The simplest among these had images that were simply translations into other languages and small syntactic variations, while others became seemingly completely random words:
tterligare -> yttre, Tillägg
“Ytterligare”, “yttre” and “tillägg” are Swedish words with related meanings. E.g. “ytterligare” means “additionally” and “tillägg” can be translated “an addition” (or appendix or amendment).
The first Google result I get for “ideal family size in america” is a 2023 Gallup poll according to which 44% of Americans who had an opinion think two children is the idea family size, and 45% that three or more children is.
My current impression is that most people would prefer to have more children than they actually end up having, but there are various societal forces in play making this hard, so it’ll take some time to develop the necessary social technologies to better align people’s family sizes with their preferences.