A better example might be literally paying for something while in a marketplace you’re not going to visit again. You don’t have much cash, you do have barter items. Barter what you’ve got, compensate for the difference. Cooperative is “yes a trade is good”, competitive is “but where on the possibility list of acceptable barters will we land”?
I guess the difficulty is that the example really does want to say “all games can be decomposed like this if they’re denominated, not just games that sound kind of like cash”, but any game without significant reputational/relationship effects is gonna sound kind of like cash.
A better example might be literally paying for something while in a marketplace you’re not going to visit again. You don’t have much cash, you do have barter items. Barter what you’ve got, compensate for the difference. Cooperative is “yes a trade is good”, competitive is “but where on the possibility list of acceptable barters will we land”?
I guess the difficulty is that the example really does want to say “all games can be decomposed like this if they’re denominated, not just games that sound kind of like cash”, but any game without significant reputational/relationship effects is gonna sound kind of like cash.