(5) Q1 2026: The next version comes online. It is released, but it refuses to help with ML research. Leaks indicate that it doesn’t refuse to help with ML research internally, and in fact is heavily automating the process at its parent corporation. It’s basically doing all the work by itself; the humans are basically just watching the metrics go up and making suggestions and trying to understand the new experiments it’s running and architectures it’s proposing.
Twas just a guess, I think it could go either way. In fact these days I’d guess they wouldn’t release it at all; the official internal story would be it’s for security and safety reasons.
@Daniel Kokotajlo, why do you think they would release it?
Twas just a guess, I think it could go either way. In fact these days I’d guess they wouldn’t release it at all; the official internal story would be it’s for security and safety reasons.