I have 3 other concrete concerns about this strategy. So if I understand it correctly, the plan is for humans to align AGI and then for that AGI to align AGI and so forth (until ASI).
What if the strategy breaks on the first step? What if first AGI turns out to be deceptive (scheming) and only pretends to be aligned with humans. It seems like if we task such deceptive AGI to align other AGIs, then we will end up with a pyramid of misaligned AGIs.
What if the strategy breaks later down the line? What if AGI #21 accidentally aligns AGI #22 to be deceptive (scheming)? Would there be any fallback mechanisms we can rely on?
What is the end goal? Do we stop once we achieve ASI? Can we stop once we achieve ASI? What if ASI doesn’t agree and instead opts to continue self-improving? Are we going to be able to get to the point where the acceleration of ASI’s intelligence plateaus and we can recuperate and plan for future?
“Well, I’m not sure. As you mention, it depends on the step size. It also depends on how vulnerable to adversarial inputs LLMs are and how easy they are to find. I haven’t looked into the research on this, but it sounds empirically checkable. If there are lots of adversarial inputs which have a wide array of impacts on LLM behavior, then it would seem very plausible that the optimized planner could find useful ones without being specifically steered in that direction.”
I am really interested in hearing CBiddulph’s thoughts on this. Do you agree with Abram?