Folks should be cautioned that SCP entries may be more upsetting or triggering than typical horror-sf.
There’s a lot of body horror, some disturbing images (although they tend to avoid animated “shockers”), plenty of violence, occasional mindfuckery, and at least one pretty damn disturbing implied rape/torture scenario.
I read a couple of these last night (I’ve read others long ago), not particularly scary ones − 427 and 682… and then dreamt I read more, including one that did have a “shocker” animation (after which I remember cursing you for suggesting they were rare!), and then one with a high-res gif/video of a complex artifact I can remember the vague form of—somewhat like a grey bowling-pin with brightly colored shapes rotating along its axis—abstract, but almost clownish and mundane, but still creeped me out in-dream far more than any actual article.
The SCP Foundation Wiki
A wiki about the SCP Foundation and the various SCP’s contained within.
About the Foundation
SCP Classifications
Security Clearance Levels
SCP Ethics Commity - [Audio]
Here are some SCP’s to get you started!
Folks should be cautioned that SCP entries may be more upsetting or triggering than typical horror-sf.
There’s a lot of body horror, some disturbing images (although they tend to avoid animated “shockers”), plenty of violence, occasional mindfuckery, and at least one pretty damn disturbing implied rape/torture scenario.
I read a couple of these last night (I’ve read others long ago), not particularly scary ones − 427 and 682… and then dreamt I read more, including one that did have a “shocker” animation (after which I remember cursing you for suggesting they were rare!), and then one with a high-res gif/video of a complex artifact I can remember the vague form of—somewhat like a grey bowling-pin with brightly colored shapes rotating along its axis—abstract, but almost clownish and mundane, but still creeped me out in-dream far more than any actual article.