The 200k GPU number has been mentioned since October (Elon tweet, Nvidia announcement), so are you saying that that they managed to get the model trained so fast is what beat the predictions you heard?
I met someone in SF doing this but cannot remember the name of the company! If I remember I’ll let you know
One idea I thought would be cool related to this is to have several LLMs with different ‘personalities’ each giving different kinds of feedback. Eg. a ‘critic’, an ‘aesthete’, a ‘layperson’, so just like in Google Docs where you get comments from different people, here you can get inline feedback from different kinds of readers
There is usually a Google Sheet export of the Swapcard data provided, which makes this easier—but at previous conferences other attendees were apprehensive when informed that people were doing this
Haven’t used it much but tries to let you interact with podcast episodes, here’s this episode:
What do you make of Hynix?
There is a very good Rationally Speaking podcast episode about this—one solution that is proposed by economist Ami Glazer is to not restrict pricing, but then issue vouchers or cash to those who need it. Glazer brings up that this is how the food stamp system works at present
That episode goes into other topics around this issue, like hoarding, rationing, positive externalities (eg. face masks protect not just the wearer but those around them)
A bit of a tangent, but economist Alex Tabarrok has talked about buying coal mines in order to not mine coal
One of the challenges until recently (as outlined in that link) was:
There are also some crazy “use it or lose it” laws that say that you can’t buy the right to extract a natural resource and not use it. When the high-bidder for an oil and gas lease near Arches National Park turned out to be an environmentalist the BLM cancelled the contract!
This is another one that was doing the rounds in the UK progress / YIMBY / growth space:
How interesting, I was curious about copyright etc but this is annotated by the author himself!
Base rates, historical context, it is debated in this highly-upvoted post
I don’t think this post deserves to be downvoted so much (currently sitting at −11)
Even if one disagrees with the main thesis, it’s not a low-quality post, and does add to the debate
Another good blog: