega offers you the healing of all the rest of Reality; every other sentient being will be preserved at what would otherwise be death and allowed to live and grow forever, and all unbearable suffering not already in your causal past will be prevented. You alone will die.
You wouldn’t take a trustworthy 0.001 probability of that reward and a 0.999 probability of death, over the status quo? I would go for it so fast that there’d be speed lines on my quarks.
Really, this whole debate is just about people being told “X utilons” and interpreting utility as having diminishing marginal utility—I don’t see any reason to suppose there’s more to it than that.
There’s no reason for Omega to kill me in the winning outcome...
Well, I’m not as altruistic as you are. But there must be some positive X such that even you wouldn’t take a trustworthy X probability of that reward and a 1-X probability of death, over the status quo, right? Suppose you’ve drawn enough cards to win this prize, what new prize can Omega offer you to entice you to draw another card?
Omega’s a bastard. So what?
WHAT? Are you honestly sure you’re THAT not as altruistic as I am?
There’s the problem of whether the scenario I described which involves a “forever” and “over all space” actually has infinite utility compared to increments in my own life which even if I would otherwise live forever would be over an infinitesimal fraction of all space, but if we fix that with a rather smaller prize that I would still accept, then yes of course.
Heal this Reality plus another three?
That’s fine, I just didn’t know if that detail had some implication that I was missing.
Yes, I’m pretty sure, although I leave open the possibility that I may encounter an argument in the future that would persuade me to change my mind. My understanding is that most people have preferences like mine, so I’m surprised that you’re so surprised.
It seems that I had missed the earlier posts on bounded vs. unbounded utility functions. I’ll follow up there to avoid retreading old ground.
I’m shocked, and I hadn’t thought that most people had preferences like yours—at least would not verbally express such preferences; their “real” preferences being a whole separate moral issue beyond that. I would have thought that it would be mainly psychopaths, the Rand-damaged, and a few unfortunate moral philosophers with mistaken metaethics, who would decline that offer.
I guess I would follow up with these questions: (1) When you see someone else hurting, or attend a friend’s funeral, do you feel sad; (2) are you more viscerally afraid of your own death than the strength of that emotion, if comparing two single cases; (3) do you decline to multiply out of a deliberate belief that all events after your own death ought to have zero utility to you, even if they feel sad when you think about them now; or (4) do you just generally want to leave the intuitive judgment (2) with its innate lack of multiplication undisturbed?
Or if I’m asking the wrong questions here, then what is going on? I would expect most humans to instinctively feel that their whole tribe, to say nothing of the entire rest of reality, was worth something; and I would expect a rationalist to understand that if their own life does not literally have lexicographic priority (i.e., lives of others have infinitesimal=0 value in the utility function) then the multiplication factor here is overwhelming; and I would also expect you, Wei Dai, to not mistakenly believe that you were rationally forced to be lexicographically selfish regardless of your feelings… so I’m really not clear on what could be going on here.
I guess my most important question would be: Do you feel that way, or are you deciding that way? In the former case, I might just need to make a movie showing one individual after another being healed, and after you’d seen enough of them, you would agree—the visceral emotional force having become great enough. In the latter case I’m not sure what’s going on.
PS again: Would you accept a 60% probability of death in exchange for healing the rest of reality?
1: Yes. 2: Yes. 3: No. 4: I see a number of reasons not to do straight multiplication:
Straight multiplication leads to an absurd degree of unconcern for oneself, given that the number of potential people is astronomical. It means, for example, that you can’t watch a movie for enjoyment, unless that somehow increases your productivity for saving the world. (In the least convenient world, watching movies uses up time without increasing productivity.)
No one has proposed a form of utilitarianism that is free from paradoxes (e.g., the Repugnant Conclusion).
My current position resembles the “Proximity argument” from Revisiting torture vs. dust specks:
This agrees with my intuitive judgment and also seems to have relatively few philosophical problems, compared to valuing everyone equally without any kind of discounting.
My last bullet above already answered this, but I’ll repeat for clarification: it’s both.
This should be clear from my answers above as well, but yes.
Oh, ’ello. Glad to see somebody still remembers the proximity argument. But it’s adapted to our world where you generally cannot kill a million distant people to make one close relative happy. If we move to a world where Omegas regularly ask people difficult questions, a lot of people adopting proximity reasoning will cause a huge tragedy of the commons.
About Eliezer’s question, I’d exchange my life for a reliable 0.001 chance of healing reality, because I can’t imagine living meaningfully after being offered such a wager and refusing it. Can’t imagine how I’d look other LW users in the eye, that’s for sure.
I publicly rejected the offer, and don’t feel like a pariah here. I wonder what is the actual degree of altruism among LW users. Should we set up a poll and gather some evidence?
Cooperation is a different consideration from preference. You can prefer only to keep your own “body” in certain dynamics, no matter what happens to the rest of the world, and still benefit the most from, roughly speaking, helping other agents. Which can include occasional self-sacrifice a la counterfactual mugging.
I’d be interested to know what you think of Critical-Level Utilitarianism and Population-Relative Betterness as ways of avoiding the repugnant conclusion and other problems.
So does your answer change once you’ve drawn 10 cards and are still alive?
No, if my guess is correct, then some time before I’m offered the 11th card, Omega will say “I can’t double your utility again” or equivalently, “There is no prize I can offer you such that you’d prefer a .5 probability of it to keeping what you have.”
After further thought, I see that case (B) can be quite paradoxical. Consider Eliezer’s utility function, which is supposedly unbounded as a function of how many years he lives. In other words, Omega can increase Eliezer’s utility without bound just by giving him increasingly longer lives. Expected utility maximization then dictates that he keeps drawing cards one after another, even though he knows that by doing so, with probability 1 he won’t live to enjoy his rewards.
When you go to infinity, you’d need to define additional mathematical structure that answers your question. You can’t just conclude that the correct course of action is to keep drawing cards for eternity, doing nothing else. Even if at each moment the right action is to draw one more card, when you consider the overall strategy, the strategy of drawing cards for all time may be a wrong strategy.
For example, consider the following preference on infinite strings. A string has utility 0, unless it has the form 11111.....11112222...., that is a finite number of 1 followed by infinite number of 2, in which case its utility is the number of 1s. Clearly, a string of this form with one more 1 has higher utility than a string without, and so a string with one more 1 should be preferred. But a string consisting only of 1s doesn’t have the non-zero-utility form, because it doesn’t have the tail of infinite number of 2s. It’s a fallacy to follow an incremental argument to infinity. Instead, one must follow a one-step argument that considers the infinite objects as whole.
See also Arntzenius, Elga, and Hawthorne: “Bayesianism, Infinite Decisions, and Binding”.
See also Arntzenius, Elga, and Hall: “Bayesianism, Infinite Decisions, and Binding”.
What you say sounds reasonable, but I’m not sure how I can apply it in this example. Can you elaborate?
Consider Eliezer’s choice of strategies at the beginning of the game. He can either stop after drawing n cards for some integer n, or draw an infinite number of cards. First, (supposing it takes 10 seconds to draw a card)
EU(draw an infinite number of cards) = 1⁄2 U(live 10 seconds) + 1⁄4 U(live 20 seconds) + 1⁄8 U(live 30 seconds) …
which obviously converges to a small number. On the other hand, EU(stop after n+1 cards) > EU(stop after n cards) for all n. So what should he do?
This exposes a hole in the problem statement: what does the Omega’s prize measure? We determined that U0 is the counterfactual where Omega kills you, U1 is the counterfactual where it does nothing, but what is U2=U1+3*(U1-U0)? This seems to be the expected utility of the event where you draw the lucky card, in which case this event contains, in particular, your future decisions to continue drawing cards. But if it’s so, it places a limit on how your utility can be improved further during the latter rounds, since if your utility continues to increase, it contradicts the statement in the first round that your utility is going to be only U2, and no more. Utility can’t change, as each utility is a valuation of a specific event in the sample space.
So, the alternative formulation that removes this contradiction is for Omega to only assert that the expected utility given that you receive a lucky card is no less than U2. In this case the right strategy seems to be continue drawing cards indefinitely, since the utility you receive could be in something other than your own life, now spent drawing cards only.
This however seems to sidestep the issue. What if the only utility you see is in the future actions you do, which don’t include picking cards, and you can’t interleave cards with other actions, that is you must allot a given amount of time to picking cards.
You can recast the problem of choosing each of the infinite number of decisions (or one among all available in some sense infinite sequences of decisions) to the problem of choosing a finite “seed” strategy for making decisions. Say, only a finite number of strategies is available, for example only what fits in the memory of the computer that starts the enterprise, that could since the start of the experiment be expanded, but the first version has a specified limit. In this case, the right program is as close to Busy Beaver is you can get, that is you draw cards as long as possible, but only finitely long, and after that you stop and go on to enjoy the actual life.
Why are you treating time as infinite? Surely it’s finite, just taking unbounded values?
But you’re not asked to decide a strategy for all of time. You can change your decision at every round freely.
You can’t change any fixed thing, you can only determine it. Change is a timeful concept. Change appears when you compare now and tomorrow, not when you compare the same thing with itself. You can’t change the past, and you can’t change the future. What you can change about the future is your plan for the future, or your knowledge: as the time goes on, your idea about a fact in the now becomes a different idea tomorrow.
When you “change” your strategy, what you are really doing is changing your mind about what you’re planning. The question you are trying to answer is what to actually do, what decisions to implement at each point. A strategy for all time is a generator of decisions at each given moment, an algorithm that runs and outputs a stream of decisions. If you know something about each particular decision, you can make a general statement about the whole stream. If you know that each next decision is going to be “accept” as opposed to “decline”, you can prove that the resulting stream is equivalent to an infinite stream that only answers “accept”, at all steps. And at the end, you have a process, the consequences of your decision-making algorithm consist in all of the decisions. You can’t change that consequence, as the consequence is what actually happens, if you changed your mind about making a particular decision along the way, the effect of that change is already factored in in the resulting stream of actions.
The consequentialist preference is going to compare the effect of the whole infinite stream of potential decisions, and until you know about the finiteness of the future, the state space is going to contain elements corresponding to the infinite decision traces. In this state space, there is an infinite stream corresponding to one deciding to continue picking cards for eternity.
Thanks, I understand now.
Is there something I can take that would help me understand that better?
I’m more or less talking just about infinite streams, which is a well-known structure in math. You can try looking at the following references. Or find something else.
P. Cousot & R. Cousot (1992). `Inductive definitions, semantics and abstract interpretations’. In POPL ’92: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages, pp. 83-94, New York, NY, USA. ACM.
J. J. M. M. Rutten (2003). `Behavioural differential equations: a coinductive calculus of streams, automata, and power series’. Theor. Comput. Sci. 308(1-3):1-53.
Does Omega’s utility doubling cover the contents of the as-yet-untouched deck? It seems to me that it’d be pretty spiffy re: my utility function for the deck to have a reduced chance of killing me.
At first I thought this was pretty funny, but even if you were joking, it may actually map to the extinction problem, since each new technology has a chance of making extinction less likely, as well. As an example, nuclear technology had some probability of killing everyone, but also some probability of making Orion ships possible, allowing diaspora.
While I’m gaming the system, my lifetime utility function (if I have one) could probably be doubled by giving me a reasonable suite of superpowers, some of which would let me identify the rest of the cards in the deck (X-ray vision, precog powers, etc.) or be protected from whatever mechanism the skull cards use to kill me (immunity to electricity or just straight-up invulnerability). Is it a stipulation of the scenario that nothing Omega does to tweak the utility function upon drawing a star affects the risks of drawing from the deck, directly or indirectly?
It should be, especially since the existential-risk problems that we’re trying to model aren’t known to come with superpowers or other such escape hatches.
Yeesh. I’m changing my mind again tonight. My only excuse is that I’m sick, so I’m not thinking as straight as I might.
I was originally thinking that Vladimir Nesov’s reformulation showed that I would always accept Omega’s wager. But now I see that at some point U1+3*(U1-U0) must exceed any upper bound (assuming I survive that long).
Given U1 (utility of refusing initial wager), U0 (utility of death), U_max, and U_n (utility of refusing wager n assuming you survive that long), it might be possible that there is a sequence of wagers that (i) offer positive expected utility at each step; (ii) asymptotically approach the upper bound if you survive; and (iii) have a probability of survival approaching zero. I confess I’m in no state to cope with the math necessary to give such a sequence or disprove its existence.
There is no such sequence. Proof:
In order for wager n to be nonnegative expected utility, P(death)*U_0 + (1-P(death))*U_(n+1) >= U_n. Equivalently, P(death this time | survived until n) ⇐ (U_(n+1)-U_n) / (U_(n+1)-U0).
Assume the worst case, equality. Then the cumulative probability of survival decreases by exactly the same factor as your utility (conditioned on survival) increases. This is simple multiplication, so it’s true of a sequence of borderline wagers too.
With a bounded utility function, the worst sequence of wagers you’ll accept in total is P(death) ⇐ (U_max-U0)/(U1-U0). Which is exactly what you’d expect.
When there’s an infinite number of wagers, there can be a distinction between accepting the whole sequence at one go and accepting each wager one after another. (There’s a paradox associated with this distinction, but I forget what it’s called.) Your second-last sentence seems to be a conclusion about accepting the whole sequence at one go, but I’m worried about accepting each wager one after another. Is the distinction important here?
Are you thinking of the Riemann series theorem? That doesn’t apply when the payoff matrix for each bet is the same (and finite).
No, it was this thing. I just couldn’t articulate it.
A bounded utility function probably gets you out of all problems along those lines.
Certainly it’s good in the particular case: your expected utility (in the appropriate sense) is an increasing function of bets you accept and increasing sequences don’t have convergence issues.
How would you bound your utility function? Just pick some arbitrary converging function f, and set utility’ = f(utility)? That seems arbitrary. I suspect it might also make theorems about expectation maximization break down.
No, I’m not advocating changing utility functions. I’m just saying that if your utility function is bounded, you don’t have either of these problems with infinity. You don’t have the convergence problem nor the original problem of probability of the good outcome going to zero. Of course, you still have the result that you keep making bets till your utility is maxed out with very low probability, which bothers some people.
How would it help if this sequence existed?
If the sequence exists, then the paradox* persists even in the face of bounded utility functions. (Or possibly it already persists, as Vladimir Nesov argued and you agreed, but my cold-virus-addled wits aren’t sharp enough to see it.)
* The paradox is that each wager has positive expected utility, but accepting all wagers leads to death almost surely.
Ah. So you don’t want the sequence to exist.
In the sense that if it exists, then it’s a bullet I will bite.
Why is rejection of mathematical expectation an unworkable solution?
This isn’t the only scenario where straight expectation is problematic. Pascal’s Mugging, timeless decision theory, and maximization of expected growth rate come to mind. That makes four.
In my opinion, LWers should not give expected utility maximization the same axiomatic status that they award consequentialism. Is this worth a top level post?
This is exactly my take on it also.
There is a model which is standard in economics which say “people maximize expected utility; risk averseness arises because utility functions are concave”. This has always struck me as extremely fishy, for two reasons: (a) it gives rise to paradoxes like this, and (b) it doesn’t at all match what making a choice feels like for me: if someone offers me a risky bet, I feel inclined to reject it because it is risky, not because I have done some extensive integration of my utility function over all possible outcomes. So it seems a much safer assumption to just assume that people’s preferences are a function from probability distributions of outcomes, rather than making the more restrictive assumption that that function has to arise as an integral over utilities of individual outcomes.
So why is the “expected utility” model so popular? A couple of months ago I came across a blog-post which provides one clue: it pointed out that standard zero-sum game theory works when players maximize expected utility, but does not work if they have preferences about probability distributions of outcomes (since then introducing mixed strategies won’t work).
So an economist who wants to apply game theory will be inclined to assume that actors are maximizing expected utility; but we LWers shouldn’t necessarily.
Do you mean concave?
Technically speaking, isn’t maximizing expected utility a special case of having preferences about probability distributions about outcomes? So maybe you should instead say “does not work elegantly if they have arbitrary preferences about probability distributions.”
This is what I tend to do when I’m having conversations in real life; let’s see how it works online :-)
Yes, thanks. I’ve fixed it.
What does it mean, technically, to have a preference “about” probability distributions?
I think I and John Maxwell IV mean the same thing, but here is the way I would phrase it. Suppose someone is offering me the pick a ticket for one of a range of different lotteries. Each lottery offers the same set of prizes, but depending on which lottery I participate in, the probability of winning them is different.
I am an agent, and we assume I have a preference order on the lotteries—e.g. which ticket I want the most, which ticket I want the least, and which tickets I am indifferent between. The action that will be rational for me to take depends on which ticket I want.
I am saying that a general theory of rational action should deal with arbitrary preference orders for the tickets. The more standard theory restricts attention to preference orders that arise from first assigning a utility value to each prize and then computing the expected utility for each ticket.
Let’s define an “experiment” as something that randomly changes an agent’s utility based on some probability density function. An agent’s “desire” for a given experiment is the amount of utility Y such that the agent is indifferent between the experiment occurring and having their utility changed by Y.
From Pfft we see that economists assume that for any given agent and any given experiment, the agent’s desire for the experiment is equal to
dx), where x is an amount of utility and f(x) gives the probability that the experiment’s outcome will be changing the agent’s utility by x. In other words, economists assume that agents desire experiments according to their expectation, which is not necessarily a good assumption.Hmm… I hope you interpret your own words so that what you write comes out correct, your language is imprecise and at first I didn’t see a way to read what you wrote that made sense.
When I reread your comment to which I asked my question with this new perspective, the question disappeared. By “preference about probability distributions” you simply mean preference over events, that doesn’t necessarily satisfy expected utility axioms.
ETA: Note that in this case, there isn’t necessarily a way of assigning (subjective) probabilities, as subjective probabilities follow from preferences, but only if the preferences are of the right form. Thus, saying that those not-expected-utility preferences are over probability distributions is more conceptually problematic than saying that they are over events. If you don’t use probabilities in the decision algorithm, probabilities don’t mean anything.
I am eager to improve. Please give specific suggestions.
Hm? I thought subjective probabilities followed from prior probabilities and observed evidence and stuff. What do preferences have to do with them?
Are you using my technical definition of event or the standard definition?
Probably I should not have redefined “event”; I now see that my use is nonstandard. Hopefully I can clarify things. Let’s say I am going to roll a die and give you a number of dollars equal to the number of spots on the face left pointing upward. According to my (poorly chosen) use of the word “event”, the process of rolling the die is an “event”. According to what I suspect the standard definition is, the die landing with 4 spots face up would be an “event”. To clear things up, I suggest that we refer to the rolling of the die as an “experiment”, and 4 spots landing face up as an “outcome”. I’m going to rewrite my comment with this new terminology. I’m also replacing “value” with “desire”, for what it’s worth.
The way I want to evaluate the desirability of an experiment is more complicated than simply computing its expected value. But I still use probabilities. I would not give Pascal’s mugger any money. I would think very carefully about an experiment that had a 99% probability of getting me killed and a 1% probability of generating 101 times as much utility as I expect to generate in my lifetime, whereas a perfect expected utility maximizer would take this deal in an instant. Etc.
Roughly speaking, event is a set of alternative possibilities. So, the whole roll of a die is an event (set of all possible outcomes of a roll), as well as specific outcomes (sets that contain a single outcome). See probability space for a more detailed definition.
One way of defining prior and utility is just by first taking a preference over the events of sample space, and then choosing any pair prior+utility such that expected utility calculated from them induces the same order on events. Of course, the original order on events has to be “nice” in some sense for it to be possible to find prior+utility that have this property.
Any observations and updating consist in choosing what events you work with. Once prior is fixed, it never changes.
(Of course, you should read up on the subject in greater detail than I hint at.)
Um, isn’t that obviously wrong? It sounds like your are suggesting that we say “I like playing blackjack better than playing the lottery, so I should choose a prior probability of winning each and a utility associated with winning each so that that preference will remain consistent when I switch from ‘preference mode’ to ‘utilitarian mode’.” Wouldn’t it be better to choose the utilities of winning based on the prizes they give? And choose the priors for each based on studying the history of each game carefully?
Events are sets of outcomes, right? It sounds like you are suggesting that people update their probabilities by reshuffling which outcomes go with which events. Aren’t events just a layer of formality over outcomes? Isn’t real learning what happens when you change your estimations of the probabilities of outcomes, not when you reclassify them?
It almost seems to me as if we are talking past each other… I think I need a better background on this stuff. Can you recommend any books that explain probability for the layman? I already read a large section of one, but apparently it wasn’t very good...
Although I do think there is a chance you are wrong. I see you mixing up outcome-desirability estimates with chance-of-outcome estimates, which seems obviously bad.
If you don’t want the choice of preference to turn out bad for you, choose good preference ;-) There is no freedom in choosing your preference, as the “choice” is itself a decision-concept, defined in terms of preference, and can’t be a party to the definition of preference. When you are speaking of a particular choice of preference being bad or foolish, you are judging this choice from the reference frame of some other preference, while with preference as foundation of decision-making, you can’t go through this step. It really is that arbitrary. See also: Priors as Mathematical Objects, Probability is Subjectively Objective.
You are confusing probability space and its prior (the fundamental structure that bind the rest together) with random variables and their probability distributions (things that are based on probability space and that “interact” with each other through the definition in terms of the common probability space, restricted to common events). Informally, when you update a random variable given evidence (event) X, it means that you recalculate the probability distribution of that variable only based on the remaining elements of the probability space within event X. Since this can often be done using other probability distributions of various variables lying around, you don’t always see the probability space explicitly.
Well, rejection’s not a solution per se until you pick something justifiable to replace it with.
I’d be interested in a top-level post on the subject.
If this condition makes a difference to you, your answer must also be to take as many cards as Omega has to offer.
I don’t follow.
(My assertion implies that Omega cannot double my utility indefinitely, so it’s inconsistent with the problem as given.)
You’ll just have to construct a less convenient possible world where Omega has merely trillion cards and not an infinite amount of them, and answer the question about taking a trillion cards, which, if you accept the lottery all the way, leaves you with 2 to the trillionth power odds of dying. Find my reformulation of the topic problem here.
Gotcha. Nice reformulation.
Can we apply that to decisions about very-long-term-but-not-infinitely-long times and very-small-but-not-infinitely-small risks?
Hmm… it appears not. So I don’t think that helps us.
Where did you get the term “satisfice”? I just read that dutch-book post, and while Eliezer points out the flaw in demanding that the Bayesian take the infinite bet, I didn’t see the word ‘satisficing’ in their anywhere.
Huh, I must have “remembered” that term into the post. What I mean is more succinctly put in this comment.
This question still confuses me, though; if it’s a reasonable strategy to stop at N in the infinite case, but not a reasonable strategy to stop at N if there are only N^^^N iterations… something about it disturbs me, and I’m not sure that Eliezer’s answer is actually a good patch for the St. Petersburg Paradox.
It’s an old AI term meaning roughly “find a solution that isn’t (likely) optimal, but good enough for some purpose, without too much effort”. It implies that either your computer is too slow for it to be economical to find the true optimum under your models, or that you’re too dumb to come up with the right models, thus the popularity of the idea in AI research.
You can be impressed if someone starts with a criteria for what “good enough” means, and then comes up with a method they can prove meets the criteria. Otherwise it’s spin.
I’m more used to it as a psychology (or behavior econ) term for a specific, psychologically realistic, form of bounded rationality. In particular, I’m used to it being negative! (that is, a heuristic which often degenerates produces a bias)
If I draw cards until I die, my expected utility is positive infinity. Though I will almost surely die and end up with utility 0, it is logically possible that I will never die, and end up with a utility of positive infinity. In this case, 10 + 0(positive infinity) = positive infinity.
The next paragraph requires that you assume our initial utility is 1.
If you want, warp the problem into an isomorphic problem where the probabilities are different and all utilities are finite. (Isn’t it cool how you can do that?) In the original problem, there’s always a 5⁄6 chance of utility doubling and a 1⁄6 chance of it going to 1⁄2. (Being dead isn’t THAT bad, I guess.) Let’s say that where your utility function was U(w), it is now f(U(w)), where f(x) = 1 − 1/(2 + log_2 x). In this case, the utilities 1⁄2, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, . . . become 0, 1⁄2, 2⁄3, 3⁄4, 4⁄5, 5⁄6, . . . . So, your initial utility is 1⁄2, and Omega will either lower your utility to 0 or raise it by applying the function U’ = U/(U + 1). Your expected utility after drawing once was previously U’ = 5⁄3U + 1⁄2; it’s now… okay, my math-stamina has run out. But if you calculate expected utility, and then calculate the probability that results in that expected utility, I’m betting that you’ll end up with a 1⁄2 probability of ever* dying.
(The above paragraph surrounding a nut: any universe can be interpreted as one where the probabilities are different and the utility function has been changed to match… often, probably.)
I don’t believe in quantifyable utility (and thus not in doubled utility) so I take no cards. But yeah, that looks like a way to make utilitarian equivalent to suicidal.
This is completely off topic (and maybe I’m just not getting the joke) but does Many Worlds necessarily imply many human worlds? Star Trek tropes aside, I was under the impression that Many Worlds only mattered to gluons and Shrodinger’s Cat—that us macro creatures are pretty much screwed.
You were joking, weren’t you? I like jokes.
“Many worlds” here is shorthand for “every time some event happens that has more than one possible outcome, for every possible outcome, there is (or comes into being) a world in which that was the outcome.”
As far as the truth or falsity of Many Worlds mattering to us—I don’t think it can matter, if you maximize expected utility (over the many worlds).
That is not what Many Wolds says. It is only about quantum outcomes, not “possible” outcomes.
Double your utility for the rest of your life compared to what? If you draw cards until you die, that sounds like it just means you have twice as much fun drawing cards as you would have without help. I guess that could be lots of fun if you’re the kind of person who gets a rush off of Russian roulette under normal circumstances, but if you’re not, you’d probably be better off flipping off Omega and watching some TV.
What if your utility would have been negative? Doesn’t doubling it make it twice as bad?
Good point. Better not draw a card if you have negative utility.
Just trust that Omega can double your utility, for the sake of argument. If you stop before you die, you get all those doublings of utility for the rest of your life.
I’d certainly draw one card. But would I stop drawing cards?
Thinking about this in commonsense terms is misleading, because we can’t imagine the difference between 8x utility and 16x utility. But we have a mathematical theory about rationality. Just apply that, and you find the results seem unsatisfactory.
I can’t even imagine doubling my utility once, if we’re only talking about selfish preferences. If I understand vNM utility correctly, then a doubling of my personal utility is a situation which I’d be willing to accept a 50% chance of death in order to achieve (assuming that my utility is scaled so that U(dead) = 0, and without setting a constant level, we can’t talk about doubling utility). Given my life at the moment (apartment with mortgage, two chronically ill girlfriends, decent job with unpleasantly long commute, moderate physical and mental health), and thinking about the best possible life I could have (volcano lair, catgirls), I wouldn’t be willing to take that bet. Intuition has already failed me on this one. If Omega can really deliver on his promise, then either he’s offering a lifestyle literally beyond my wildest dreams, or he’s letting me include my preferences for other people in my utility function, in which case I’ll probably have cured cancer by the tenth draw or so, and I’ll run into the same breakdown of intuition after about seventy draws, by which time everyone else in the world should have their own volcano lairs and catgirls.
With the problem as stated, any finite number of draws is the rational choice, because the proposed utility of N draws outweighs the risk of death, no matter how high N is. The probability of death is always less than 1 for a finite number of draws. I don’t think that considering the limit as N approaches infinity is valid, because every time you have to decide whether or not to draw a card, you’ve only drawn a finite number of cards so far. Certainty of death also occurs in the same limit as infinite utility, and infinite utility has its own problems, as discussed elsewhere in this thread. It might also leave you open to Pascal’s Scam—give me $5 and I’ll give you infinite utility!
I agree—to keep drawing until you draw a skull seems wrong. However, to say that something “seems unsatisfactory” is a statement of intuition, not mathematics. Our intuition can’t weigh the value of exponentially increasing utility against the cost of an exponentionally diminishing chance of survival, so it’s no wonder that the mathematically derived answer doesn’t sit well with intuition.
This is known as the Deck of Many Things in the D&D community. What you do is make commoners each draw a card and rob those that survive.
Edit: Haha, disregard that, I suck cocks.
Edit, edit: Seriously though, I assign minus infinity to my death. Thus I never knowingly endanger myself. Thus I draw no cards. I also round tiny probabilities down to zero so I can go outside despite the risk of meteors.