Awesome, congratulations for the start of your networking journey!
Even though it can be really disheartening, remember that failure is an inevitable part of the journey. Remember the Edison quote: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Severin T. Seehrich
My covid-related beliefs and questions
Tend to your clarity, not your confusion
Yep, I’m currently finding the balance between adding enough examples to posts and being sufficiently un-perfectionistic that I post at all.
My current main criterion is something like “Do these people make me feel good, empowered, and give me a sense of community?” I expect that to change over time.
If a simple integer doesn’t work for you, maybe split the two columns into several different categories? If you want to go fancy, weighted factor modelling might be a good tool for that.
Feel free to adapt it however it makes sense for you. :)
It’s all about the difference: If they are the same, leave everything as is. If “want” is higher than “is”, make some intentional decisions to invest into that relationship more. If “want” is lower than “is”, ask yourself wtf is going on there and how to change it.
I actually told the most hippie human on my list (spending months on rainbow gatherings-level hippie) that she’s on it. To my surprise, she felt unambiguously flattered. Seems like the people who know me trust that I can be intentional without being objectifying. :)
The Dunbar Playbook: A CRM system for your friends
Yea, but I don’t remember claiming anywhere that I can cure anybody’s depression, and don’t really intend to ever do that...?
I did not recommend any particular intervention in my post. I just tried to explain some part of my understanding of how new psycho- and social technologies are generated, and what conclusions I draw from that.
If you expect most if not all established therapeutic interventions to not survive the replication crisis—what would you consider sufficient evidence for using or suggesting a certain intervention?
For example, a friend of mine felt blue today and I sent them a video of an animated dancing seal without extensively googling for meta-analyses on the effect of cute seal videos on peoples’ moods beforehand. Would you say I had sufficient evidence to assume that doing so is better than not doing so? Or did I commit epistemic sin in making that decision? This is an honest question, because I don’t yet get your point.
Agreed. But sitting around and sulking is a bummer, so I rather keep learning, exploring, and sometimes finding things that work for me.
So, in other words—I am wrong, hippies are wrong, and most if not all therapies that look so far like they are backed by evidence are likely wrong, too.
Who or what do you suggest we turn to for fixing our stuff?
Yep, added a reference to survivorship bias to the text. Thanks.
Well, there goes that bit of overconfidence. Thanks. “How can I help?” FAQ
Sequence opener: Jordan Harbinger’s 6 minute networking
Advice for newly busy people
Agreed—I added the 7th point to the list now to account for this.
Interesting arguments going on on the e/acc Twitter side of this debate: