The genie is, after all, all-powerful, so there are any number of subtle changes it could make that you didn’t specify against that would immediately make you, or someone else, wish for the world to be destroyed. If that’s the genie’s goal, you have no chance. Heck, if it can choose it’s form it could probably appear as some psycho-linguistic anomaly that hits your retina just right to make you into a person who would wish to end the world.
Really I’m just giving the genie a chance to show me that it’s a nice guy. If it’s super evil I’m doomed regardless, but this wish test (hopefully) distinguishes between a benevolent genie and one that’s going to just be a dick.
I simplify here because a lot of people think I will have contradictory expectations for a more complex event.
But I think you’re being even more picky here. Do I -expect- that increasing the amount of gold in the world will slightly affect the market value? Yes. But I haven’t wished anything related to that, my wish is -only- about some gold appearing in front of me.
Having the genie magically change how much utility I get from the gold is an even more ridiculous extension. If I wish for gold, why the heck would the genie feel it was his job to change my mental state to make me like gold more?
Possibly we just think very differently, and your ‘expectation’ of what would happen when gold appears also includes every thing you would do with that gold later, despite, among many, many things, not even knowing -when- you would speak the wish to get the gold, or what form it would appear in. And you even have in mind some specific level of happiness that you ‘expect’ to get from it. If so, you’re right, this trick will not work for you.