[Question] How does someone prove that their general intelligence is above average?

Many talk about IQ in many places, in all kinds of contexts and situations, and IQ can be ‘provable’ to a certain degree of reliability and consistency using methods such as Raven’s progressive matrices.

But how is the general intelligence of the individual proven to any degree of reliability/​consistency/​validity/​etc…?

The only way I can think of is successfully predicting the future in a way and publicly sharing the predictions before and after, many many many times in a row. And in such a way that no interested parties could realistically help them fake it.

And the only practical way to realize this, that I can think of now, is by predicting the largest stock markets such as the NYSE, via some kind of options trading, many many many times within say a calendar year, and then showing their average rate of their returns is significantly above random chance.

And even this is kind of iffy, since it would require sharing most of their trades publicly, along with the possibility of ‘cheating’ with insider information.

Has anyone thought about the exact methods that are feasible?

Edit: Any such methods would probably also apply to AI but I don’t want to extrapolate too far.