Up and coming writer of rational fiction alexandarwhales has started a new story. The Metropolitan Man
The year is 1934, and Superman has arrived in Metropolis. Features Lex Luthor as the villain protagonist as he comes to grips with the arrival of an alien god.
With This Ring
An SI fanfic set in the DC universe. Main character is a transhumanist and tries to improve the world using his previous knowledge of the world, research, noticing things others have overlooked, and intelligent application of his powers. It’s well written. Even though the main character is very powerfull, he doesn’t come off as a Gary Stu.
Things to note.
Sometimes the words are different colors. These correspond to the different emotional states states of the characters.
Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum
Also any parts of the story where the title is red or there’s a red star, is part of the ‘Renegade Option’ side story.