Tldr: from Russia, hated reading, was grateful to science, liked clever things, cheats, computers, coded since 9y, was going to become a programmer, read HPMoR at 12, but didn’t tried to solve any riddle, didn’t read sequences until 16y, until 2023 didn’t understood that rationality isn’t about Truth, it’s about Skills. Now trying to generate maximally useful thoughts, post some on LW.
More detailed version organized as Shortform comments thread:
I’ve heard about that and that looked like an evidence that you are able to untrain only things which are introspectively visible, not that it is somewhat important. Again, what about deaf-mute, what do they subvocalize? And “a bit faster”? 5000 phonemes/min, ~100/s, more looks like 1 phoneme per neuron activation. I doubt you can properly understand speech on 1000wpm.
But in general, when I started, I failed to find existing discourse and decided that it will be quicker to just check. And than it just looked too clear than I actually can at least think just visually and much, much faster than speak.
I’ll check the link though. (It’s existence explains why not more people checking this)
PS Edit: okay, I’ve read and I didn’t find anything new in this article. I will try to read link on “evidence”
And also just to check, will you also say that it’s impossible for ordinary human to read text and speak at the same time?
PPS Edit: and no, second article also hasn’t had any evidence. But still thanks, I’ve found some techniques of speed reading I’ve never heard before, only thought about by myself, so probably my ideas aren’t new even if it’s not something like math. And people converge in such topics, and end up having almost fully overlapping ideas, and I’m not exception.
And the reason why such ideas aren’t widely used probably isn’t that no one discovered that, but because people are sceptical. Like I was. 1000wpm? 20000wpm? Looks like fake for credulous.
But now I’m less sceptical even about such results because I was wrongly sceptical about such things like training of imagination, attention, intelligence, memory and willpower. And was clearly wrong. Btw, what you will say about these things?
Also I was sceptical about thinking multiple thoughts in parallel, but that was mostly because of Feynman’s and EY’s claim, and now I’m just more doubt them, after I understood it’s easily possible.