I agree that the single comment view has more boilerplate up top, but otherwise I’d say it usually fits on screens without any trouble.
I was curious about your comment so I took a look at the screenshot. You say in the bug report that you’re using a “fairly small font” setting but the font is being rendered much larger for you than I see using default IE9 and FF4 settings. Plus your picture shows the page with a serif font while the CSS specifies sans-serif. I’m not sure if it’s a browser issue or if you’re using custom settings, but in a 1600x900 view (as your screenshot size is), I can see the full comment without scrolling.
Mostly I’d like to know if other people “take 2 screens to see one permalinked comment” because I agree that reasonably short comments should be visible without scolling.
First off, let me say thank you for all the work that’s gone into the site update by everyone involved! The three changes I like most are the new header design (especially the clear separation between Main and Discussion—the old menu was too cluttered), the nearby meetup section, and the expanding karma bubbles.
I had one question about how the nearby meetup list and Location. Is the meetup list supposed to sort by location somehow? If so, what do I need to put in my location? Thanks!