Aaw no problem at all Florian, I genuinely simply enjoyed you mentioning that sleep-clone-swap thought experiment and truly wasn’t bothered at all by anything about it, thank you so much for your very interesting and kind words and your citation and link in your article, wow I am blushing now!
And thank you so much for that great post of yours and taking the time to thoroughly answer so many comments (incuding mine!) that is so kind of you and makes for such an interesting thread about this topic of entity/person/mind/consciousness/self continuity/discontinuity which is quite fascinating!
And in my humble opinion indeed it has a lot to do with question of definitions/preferences but in any case it is always interesting to read/hear about eloquently/well-spoken words about this topic, thank you so much again for that!
About creating link-to-comment, I think one way to do it is to click on the time indicator next to the author name at the top of the comment then copy that link/URL.
Also resonates strongly with my own experience, in my case just replace “ADHD” with “ME/CFS”.
I think OP description is good but quite generic i.e. it would probably resonate with most people who have a physical and/or mental health condition which is quite “taxing” in the sense that it significantly lowers the reward/effort ratio of every/most task.
As mentioned by Daniel Samuel comment, in the case of depression the “tax”/handicap would fall specifically on willpower (and/or enjoyment/pleasure/etc...). In the case of ADHD the tax/handicap would mostly fall on attention, in the case of ME/CFS it would mostly fall on energy, etc...