Hi, I’m the organizer. If you’re in São Paulo or nearby, please show up! We’ll have an introduction to rationality for newcomers, and talk about Systems 1 and 2, Units of Exchange and Goal Factoring.
You can get more details on the Meetup.com event https://www.meetup.com/pt-BR/Racionalidade-em-Sao-Paulo/events/253667078/ or the Facebook event https://www.facebook.com/events/255536928394025/
A more charitable interpretation is that they are trying to assume less, going a little more meta and explaining the general problem, instead of focusing on specifics that they thing are important, but might not really be.
A failure mode when people don’t try to do this is the user that asks a software developer to “just add a button that allows me to autofill this form”, when maybe there’s an automation that renders the form totally unnecessary.