LessWrong is actively being redesigned. Until further notice, posts to Main have been disabled. Once the redesign is complete, LW may have multiple subs, none of which might be called ‘Main’, but one or more of which will be designated as where the nice Forest of Classic LW Stuff you’re hoping to find here. The only posts in Main recently are meetup posts and the survey, which were promoted there for visibility. Apparently, usage statistics show for the last several months Discussion has been getting much more attention than Main, so Discussion is where non-crap is. Of course, there is no more explicit division between crap and non-crap you’d expect the ‘Main’/‘Discussion’ divide to reflect. Try finding other ways to filter out crap, like reading the top posts from the previous week.
Context: Main is currently disabled; LessWrong 2.0
LessWrong is actively being redesigned. Until further notice, posts to Main have been disabled. Once the redesign is complete, LW may have multiple subs, none of which might be called ‘Main’, but one or more of which will be designated as where the nice Forest of Classic LW Stuff you’re hoping to find here. The only posts in Main recently are meetup posts and the survey, which were promoted there for visibility. Apparently, usage statistics show for the last several months Discussion has been getting much more attention than Main, so Discussion is where non-crap is. Of course, there is no more explicit division between crap and non-crap you’d expect the ‘Main’/‘Discussion’ divide to reflect. Try finding other ways to filter out crap, like reading the top posts from the previous week.
Huh. Whatever then.
Woah there! It’s called handi-capable now!