It’s about him always having claimed to be a Slytherin.
Despite actually being… a Ravenclaw?
That doesn’t sound like the kind of claim you could get away with it, and Quirrell should know that, but he still makes it, and… gets away with it?
Doesn’t any current Hogwarts student have parents/relatives/family friends who knew Quirrell from his time back at school?
And it’s blindingly, blitheringly obvious by this point that Quirrell is H&C. Too obvious.
Why would Quirrell orchestrate this in a way that ends in him being interrogated by the DMLE? Compare with his attempted Dementation of Harry.
In fact, the same thing would apply even if he weren’t H&C. I’d expect him to have come up with a better way of handling it. One with more plausible deniability.
Conclusion: Quirrell planned to be interrogated by the DMLE. Quirrell planned to have his cover blown. Why? I haven’t the slightest idea.
I still don’t know what to make of the Ravenclaw thing, though.
Edit: Just checked to see if Quirrell had actually claimed to be in Slytherin instead of just implying it. Yes, he had.
Yes, I was in Slytherin and I am offering to formulate a cunning plot on your behalf, if that is what it takes to accomplish your desire.
Speculation on the Slytherin/Ravenclaw issue: Quirrell is a double impostor. He’s Voldemort possessing a Slytherin (name unknown) and pretending to be that Slytherin pretending to be a Ravenclaw named Quirinus Quirrell. Dumbledore knows about one level of the masquerade, and accepts the explanation that the Slytherin of unknown name is a private person. Quirinus Quirrell may be an entirely constructed identity, although that would make it less likely for him to have failed to remember some of the details of it under interrogation.
Voldemort himself seems like a pretty artificial persona. I think it’s better to think of both Voldemort and Quirrell as Riddle’s inventions, not directly related to one another.
But why would he go out and tell all his students that he was a Slytherin? That’s effectively admitting that he’s an impostor.
(Unless, of course, it is a purely constructed identity. In which case even the records about his time at Hogwarts would’ve had to be fabricated. In which case… Why would he pick Ravenclaw rather than Slytherin?)
I am noticeably confused. I think the simplest explanation for this mixup about Quirrel’s house is that EY forgot that he’d said he was in Slytherin earlier.
The line about having been sorted into Ravenclaw could be as fake as the Fuyuki City thing, Scrimgeour’s play. Quirrell’s apparent failure could just be a way of getting temporarily detained, while Dumbedore’s looking for Riddle and Harry wants his help. His cover could actually be pretty solid, so he’d just shrug off Scrimgeour’s suspicions once it’s time to go.
I don’t think he’s worried by the Marauder’s Map. If he knew it could expose him he’d have already taken it from Fred and George.
Of course, there is no possible way that he does not have his exit from Hogwarts entirely planned out. But it’s still April, so I don’t think he plans on leaving quite yet.
He may not know of the Map’s existence. He may be afraid of Dumbledore having some, possibly unknown to Quirrel, spells (or Hogwarts wards) for locating people by their names.
But no doubt Dumbledore will hold on to the map for when Quirrell returns. But seeing as he may well be (intentionally) blowing his cover, that may not be for some time.
It’s not just about him not bothering to check whether he had a visa to Fuyuki city.
It’s about him always having claimed to be a Slytherin.
Despite actually being… a Ravenclaw?
That doesn’t sound like the kind of claim you could get away with it, and Quirrell should know that, but he still makes it, and… gets away with it?
Doesn’t any current Hogwarts student have parents/relatives/family friends who knew Quirrell from his time back at school?
And it’s blindingly, blitheringly obvious by this point that Quirrell is H&C. Too obvious.
Why would Quirrell orchestrate this in a way that ends in him being interrogated by the DMLE? Compare with his attempted Dementation of Harry.
In fact, the same thing would apply even if he weren’t H&C. I’d expect him to have come up with a better way of handling it. One with more plausible deniability.
Conclusion: Quirrell planned to be interrogated by the DMLE. Quirrell planned to have his cover blown. Why? I haven’t the slightest idea.
I still don’t know what to make of the Ravenclaw thing, though.
Edit: Just checked to see if Quirrell had actually claimed to be in Slytherin instead of just implying it. Yes, he had.
Chapter 16.
Edit: Of course he planned to be interrogated; he couldn’t afford to be inside Hogwarts when Dumbledore began searching for Tom Riddle.
I still don’t know why he’d want to blow his cover, though.
Speculation on the Slytherin/Ravenclaw issue: Quirrell is a double impostor. He’s Voldemort possessing a Slytherin (name unknown) and pretending to be that Slytherin pretending to be a Ravenclaw named Quirinus Quirrell. Dumbledore knows about one level of the masquerade, and accepts the explanation that the Slytherin of unknown name is a private person. Quirinus Quirrell may be an entirely constructed identity, although that would make it less likely for him to have failed to remember some of the details of it under interrogation.
Voldemort himself seems like a pretty artificial persona. I think it’s better to think of both Voldemort and Quirrell as Riddle’s inventions, not directly related to one another.
But why would he go out and tell all his students that he was a Slytherin? That’s effectively admitting that he’s an impostor.
(Unless, of course, it is a purely constructed identity. In which case even the records about his time at Hogwarts would’ve had to be fabricated. In which case… Why would he pick Ravenclaw rather than Slytherin?)
I am noticeably confused. I think the simplest explanation for this mixup about Quirrel’s house is that EY forgot that he’d said he was in Slytherin earlier.
The line about having been sorted into Ravenclaw could be as fake as the Fuyuki City thing, Scrimgeour’s play. Quirrell’s apparent failure could just be a way of getting temporarily detained, while Dumbedore’s looking for Riddle and Harry wants his help. His cover could actually be pretty solid, so he’d just shrug off Scrimgeour’s suspicions once it’s time to go.
I don’t think he’s worried by the Marauder’s Map. If he knew it could expose him he’d have already taken it from Fred and George.
Of course, there is no possible way that he does not have his exit from Hogwarts entirely planned out. But it’s still April, so I don’t think he plans on leaving quite yet.
He may not know of the Map’s existence. He may be afraid of Dumbledore having some, possibly unknown to Quirrel, spells (or Hogwarts wards) for locating people by their names.
But no doubt Dumbledore will hold on to the map for when Quirrell returns. But seeing as he may well be (intentionally) blowing his cover, that may not be for some time.